Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1395: Who is it for?

Facts have proved that Sun Wenyao is no different from other children.

Even if her father is the famous Lao Bai, when her mother and grandpa and grandma left the kindergarten and left her alone, the little girl was still crying hysterically and out of breath. In Zheng Jia's words, it was like a landslide, and the distressed mother-in-law was in tears. If she hadn't stopped her desperately, she would have almost rushed back to **** her granddaughter back.

Sun Peng felt extremely regretful for not being able to see this scene.

My daughter is crying and so on. To be honest, he doesn't feel distressed at all. After all, many children come here when they enter the kindergarten, and then more children quickly like to go to the kindergarten. Sun Peng believes that the quality of the kindergarten teachers Zheng Jia is looking for will definitely not be bad, and this result is certainly natural.

He regrets that he has no way to experience this moment personally, but can only watch photos and videos.

This feeling of missing a small point in her daughter's life is quite bad.

But no way, who made them intend to let Sun Wenyao spend a happy childhood as much as possible? "Popular idols" like Sun Peng have drastically changed their appearance compared to a few years ago, and the possibility that no one knows them is too low. Perhaps compared with the stars in front of the stage, there are not many people who know Lao Bai, but as long as one person can recognize him...

After clearing up his mood, Sun Peng refocused his attention on work.

The preparatory work for "The Martian" has been going on in an orderly manner, and finally entered a critical moment in these two months!

What Sun Peng had been hesitating about, finally had a decision.


After thinking about it for a long time in his study that day, Sun Peng made up his mind completely: “I just met a lot of friends over there, and I’ll leave this important role to them... Japanese skills are also quite reliable. , And everyone looks the same, it doesn’t look so abrupt."

After much deliberation, Sun Peng decided to seize the big market around him.

Although it's a little different from the content in the novel, it's not surprising that many directors will change the original work beyond recognition, whether it is a film adaptation. What's more, the "original" of "The Martian" was originally Sun Peng, so it would be no problem if he personally changed it!

and so……

"Haha, this is the situation!"

After talking about ten minutes of the plot to Fujiwara Kura, Sun Peng smiled and said to the phone: "So this time I want to trouble you again and recommend me a... ahem, a fatter Japanese actor, Between forty and fifty years old, it’s best to be slightly taller..."


After listening to Sun Peng's words, Fujiwara Cang on the other end of the phone did not reply for a long time.

Just when he felt weird and wanted to ask, Fujiwara Kura finally said: "Sun Sang, you...really just like our Japanese film market?"


After a shock, Sun Peng immediately understood the meaning of Fujiwara's words.

When attending the Japan Film Academy Awards Ceremony at the beginning of the year, Sun Peng asked Fujiwara Cura to introduce a veteran Japanese movie star who played the role of a wealthy Japanese businessman in Chen Cheng’s "Inception". An important supporting role, some thoughts are taken for granted.

So Sun Peng didn’t answer Fujiwara’s question right away, but after thinking about it for a while, he nodded and said seriously: “Yes, Fujiwara, I’m very optimistic about Japanese filmmakers! And I think Chinese Japanese culture The same source makes it easier to understand each other. If filmmakers can strengthen cooperation, the future prospects are quite broad."


After he finished speaking, Fujiwara Kura seemed to be silent again.

Sun Peng was not in a hurry, and quietly waited for Fujiwara's answer-he knew that the other party must understand that he was interested in Japan, the world's third largest box office market. The rest were just some scenes, but Sun Peng also knew , Fujiwara Kura will surely want to understand and make the right choice.

In this world, no one can compete with China or Hollywood.

At least until the country of India has fully developed and reached the current level of China, no country can do it. However, after traveling over the past few years, Sun Peng discovered that although Bollywood is still developing amazingly, the overall strength of the country is not much different from that on the earth-the existence of China has too much backlog for them, and it is even not as good as India on the earth.

Without the backing of national strength, no matter how good a movie is, it is useless.

Maybe they will have one or two movies, or one or two filmmakers can be world-famous, but as far as the entire film industry is concerned, they don’t have strong political, economic, military and cultural influence. After all, the world is not on the stage.

Therefore, in the entire world, China and Hollywood are the only rivals.

Of course, Hollywood is too strong now, and China Movies has not been able to form a parallel competitive relationship with it, but anyone who understands a little bit knows that it is just a matter of time. Otherwise, Hollywood would not be so jealous of Sun Peng because of the success of four films in a summer vacation, and even resorted to off-market tricks to deal with it.

Because they are not afraid of Sun Peng alone, but the entire Chinese movie behind him.

So again, if Sun Peng is a Japanese or Indian, Hollywood will definitely hold him high, and then keep throwing money at him to make movies...

Fujiwara Kura is not a fool. In fact, he can reach his current position in the Japanese entertainment circle. He is still a person with all online intelligence and emotional intelligence. Therefore, Sun Peng who was optimistic about Japanese filmmakers and the prospects for cooperation just now would be nothing more than a smile after listening to them. They would definitely not take it seriously.

He and Sun Peng are friends, but they are not the kind of irons that blindly believe.

But Sun Peng is not worried about this situation, even if the other party knows that he is for the Japanese market? Anyway, the decline of Japan's domestic movies is obvious, and there are almost no bright spots except for cartoons... Even cartoons and Hollywood masterpieces can basically dominate in Japan!

Anyway, half of the market has to be given to foreign films. Who should give it to?

What's more, now that as China's national strength continues to increase, Japan, which is separated by water, dare not do what it used to be, and only wants to hold the thighs of the Americans. In the past few years, it has frequently reached agreements with China in many fields. Several times, angry Americans jumped straight...

"OK, no problem!"

After not waiting too long, Sun Peng soon waited for Fujiwara’s answer: "I know an actor who fits your requirements very well. I will contact him immediately..."


The cold is coming to an end, these chapters feel very bad, I hope it will return to normal in two days.

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