Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1415: Incorporation of traditional culture




"Boom boom boom boom..."


The faster the drum sound, the faster the action, and the fast switching of the lens makes Chen Hua's eyes dizzy, and he almost cannot see what is on the screen.



With the last heavy drum beat, the camera finally stopped.

No, not a complete stillness!

Because when Chen Hua looked over carefully, the chest of the blind dancer on the screen was violently undulating, obviously because of the violent exercise just now...


After realizing this, Chen Hua suddenly gasped!

That's amazing. My Bai Da!

Are such details done so well?

And when I look at the performance of this dance, it must be the result of motion capture technology, and the appearance and figure are obviously the legendary Queen Lin Lin who participated in the performance of "Old White Knights"!

"Hehe, how is it?"

Just when Chen Hua was in a daze, Xiao Bai smiled on his phone and said, "Aren't you stupid? Bai Da personally composed and choreographed, and Lin Lin personally performed the dance... If certain conditions are not met , But this task cannot be triggered! Hehe, anyone dare to say that this game branch is boring?"

When I said this, Xiaobai paused, and then Xiaobai continued: "I tell you, when I was in Laobai's studio, my favorite thing was to play side missions. It was more fun than the main line! Just because I planned to broadcast the " There is not much time for "Old White Knights", so I only play the main line..."

"Wow wow wow!"

"It's amazing! This dance is beautiful!"

"Sure enough, it's me Lin! This figure is simply amazing!"

"I'll go, and I actually invited Lin Lin to come and play in person, Bai Da is full of sincerity!"

"Xiaobai Xiaobai, can you watch it again? This dance is amazing!"


"No, no!"

After watching the barrage, Xiaobai waved his hand quickly, Xiaobai shook his head and said: "The dance triggered by the plot can only be watched once, and if you want to watch it again, you can only read the file..."

After listening to Xiaobai's twittering for a long time, Chen Hua sighed and switched to the tt interface to send a message: "I am watching the live broadcast of Xiaobai playing "The Legend of the Old White Group". I just finished watching the blind girl dance by Lin Lin... …Brothers, I’m starting to regret that I didn’t play the game by myself, but went through the video directly.”

"Blind girl dance? How to trigger this task?"

Ten seconds later, Wu Zhigang's message was posted, followed by a few more.

"Xiaobai's live broadcast? Is it still in Golden Deer?"

"I have seen it on the network strategy, but I haven't found a place yet!"

"Boss, I told you that you must play by yourself, why don't you listen?"


At this moment, Li Liang suddenly appeared: "The Blind Girl Dance is wonderful, but the Peking Opera in Luoyang City is also very beautiful."

"Peking Opera? What Peking Opera?"

"Is it the main storyline or the sideline? Where did it appear?"

After seeing Li Liang's speech, Chen Hua and Wu Zhigang asked a question almost simultaneously.

"The branch plot was triggered when a little girl was helping a little girl in the southwest corner of Luoyang City. And it was not for you to watch the scene directly, but to perform as a character, and watch the performance from a close first angle... It was wonderful. I strongly recommend that you must do this side task!"


After reading Li Liang's answer, Chen Hua subconsciously took another breath!

Oh my God!

Appear on stage as a role in a play? Bai Da's setting is a bit interesting... No, it is simply too interesting, okay?

This idea is absolutely amazing!

"No, no!"

Being itchy by two dormitory brothers, Chen Huayi ruthlessly turned off the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and then sent a message: "Don't tell me, Laozi's game has been played, and I will start playing this evening! Tomorrow and Sunday, Go nowhere, go to play games!"

"Hahaha, I said it a long time ago, you just start now..."


"Wow, this one is amazing!"

After seeing the task completion prompt on the screen, Zheng Jia first breathed a sigh of relief, and then turned his head to look at Sun Peng in surprise: "I thought I could synthesize directly after giving him the materials, but I didn't expect it to happen. In a detailed section, the historical origins of the face change and the process of making the props are all revealed... Just to make such an animation, it is estimated that it will cost a lot of money?"

"Not much, just a few hundred thousand."

Glancing at his wife, Sun Peng smiled carelessly.

The face-changing section is really expensive. The consulting fee paid to the face-changing master alone exceeds 200,000! Coupled with the production of animations and programs, as well as dubbing, art design, etc., the cost is about 600,000 yuan.

Even so, Sun Peng still has some regrets.

He originally planned to incorporate the trick of face-changing performance into the game, but he was strongly opposed by the master of face-changing. If the trick of face-changing was displayed to the world so clearly, the mystery of this art could be. It is completely gone!

Sun Peng really couldn't do things that smashed people's jobs.

Therefore, the production of those facial makeup can be put on, and the face-changing performance can be integrated into the side missions, but there is no problem with the process of changing the face, Sun Peng just thought about it.

"Hundreds of thousands... only?"

After listening to what he said, Zheng Jia looked speechless, rolled his eyes and said angrily: "It's just that your old white studio is rich in wealth, so you dare to say hundreds of thousands of things like that? Tsk tsk, put aside other things. The game companies, even those big companies, spend hundreds of thousands on a small part of a side mission, I am afraid they are not willing to do it, right?"

"So, our game is a boutique!"

After taking a deep breath, Sun Peng said calmly: "After all, because of time, we have not done well in the gameplay. If we only rely on the plot and the soundtrack, I always feel that something is not enough! With these things, I think it will make the game more interesting."

"...Still entangled in gameplay?"

Glancing at Sun Peng, Zheng Jia was also quite helpless.


Scratching his head, Sun Peng said nothing.

He does have a little obsessive-compulsive disorder, or perfectionism. He always feels that this game has such regrets. It is impossible to get past the hurdle without tangle for a few days.


Ignoring Sun Peng’s entanglement, after looking back at the screen, Zheng Jia couldn’t help but admire: “You have integrated the traditional Chinese culture into the game, and it’s so interesting, it’s really rare! If I promote traditional culture Those who will, must give you a medal!"

"Oh? How many have you played?"

"After playing face-changing, Peking opera and kite, how many more?"

"Haha, there are only so few!"

Squeezing his eyes at his wife, Sun Peng said with a smile: "Then look for it slowly, there are still more things left..."

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