Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1384: at any time

"Yunlu, how do you feel?"

Taking the towel from the assistant, Si Jian wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked with a smile: "This morning, I'm tired enough...Uh, well, I think I asked something extra."

Seeing Zhang Yunlu with no sweat on his face and even breathing evenly, Si Jian's face turned dark, and he shook his head with a wry smile.

"Hehe, it's still tiring."

The young Zhang Yunlu blinked and pursed his lips and smiled: "Especially the tricks your program team thought of. To be honest, I really can't handle it, it's too tossing! In contrast, although I am physically It's okay, but my heart is tired!"


After listening to Zhang Yunlu's words, Si Jian burst out laughing.

Since the ratings of the "New Challenge of Life" program have repeatedly dropped and completely turned into pornography, Si Jian, who has accumulated a lot of popularity through this program, has not left the reality show variety show, but changed a new gear and set sail. And this time, he is the top card and the biggest card in the entire fixed host team.

The ratings of the program are good, and the little days are quite moist.

And with the popularity of the show, various stars will come to participate in almost every issue. Although the game link of the show is a little bit tricky, the effect is very good, and it can also make him and these guests suffer crimes. At the same time, quickly shorten the distance between each other.

How about it, this kind of cheating reality show is easier to find friends than a TV series?

However, Si Jian, who is nearly 50 years old, is not liked by all guests. Some guests with a bad reputation and bad personality will basically no longer contact each other after working together. However, after some people came, Si Jian quite liked it. For example, the young man Zhang Yunlu in front of him.

Graduated from the Acting Department of the School of Drama, with excellent professional quality, good looks, and a very likable personality, he is now a young actor with a small status in the TV drama circle-not the same as those who have become popular purely on their faces and figures.

And more importantly, this Zhang Yunlu is very humble.

People are not arrogant because they are now popular. Not only do they respect seniors like Si Jian, but they also treat the crew and the fans who are watching are polite, leaving him a very good impression... …

"Excuse me, excuse me!"

Just when Si Jian was about to greet Zhang Yunlu to go to lunch together, the other party's assistant suddenly trot over and respectfully said: "Teacher Si Jian, there is a phone call to our home Yunlu, sorry!"

"It's okay, you can answer the phone!"

Waved his hand, Si Jian said with an indifferent smile, and at the same time he couldn't help but sigh with emotion. Sure enough, there are all kinds of assistants for any celebrity. Zhang Yunlu has a mild temperament. The assistant is also kind to everyone, which makes people feel good.

Even if it is deliberately made, it is likable, isn't it?

First Chong Sijian nodded slightly apologetically, Zhang Yunlu took the phone from the assistant and asked casually, "Xiaoyan, who is calling?"

"It's Lang Chen, saying that there are very important things."

"Lang Chen?"

After hearing this name, Si Jian who was about to walk away moved in his heart, and suddenly stopped his footsteps.

This name has become a famous name in recent years.

From the time when he became a big villain, "The Matrix", Si Jian has entered the field of vision of many stars. After all, it is a film of Lao Bai, and it has made a big box office production globally. And the subsequent "Assassin League" directly pushed Si Jianzi to the top of the young actor's throne!

No way, a box office masterpiece has this ability.

After all, compared to him, other young actors can produce too few big productions, let alone the absolute male protagonist, the number one role in the whole movie?

Therefore, Lang Chen's development in the past few years has really been smooth.

Not only did it smoothly get rid of the title of "Little Fresh Meat," but also because of the cooperation with well-known directors and big stars, the acting skills improved very rapidly...

So when he heard the name Lang Chen, Si Jian couldn't help but move.

When he was the host of "New Challenges in Life" five years ago, Lang Chen was just a small piece of meat in his eyes, the kind that he would never find once the heat fell; but today, people are already in the circle. The most famous star is the star who is very close to Teacher Lao Bai, and his main business is still the host of a variety show-or a real variety show much worse than "New Challenge of Life" Show.

Si Jian has long been accustomed to this reversal of status.

The entertainment circle is the most realistic place. The celebrities’ attitudes determine their mutual attitudes; but the entertainment circle is often the place where miracles are most likely to occur. After a movie or an album, a star can disappear from obscurity. Become well-known in the world, and even one step up to become the emperor superstar.

If you have to envy, jealousy and hate every time, then don't pass the day.

However, after hearing the name Lang Chen and knowing that Zhang Yunlu was in contact with the new star, Si Jian suddenly had an idea in his mind: If you contact Lang Chen through this Zhang Yunlu, please invite him to participate in a program of his own. how about it?

Lang Chen has many fans, and his ratings are definitely not bad!

So after such a thought flashed in his mind for an instant, Si Jian naturally stopped leaving, intentionally or unintentionally began to eavesdrop on the conversation between him and the other party-of course he couldn't hear what Lang Chen was talking about, but Zhang Yunlu's voice was clear and clear.

"play basketball?"


"Haha, haven't you seen my level? Aren't we two similar."


"Teacher Sun? Which Teacher Sun?"


"Hey... Teacher Sun is Teacher Lao Bai? Little Wolf, what you wouldn't say is..."


"Lao Bai teacher?"

After hearing Zhang Yunlu uttering these four words with a trembling tone, Si Jian was taken aback, and then his eyes widened!

Is there a second old teacher in China's entertainment industry?

of course not!

In fact, even if there is an old senior whose surname is Bai, some people have called him that before. After Sun Peng's fame has risen to the top of the pyramid in this circle, no one will call him Teacher Lao Bai anymore.

Not only is the person called awkward, but the person called may not be able to accept it either.

Because the two words "Lao Bai" have become a symbol in China Entertainment Circle, if you dare to be called that way, you must accept the result of being compared with that Lao Bai.

Obviously, no one wants to be compared with Sun Peng.

So after hearing Zhang Yunlu uttering the four words of Teacher Lao Bai, Si Jian immediately knew who it was. After all, he had known that big guy back then!


Looking at Zhang Yunlu with a surprised look and the stupid little assistant next to him, Si Jian was a little confused. What did Teacher Lao Bai ask for?

"No problem, no problem!"

Just as Si Jian's brain was swiftly turning, Zhang Yunlu was already busy nodding and saying: "No matter when I am free, just let me know..."

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