Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1438: Branch director

Sales of Rpg games, especially domestically produced RPG games, are basically concentrated in the first three months of launch. Especially games like "The Legend of the Old White Knights" rely on plot and soundtrack to win, and other aspects are not top-notch games. The sales in the first three months can sometimes account for 60 to 70% of the total sales, or even more than 80%!

For long-term sales, ordinary linear plot rpg games are difficult to achieve.

So slowly, many top rpg games began to develop into sandbox games and online games in order to maintain the long-term vitality of the games. For example, the famous "a5" on the earth, in a sense, it also has rpg attributes, but everyone's impression of it is completely different from "The Witcher 3" or "Gu Jian Qi Tan 3".

The positioning of "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography" is almost the same as "Gu Jian Qi Tan 3".

It's just that the quality of the game is definitely better than Gujian 3, at least the map is bigger, the screen is stronger, and the plot is several times richer. Coupled with the use of full-process motion capture and facial expression capture technology, as well as the greatly reduced production time, the production cost has soared many times!

And don’t forget, the labor cost gap between the two worlds is equally huge.

Fortunately, the spending power of Chinese players is many times stronger than that of Chinese players on earth. Lao Bai’s reputation is not comparable to that of candle dragons on earth. That’s why the performance of "Lao Bai Qun Xia Biography" is so amazing. . Only when its total sales exceeded 5 million sets, the rate of increase suddenly plummeted.

Most of the old white iron fans who like to play games have already bought them the first time.

Therefore, in the first five weeks of its release, "The Legend of the Old White Knights" sold 4.5 million sets, of which at least 3 million were his fans, and the remaining 1.5 million were for the game's investment and themes. Coming. But when the sales volume crossed the 5 million threshold, the sales speed began to drop sharply, and only now have more than 5.4 million sets sold!

The rest is sold slowly.

But even so, because "The Legend of the Old White Knights" has never been discounted since it was launched, 5.4 million sets is the sales of more than 1.2 billion Chinese currency, excluding the follow-up additional promotional fees, and the cost of the tt game platform And after various taxes, Lao Bai Studio's investment in "The Legend of Lao Bai Qun Xia 1" has also been fully recovered.

Such a result has already made Sun Peng overjoyed.

I used to hear the news that China’s single-machine investment of tens of millions would make it difficult to return to the original. I thought that even if the world’s market is a lot and piracy is almost extinct, I will lose half of my losses if I spend hundreds of millions to make games. Prepare, I didn't expect to be able to recover the cost so quickly!

This result undoubtedly increased Sun Peng's confidence.

He knew that he had underestimated his fame and his influence. In particular, the success of the previous four games, including PlayerUnknown’s Battlegrounds and Fortnite, should have allowed the name Lao Bai to establish an impression of “the game won’t be bad” in the hearts of Chinese players. "The Legend of the Old White Knights" burst into such a huge vitality as soon as it was released!

Of such great news, Lao Bai Studio naturally had no need to conceal it. When it exceeded 5 million, it was posted on the Internet. Seeing an applauded reply below the message and a post urging "Old White Heroes 2", Sun Peng couldn't help taking a deep breath: "If this is the case, what are you afraid of?"

The overall planning of "Old White Knights 2" has been completed, and it is considered to have entered the production stage.

The production speed and picture quality of the next game are basically determined by investment, so it is easy to handle. The last thing Sun Peng lacks is money, and for his martial arts game dream, he is willing to spend money at all costs!

The more money is given to Chen Fengzhi, the faster the game production will be.

Even if it is the third installment of the "Old White Knights" series, it is the masterpiece of Sun Peng's ambitions. Because the map and game content are too large, and the gameplay is too complicated, it is still in the planning stage, but More investment means more manpower, and more top elites who are proficient in sandbox, online and other gameplay can be digged from those big game companies abroad...

"Look back and talk to Chen Fengzhi, if it doesn't work, I'll get another sum of money in!"

After not knowing how many thoughts in his mind, Sun Peng finally couldn't resist the exhaustion after a long trip. The phone fell on the bedside with a puff, and he fell asleep deeply under the light of the screen. ...


On New Year's Eve, the door is full of joy.

As in the past few years, Sun Peng took his wife and children to his mother-in-law's home early in the morning. He used to go back to his uncle's house for the New Year when he was not married, but now he usually goes to the old Zheng's house when he is married and has children, and he even lives there at night twice.

During the Spring Festival this year, the Sun Peng family of three stayed again.

He had originally planned to go back according to the original plan, but just after the New Year’s Eve dinner in the evening, Zheng Jia called the driver and the bodyguards and asked them to pick up people after lunch tomorrow-because it was just there. In front of her, Sun Peng had obviously drunk too much.

No way, Zheng Tianliang and Zheng Shun father and son went into battle together, even if Sun Peng's alcohol consumption doubled, he couldn't stand it!

However, he has to give face. After all, the old wife and mother-in-law have been helping Zheng Jia to watch the children for the past three years. This allows Sun Peng to have time to make a movie; Zheng Shun’s brother-in-law is too busy at work. I haven't seen it for a long time, and finally this year's New Year's Eve is not on duty, not having a drink with me is really not justified.

Even Zheng Jia didn't help stop his father and brother this time.

So after three cups of white wine, Sun Peng not only blushed directly, but the mouth opened up the chattering mode, and he started chattering forever.

The more you drink, the more you talk.

Fortunately, Sun Peng's drink was not enough to pour a few glasses, just to give him the desire to speak. He stretched out his arm and hugged Zheng Shun next to him. He hesitated and said with a smile: "My brother-in-law, I haven't seen you in the Lunar New Year for several years. How come I can spend my time at home this year? Did someone give you the captain or official?"

"Let me go, how much did you drink? Are you drunk?"

Shaking his shoulders twice, Zheng Shun looked disgusted: "Also, I am not taking a break this year because I was embarrassed by an official, but because I am an official now, understand?"

"You are an official now? What do you mean?"

After listening to Zheng Shun's words, Sun Peng was taken aback.

"The meaning is very simple, he was promoted."

Seeing his husband like this, Zheng Jia gave him speechlessly, and said angrily: "My brother has just been promoted to the sub-director of the Beicheng branch... Also, he was no longer the captain, but the deputy director the year before his first year. , Did you forget about this?"

"Sub-director? He?"

After listening to his wife's words, Sun Peng immediately opened his mouth: "My God, isn't that at the same level as your dad before he retires?"

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