Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1414: Moment to witness the miracle

At 12 o'clock in the evening on November 16, "The Legend of the Old White Knights-Book and Sword Encounter" was officially launched, and all players who have downloaded and purchased the game activated the game.

At 12 o'clock in the evening on the 17th, the official Weibo of Laobai Studio quietly released a message.

"Thank you for your support to "The Legend of the Old White Heroes". It sold 1.21 million sets on the first day of its release, creating a new sales record for the first day of Chinese rpg games! Teacher Lao Bai, we did it! @prc-老白"

"Don't forget your original intention, keep going! @老白工作室"

After just two minutes, Sun Peng's reply came out.

A simple reply immediately triggered a tsunami-like reaction among the fans.

"Oh my God! Another record break?"

"Hahahaha, I said it must break the record, you still don't believe it!"

"More than one million sets? Is it just the sales record of China RPG games? What is the world record?"

"Upstairs, I just calculated it. The performance of "The Legend of the Old White Knights" has increased thirteen times, which happens to be the world record sales data."

"My day, the world record was 17 million sets? One day?"

"Are you sick? The world record has something to do with Lao Baida? This is China's new record for rpg games, okay?"

"This is because of Bai Da's own fame? How much does it have to do with the game?"

"Nonsense! Without Bai Da's story, without his classic to the extreme soundtrack, can he get so much sales by attracting fans by fame?"

"After playing for ten hours, I can't stop at all!"

"Me too, but I just want to open a cheat device to watch the plot and listen to the soundtrack. What if I don't want to play the game?"



After reading the comments of the fans, Sun Peng was speechless.

After a long time, he sighed softly.


Many people focused on the plot and soundtrack of the game, and did not care much about the gameplay, which undoubtedly made Sun Peng feel a little disappointed.

Even if you are mentally prepared, you will inevitably feel lost.

It is true that the most attractive part of an rpg game is the plot, at least Sun Peng thinks so. But on the other hand, he knows that many players who like rpg games will play the second week, third week, games like "The Elder Scrolls 5", some people can even play for a few years!

Eliminating the influence of various mods at least shows that the game is very playable, making it difficult for players to give up!

You can't do this just by looking at the screen, plot and soundtrack.

After a moment of silence, Sun Peng looked at Zheng Jia who was still staying up and fighting next to him: "My wife, do you think this game is fun?"

"Is it fun? Of course it's fun!"

Without looking up, Zheng Jia said casually: "I didn't even think I planned to spend the night tonight... Well, I will take Yaoyao to class tomorrow morning, not all night!"

Between the words, there is an emotion called regret.

Shaking his head, Sun Peng said helplessly: "I mean, do you think this game is fun? Or do you just think the plot and soundtrack are great, just want to finish the task quickly?"


Hearing Sun Peng's specially aggravated word "fun", Zheng Jia paused and finally raised his head.

She understood what Sun Peng meant.

Tilting his head for a moment, Zheng Jia looked at Sun Peng and said, "I won't be stubborn again?"

"Bull horns? What do you mean?"

Hearing this, he was slightly startled, and Sun Peng asked in puzzlement.

"Meaning, you are thinking about meaningless things again."

Rolling his eyes, Zheng Jia said angrily: "What is fun? What is not fun? For a game, as long as the player wants to play and have fun, isn’t it fun? As for what he wants It depends on the plot, or to complete the task, or like to fight monsters... Does it matter?"

Zheng Jia couldn't figure out the things Sun Peng struggled with.

"The Legend of the Old White Knights" is not "PUBG Mobile". It can attract players to play countless times without getting tired of it for a year or two. Don't most people play rpg once? At most, you can play it two or three times. Do you still expect them to play for a year? How classic is a difficult game to do?

But after listening to her, Sun Peng shook his head and said: "No, no, I mean a good game not only has the plot and soundtrack to attract people, but also the gameplay is good enough to let everyone immerse in it. !"

For some reason, Sun Peng suddenly thought of "a5".

He hasn't played that game very much, only watched it on the video, but he knows that it is one of the highest-selling games in the world and has countless fans all over the world. And more importantly, five or six years after the game has been on the shelves, it is still on the top of the sales charts all year round, so that many players are urging everyone not to buy it, otherwise a6 will never have anything to do with it.

There is no doubt that "a5" is Sun Peng's ideal game.

Fun, fun, and the key is to last!

But it is obvious that "The Legend of Old White Knights" is not good, at least "The Legend of Old White Knights 1" is not good, and even Sun Peng in "The Legend of Old White Knights 2" does not have much confidence. Only when it has entered the development stage and will use the brand new game engine "Old White Heroes 3", it may be possible to reach that level.

Of course, it's only possible!

"Lao Bai Qun Xia Chuan 3" will be a huge world, using thousands of production staff and more than two thousand outsourcing staff, it will take more than five years, and the investment is likely to exceed 1.5 billion... …Even two billion Chinese coins!

But even so, Sun Peng is not quite sure that he can achieve the level of "a5".

This classic sandbox game requires not only classic plots and excellent soundtracks, but more importantly, the construction of the entire world structure, and the design of gameplay, etc., which are beyond the scope of Sun Peng's ability. . All he can do is to cheer on Chen Maolin and the others, and provide unlimited financial support...

"It looks like you still haven't figured it out?"

"Huh? What did you figure out?"

"……It's nothing."

Rolling his eyes again, Zheng Jia said helplessly: "Anyway, there is time, you think about it slowly, even if you have insomnia for a night, there is actually nothing...cough cough, okay, don't disturb me playing games, and slowly want to go next Right..."


"Wow, it's half past twelve unknowingly!"

After taking a casual glance at the time, Xiao Bai suddenly yelled: "This game is simply poisonous. It makes people forget the time when it is played..."

"This advertisement is so dedicated!"

"Xiao Bai, I have already bought the game, so don't be so numb, okay?"

"I bought it and don't want to play, what should I do if I just want to watch others play?"


"Ahem! Ahem!"

After reading the text on the barrage, his face turned black, and after a dry cough, Xiao Bai said angrily: "You people, is the video clearance interesting? And you think this "The Legend of the Old White Group" is just killing The game of killing? Can only complete the task step by step? Ha ha... naive!"

"Yo? It's exciting!"

"So what's so fun? Show us!"


"Hmph, you guys are waiting!"

Recalling the situation when he was playing in the interview in Lao Bai's studio, and then looking at the task in front of him, Xiao Bai suddenly smiled strangely: "Next, it's time to witness the miracle..."

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