Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1416: Evaluation

"Mom, come, come!"

"Here's here, why are you in a hurry!"

After hearing the little son's cry, Mei Xiangu walked behind him while wiping her hands with a towel: "What's the matter? You have already hit the place? Didn't you say that you couldn't find it?"

"I read the guide online and found it!"

The younger son grinned and seemed a little embarrassed, so he quickly added: "Actually, I can look for clues slowly, and then fight slowly, but I'm afraid you are in a hurry... Huh? What's the matter?"

"what happened?"

"Mom, this..."

Frozen, the youngest son pointed to the computer screen and cried out, "How did this become a Huangmei Opera? Didn't it mean that this plot is a Peking Opera designed by you, and then the protagonist was put on stage to perform? How did it become a Huangmei Opera?"


Seeing the surprised look of her son, Mei Xiangu was immediately happy.

After putting on her glasses and looking at the computer screen, Mei Xiangu smiled and said, "Huangmei Opera? According to Teacher Lao Bai, what is it called... Trigger conditions or something, different words will lead to different types of drama! Don't talk about Huangmei Opera. Now, there are Henan operas too!"

When talking about this, Mei Xiangu felt a little regretful.

Because of the limitation of the performances on stage, she finally only suggested Peking Opera, Henan Opera and Huangmei Opera. No other types of opera were involved, which was a bit regrettable. Fortunately, Lao Bai Studios continue to produce "Old White Heroes 2" and "Old White Heroes 3". Not only are there more types of dramas, but each type has a separate plot for Mei Xiangu and Gu Her friends have a lot of room to play.

"Wow, there is this kind of operation?"

After listening to Mei Xiangu's words, her youngest son was suddenly surprised and happy, and then quickly scratched his head in distress and said, "This is difficult! If this is the case, I won’t break out the plots of Henan opera and Peking opera. I guess I didn’t want to continue playing back..."



He let out a sigh of relief slowly, Tanakahara was sitting on the chair as if he had Alzheimer's disease, feeling that his head was full of paste!

"This, is this the martial arts game in Lao Bai's mind?"

After returning to his senses for a long time, he took another look at the gorgeous palace on the computer screen, the wide street and the bustling people. After Tanakahara stiffened for a long time, his face finally showed a wry smile.

How long will it take just this model of Luoyang City?

Tanakahara tried it on purpose just now, as long as there is an unlocked house in the city, every room can be entered, and even the furnishings of each room are different! And walking on the street is definitely not like the games they do, such as sculpture shooting and **** carving games, where there are just a dozen people on one street. There are a lot of people walking around. There are not many people in a secluded alley. There are crowds of people on the commercial street where various shops are concentrated. After being touched by the protagonist, they will respond with "Ah"...

How much does it cost to do this? !

When I first heard that Lao Bai was going to be a martial arts rpg, to be honest, Tanakahara dismissed it. Especially when he heard what Lao Bai said "to make a real martial arts game", he was even very angry-what he was doing was a real martial arts game, so what is the trilogy of the Eagle Shooting made by Tanakahara's company? ? Martial arts trash?

Coupled with the Jedi incident that year, Tanakahara has been looking forward to "Old White Heroes" being turned into rubbish, and Lao Bai's reputation in the game circle has completely rotted!

You are a bigwig in the entertainment industry, what is the matter if you have to go to the game circle?

So later it came out that when Lao Bai’s first game invested more than 600 million yuan, Tanakahara even sneered, thinking that it was just Lao Bai’s hype...not only in the entertainment industry, exaggerating costs is commonplace. In fact, there are more such things in gaming circles, not surprisingly.

Until he got this "The Legend of the Old White Knights", Tanakahara still believed that the number was false propaganda.

but now……

After playing for more than ten hours in person, Tanakahara felt the icy cold.

Six billion?

If the following towns can be made like this, and every street and every street person is like this, maybe the number Lao Bai said is true or not!

As the boss of a game company, Tanakahara knows the truth too well.

It is not difficult to make a town. The hard part is to make the town large and exquisite. The larger the scale of the town, the higher the requirements for technology and capital, and the exquisiteness here is definitely not to say that the more beautiful it is, the cleaner it is. The better, but to conform to the story background of the game and make it as real as possible. This gorgeous place is like a castle in the story, this dirty place is full of sewage and garbage...

At the same time, there is a big difference whether each house has only one model or can be used.

Like other people's "The Legend of the Old White Knights", there are hundreds of houses in a Luoyang city, and every unlocked house can enter this kind of thing. Tanakahara and the others have never done it, or even thought about it. . Because they know very well how much production budget and labor will be consumed if they want to do this!

In other words...

"He really spent 600 to 700 million, just to make an rpg game?!"

Suddenly, Tanakahara's heart is full of bitterness, and then he feels inexplicably sad. Once upon a time, he also invested all his wealth in order to make one of China's best fps games, but now he can only watch people spend money. The good game came out and was in a daze.

Compared with this "The Legend of the Old White Knights", aren't those martial arts games I made just a few shit...


On the first day of "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography", there were still very few overall professional comments on it. Even if there are so few articles, the players are not very concerned, because they know that even if you are crazy about such a game, it is impossible to really play through the level, at least there must be no time to do the side story or something.

But some simple and straightforward things can be evaluated.

For example, the screen of the game, the soundtrack of the game, the way of playing the game, as well as the art design of the game, character modeling, etc., these can give a direct judgment without clearing the level.

Sixteen media outlets gave an average of more than nine points!

As one of the important indicators to measure an rpg animation, nine points means top masterpiece level. Coupled with the eight-and-five points of modeling and styling, it means that it is already a world-class level if only looking at the production.

And on the second and third days, as the reviewers rushed to pass the "Old White Heroes", in-depth evaluations were also released...

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