Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1436: Fairy tale (make up for yesterday)

Like Iceland on earth, Iceland in this world is also a very suitable place for travel.

The pure water and air, the hot springs that people can completely relax, and of course the glaciers that are the most suitable for viewing in winter, all make Sun Peng and Zheng Jia linger. Especially in the world-famous Blue Lake, the black volcanic rock embraces a hot spring like a sapphire, and the surrounding soil is white, just like a fairyland in a fairy tale.

And in this sparsely populated country, almost no one would disturb Sun Peng and them.

Although Laobai has a great reputation, Iceland is obviously not within the hunting scope of reporters, and the winter clothes also give Sun Peng the best disguise, basically no one can recognize them.

So for them, this is an ideal holiday destination.

It's a pity that this is only ideal for two adults, but for Sun Wenyao, a three or four-year-old girl, Iceland seems quite boring. That is to say, when you are in the hot springs, you can fight water battles with your parents. Other natural wonders such as blue lakes and glaciers really can't interest a child.

So after only three days, Zheng Jia and his party flew to Copenhagen.

Compared to the boring and icy Iceland, the fairy tale kingdom of Denmark is much more interesting. Andersen, who lived in the 19th century, was not affected. He still wrote countless popular fairy tales, and they were also spread to China, thousands of miles away. . Denmark has a lot of colorful towns and chic houses. Compared with the Chinese architectural style, they are more like a fairy tale world in fantasy.

Of course, Sun Wenyao likes it very much.


"Well, it would be nice if fewer people recognize me."

Six days later, when Sun Peng sent his wife and children to Frankfurt and got on the plane back to China, he said with a bit of frustration in the car back to the hotel: "I thought Denmark could be like Iceland, most of the locals don’t know me. did not expect……"

After listening to his words, Liu Chang was immediately happy: "I didn't expect so many people from Denmark to travel in the winter?"


Thinking of the Chinese tourists he met in the past few days, especially those young tourists who were so enthusiastic to be slightly crazy, Sun Peng nodded subconsciously.

After all, there are differences between natives and Europeans.

Although Laobai's reputation in Europe is also great, it is far from the level in China. In particular, Sun Peng's work is mainly behind the scenes, and he rarely shows up. People outside of China don't recognize him sincerely. So this is why he decided to travel abroad as much as possible instead of at home.

It is a pity that tourists from China are really everywhere.

The Chinese economy in this world is much stronger, and naturally there are more people who are able to travel abroad every year. Therefore, Chinese tourists are now the most welcome people in the tourism industry in the world, not one of them.

Denmark has a small land area, but the fairy tale kingdom is very famous.

So Sun Peng and the others have been able to meet a lot of Chinese people every day, and they have to be recognized almost every day. Signing, taking photos, etc. The point is that when you are having fun with your children, you are disturbed by others. That feels really unpleasant...

After a few complaints, Sun Peng turned to look at his assistant: "Sister Chang, are we going to attend the premiere in Germany next?"

"Well, that's right."

After reading the timetable, Liu Chang nodded and smiled: "In Berlin two days later, Paris three days later, Milan four days later... The three largest countries on the European continent, they arranged their own according to your schedule. Premiere time! Fortunately, these countries are not big, and the flying distances are not too long and it will not be too tiring."

"……Ha ha."

After listening to Liu Chang's words, Sun Peng couldn't help but enjoy. There are capitals in the world saying that Germany and Italy are not big countries, and probably only a few countries such as China, the Soviet Union, the United States, and Canada.

"So, you can still play in Denmark for a day!"

After blinking at Sun Peng, Liu Chang smiled and said: "This is the fairy tale kingdom, the hometown of Andersen! Wandering around in the street, maybe the inspiration for your next picture book will come?"

"The next picture book? I already have inspiration!"

Looking at Liu Chang strangely, Sun Peng said casually: "In fact, I have even completed the story and simple character design. I just waited for them to hand over the new story in March... By the way, Sister Chang, are Andersen’s fairy tales still copyrighted now? Or are they in the public domain and can be used at will?"

The copyright on the earth is held by the heirs for fifty years after death, but Sun Peng in this world is not clear.

The question came suddenly, and Liu Chang was taken aback for a while before shaking his head: "Of course you can use it casually. Andersen has been dead for more than a hundred years... But why are you asking this? Could it be that you are also interested in Andersen's fairy tales?"

"Well, a little bit."

Suddenly remembered the amusement park copyright in his mind that day, Sun Peng frowned and laughed: “Since there is no copyright protection, wouldn’t it be a shame if we don’t want to take advantage of it? After all, Western fairy tales are so famous. There are countless fans all over the world..."


If there were Disney in this world, Sun Peng would basically not think about those western fairy tales, because he knew that no one in this field could compete with Disney monsters.

But there is no Disney in this world, and there is no princess series that countless little girls like. So when he came to Denmark, Sun Peng would naturally think of Andersen, of those animated and live-action fairy tale movies adapted by Disney.

Of course, most of their sources are not Andersen's fairy tales.

Most of Andersen's fairy tales ended in tragedy, and they were famous enough to be difficult to adapt. So Sun Peng asked Andersen, but he thought about the fairy tales in Disney animation. "Snow White", "Cinderella", "Beauty and the Beast", "Sleeping Beauty" and so on, these are almost dominant figures among the little girls on earth!


"The only question is how to use these fairy tales?"

On the way back to the hotel, Sun Peng kept thinking about this question, and he still didn't quite understand.

These things, he can use as the continued cooperation with Capoca and other allies, of course, can also be produced by DreamWorks or domestic film companies. Sun Peng was a bit reluctant for the former, while Sun Peng was a little unwilling to make Western-themed animations or live-action movies, which made people too entangled...


Sorry, I don't know why the first chapter was not sent out yesterday, but the second chapter was sent out.


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