Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1396: Good dad?

The Kamiya Naka that Fujiwara Cura helped Sun Peng found was an old drama in the Japanese film industry.

If you want to find a reference object, it should be similar to Matsujutoyo who starred in "The Lonely Gourmet" on the earth. He has great acting skills and often plays various roles, but it is difficult to really catch fire because of his body and appearance.

However, this person just met Sun Peng's needs.

So this Mr. Kamiya was invited to visit China Capital. After talking with him in person for a long time, Sun Peng directly decided.

The next thing will be easy.

The selected astronauts began to enter the training center of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration. People from all departments of the crew began to prepare for the filming. In addition to daily communication with the director, Sun Peng, things gradually disappeared.


There are fewer missions on The Martian side, but more work on Lao Bai's studio.

No way, the production of "The Legend of Old White Knights 2" has started for more than half a year. This requires the help of Sun Peng, a master of game plot planning and soundtrack; while the game engine of "The Legend of Old White Knights 3" has not yet been completed, but Under Chen Maolin's request, the design of new characters in the game, the design of network connection gameplay, and the huge plot design work have officially begun.

Two years later, the summer vacation of "Old White Heroes 2", and the summer vacation of four or five years later, "Old White Heroes 3", this kind of planning department did not leave Chen Maolin and the others too rich time. As the soul of these two games, Sun Peng naturally can't stay out of the matter. When the production team needs it, he must go to help as soon as possible.

Of course, he can also help publicize a wave of "Old White Heroes 1" by the way...


"Dad! Dad! Dad!"


With a miserable cry, Sun Peng suddenly opened his eyes!

Sleeping in a daze, he suddenly felt that a hammer was hammering his stomach hard, and with a strange sound rhythmically, he sat up from the bed with a rub.

It hurts into the bone marrow!

With a sound of "Ouch", a little thing fell on Sun Peng’s lap upright.

As soon as he saw this little thing, Sun Peng swallowed back the bad words that almost came out of his mouth, and quickly picked up the girl: "My dear, are you knocking your head? Does it hurt?"

"It doesn't hurt!"

Although it was obvious that the back of his head hit Sun Peng's knee when he fell down just now, the child Sun Wenyao blinked a pair of big eyes, shook his head and said it didn't hurt at all!

This iron...

Looking at the cute little girl who fouled up early in the morning, Sun Peng guessed what happened just now: it was just that the little girl woke up early, and then came to his parents’ bed to toss his still sleeping dad-in Although it happened not many times in the past year, Sun Peng still accumulated some experience.

No matter how many times you and the little girl emphasize that you can't sit on father's stomach, little things will never listen.

September 6th, Saturday.

Today is the first weekend after Sun Wenyao's children go to kindergarten for a week, and it is also a day when Sun Peng desperately needs to sleep in. He had a whim last night and asked the shooter and Xiaobai to play games with them. I wanted to play for two or three hours, but I didn’t know if it was because I hadn’t played for too long. The frequent dropping into boxes and shouting "help, help" did not dispel Sun Peng’s interest. He played in one go. At three o'clock in the evening...

So after sighing, Sun Peng could only kiss the little girl and said, "Yaoyao, why did you get up so early today? Why don't you sleep more?"

"Dad, I'm going to kindergarten!"


Looking at the expectant daughter, Sun Peng suddenly looked strange.

When I took her to the kindergarten two days ago, I was always crying at the door and reluctant to go in. After only a few days of work, I even wanted to go on the weekend?

However, while patiently explaining to the child, Sun Peng felt relieved.

The kindergarten children are willing to go to is certainly not bad!

It took a long time to coax the daughter who was upset because she couldn't go to kindergarten today. Then Sun Peng took her to the bathroom to finish the morning wash. Then while combing her daughter’s hair, Sun Peng glanced at the Zheng’s family who was setting up breakfast, “I said what did you do this early? Let me coax her to brush her teeth and wash her face, and let me give She combed her hair... what do you think?"

"Ideas? What ideas can I have?"

Glancing at Sun Peng, Zheng Jia said angrily: "It's not that you were always busy with movies some time ago. When you didn't see you, the children almost couldn't recognize you?"


Scratching his head, Sun Peng was speechless.

But looking at this cute little thing in his arms, his heart softened, knowing that there was indeed too little communication between himself and his daughter. A three-year-old child actually needed the company of his father the most. He had to be busy with him for a few months, leaving everything to Zheng Jia and Lao Zheng's couple.

Thinking of this, Sun Peng took a deep breath and suddenly smiled: "You are right, I should accompany her more. It just happens to be Saturday today, let's... uh!"

Halfway through the conversation, Sun Peng's expression froze.

"Haha, forgot it?"

Zheng Jia knew what was going on as soon as he looked like this, and waved his hand: "Okay, let's change it to tomorrow or next weekend. I will take the child out to play today. You should be busy... …"


"You are just too lazy."

After listening to Sun Peng’s words on the road, Liu Chang couldn’t help but shook his head and said: “A child as old as Yaoyao must always be accompanied by his parents to play, but look at you... don’t tell me you are busy. Or it’s not convenient to show up in public, that’s not a reason!”

When talking about this, Liu Chang paused, and then Liu Chang went on to say: "I know best if you are busy or not. There is no way to tell me the two months when I went out to shoot the film, but usually? In addition, there are indeed many people who know you now, but If you want, can you always find a solution?"


Sun Peng really couldn't deny Liu Chang's statement.

If there is really no way to solve it, then all the celebrities don't have children at all. In the end, it was Sun Peng's own problem, but he always used various reasons to shirk responsibility.


Sun Peng, who suddenly felt that he was not a good father, subconsciously sighed slightly.


"Okay, don't think about it!"

Just as Sun Peng’s sigh fell, Liu Chang patted him on the shoulder again, and said seriously: “Now that I know it, I’ll be a better dad in the future. But now, please focus on your work. Okay? As you said before, this afternoon's press conference is very important..."

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