Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1437: opponent

On the 29th of the Chinese New Year, the plane Sun Peng and the others were flying landed at the Beijing International Airport.

Although it was already more than ten o'clock in the evening when I returned home quietly, Sun Peng secretly breathed a sigh of relief: I finally came back before the New Year's Eve.

"So, I plan to buy a plane."

After soaking in a comfortable hot bath and sitting on the bed while waiting for his hair to dry, Sun Peng said what he had considered for a few days: "Just hang it under the name of the second sister’s brokerage company, and usually use it for her. It’s easier for her to fly around every day. Then we don’t have to rush to buy tickets when we want to go out to play or I want to go farther away... Uh, what is your expression?"

Seeing Zheng Jia's look a little strange, Sun Peng blinked.

"I'm thinking, why did Grandet you suddenly get awake?"

After returning to Sun Peng with a few blinks, Zheng Jia asked in surprise, "Didn't you always say that private jets, luxury cars, etc. are useless except for the installation? Why do you suddenly want to buy a plane so arrogant? Up?"

For her husband, Zheng Jia knew nothing more.

It's definitely not considered stingy, but Sun Peng does not usually have the mentality of other wealthy people. For example, he is very casual for food, clothing, and housing, and he has no interest in airplanes and luxury cars. I am only willing to spend money on things I am interested in, otherwise I wouldn’t just throw a billion in for a game, regardless of the risk of losing money.

So Zheng Jia was naturally a little surprised when he heard that Sun Peng wanted to buy a plane.


After shaking his cheeks a few times, Sun Peng said helplessly, "I used to think it was useless, but now my second sister has to fly dozens of times a year? Most of them are busy with my business...If there is a plane, she will It can be easier not."

How much is a private business jet? How much money can Sun Ya earn for herself a year?

Sun Peng can still figure this account.

But even if he bought it, Sun Peng was usually useless, so he had to be listed under the name of a brokerage company. Anyway, that company is also an industry shared by the second sister and him, so it is very convenient to use...

Obviously, Zheng Jia's interest in this matter is limited.

After chatting for a few words, the mother who had been serving the little ancestor at home for a day started to fight with her eyes. It was also a little tired, but Sun Peng, who was chatting about it at the moment, noticed this situation, and he immediately curled his lips reluctantly and said: "Okay, Jiajia, I think you are also sleepy, go to sleep."

"Ha... you go to bed as soon as possible, and took the plane for a day."

After yawning, Zheng Jia immediately got into the bed.

However, Sun Peng didn't mean to go in with her. Instead, he picked up the phone on the bedside table next to him: "I slept on the plane. I'm not sleepy at the moment. You go to bed first, tomorrow morning... …Uh!"

In the blink of an eye, Zheng Jia next to him stopped moving.

He leaned in and knocked, and found that Zheng Jia's expression had completely turned into a very strange state. Sun Peng, who was familiar with her, knew that she had fallen asleep at this moment!

"Ha ha."

With a wry smile, Sun Peng turned his eyes to his mobile phone.

After being married for several years, the relationship between him and Zheng Jia has always been stable, even with Sun Wenyao, nothing has changed. But what I have to say is that because of the children, family life has also become dull: the scope of daily topics begins to shrink sharply, and every time I can't talk a few words, it will involve the children.

In a word, the past passion is really much less.

"Perhaps, this is the price of marriage and children."

I felt a little lost, but it disappeared in a flash. Sun Peng is not the kind of guy who always desires passion and excitement. In his previous life, he was an ordinary person. No matter how much money and fame he made in this life, this point has actually not changed fundamentally, so he has nothing to do with ordinary life. dissatisfied.

So after smiling, he focused on the phone.

Tomorrow is New Year’s Eve.

This means that at around ten o'clock tomorrow night, "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" will be officially released in China, opening the prelude to the simultaneous release in 47 countries around the world!

Compared with "Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets", Sun Peng paid much more attention to "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets".

One is because the little wizard is directly transported, and the little wizard is a work adapted by Sun Peng. Although there were very few changes in the first and second installments, Sun Peng began to add his own personal information to the latter two installments. Goodbye, I rubbed into the content of many fairy-xia novels that I saw in my previous life, which made the little wizard bear Sun Peng’s own brand; on the other hand, it is naturally due to the Chinese attribute of the little wizard. Can get Sun Peng's maximum support!

So when searching for news related to "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets," Sun Peng looked at it very carefully.

Nanhai Pictures and Rainbow Pictures are indeed quite awesome. In this year's Lunar New Year archives, although "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" is a well-deserved production, there are two more than it has a larger origin and more fierce momentum.

One is the new work "Ferocious Beast" by China's domestically produced director Sun Zhi. The name sounds like a fantasy. It is actually a major production of an action movie. It tells the story of a veteran who went to heaven and saved his girlfriend. The title of "Ferocious Beast" probably means that this special soldier is very powerful? Anyway, it claims to invest one billion Chinese coins. It is really enjoyable to watch the pictures on the trailer.

The hot sales of "Hurricane Rescue" series and "Bourne's Identity" series really gave China action movies a shot in the heart.

In particular, "Hurricane Rescue 2-True Lies" has won super high box office around the world. This undoubtedly allows the Chinese filmmakers to see the huge potential of action movies, so various big productions have emerged in the past three years. Moreover, the content of the film did not hesitate to rush out of the country, allowing various Chinese masters to wreak havoc overseas.

The movie "Ferocious Beast" tells the story of a veteran who went out to save the girlfriend of a reporter who was held hostage by terrorists.

The plot is old-fashioned, but it has been popular in recent years.

The second part is naturally from Hollywood, and it is a super rival of the little wizard, from Michael? Pitt's other superstar Harris? "Golden Scepter" starring Huntelaar is a huge magical theme with an investment of more than 200 million US dollars.

These two films will be the biggest competitors of "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets".

As for the other movies released at the same time, either comedy and romantic movies, the target audience is not the same, or the main creative, investment, etc. lack competitiveness and pose little threat.

"Next, it's all about the audience's choices."

After reading several articles about the three movies, a smile appeared on the corner of Sun Peng's mouth.

The Lunar New Year file is very special. He has never thought that the little wizard can dominate this period, and because there is no so-called domestic protection policy, Hollywood will often seize this opportunity to show the best movies. Sun Peng is not afraid of competition. On the contrary, the fiercer the competition, the more he can verify the quality of "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets"!

The development potential of the little wizard can only be reflected in this kind of competition.

So I posted a message on Weibo, "I have finally returned to China. I am sorry to miss the domestic premiere of "Han Bo and Lingshi", so I can only spend my own money to watch it in the cinema...", Sun Peng paid attention The force turned to other aspects.

Unknowingly, "The Legend of the Old White Knights 1-Book and Sword Encounter Record" has been on shelves for three months...

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