Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1440: Viewing

New Year's Day, the beginning of the Lunar New Year holiday.

There are five most watched movies, a Chinese fantasy theme, a Chinese action masterpiece, a Hollywood magical masterpiece, a star-studded romance, and a comedy with the most occasion.

"Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" ranked second in the filming rate.

It is second only to China's domestically produced action blockbuster "The Furious Beast" and slightly higher than the Hollywood blockbuster "Golden Scepter".

Therefore, no matter which professional person, they locked the box office champion of the Lunar New Year box on these three movies. As for the romance and comedies, as well as several other movies, they have almost forgotten them.

Among them, the two most popular ones are naturally made in China.

This is also a normal pattern of box office battles in the Lunar New Year stalls in recent years. Although Hollywood giants are more popular worldwide, if high-quality domestic films are released at the same time, the domestic box office can often win the other side. There is only one exception, that is, Hollywood movies are a sequel to a big ip, it is possible to kill domestic movies.

The quality of "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" is certainly not bad, and the creators of "Ferocious Beast" have a good reputation...

The box office on New Year's Day also proved this.

At 6 o’clock in the afternoon, China’s daily box office had exceeded 2 billion Hua Xia coins. Among them, "The Beast" was 570 million, "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" followed by 560 million, and "Golden Scepter" at 4 o'clock. 400 million, and several other films combined to win 500 million.

The second box office of Little Witcher was slightly more than that of "Han Bo and Lingshi", but it still did not win the title.

"Oh my god, looking at the box office trend behind this, the little wizard is probably always going to be second!"

"Hehe, it's strange that this row of films can win the championship!"

"Who makes "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" have no big stars? No way!"

"There are no big-name stars? Does China have a bigger wrist than Lao Bai? I think there is still shady, otherwise the lineup of "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" will not be so low!"

"Is there someone who wants to suppress Lao Bai, so..."


On Weibo, forums and post bars and other online media, when fans of Lao Bai and Little Wizard were unfair because they might not be able to win the box office championship on the first day, the central figure in their discussion, Sun Peng, wore a down jacket hat and surrounded him. Wearing a scarf and sunglasses, he walked into a movie theater.

After sitting down in the cinema, he unloaded his entire armor.

"Good guy, it's full again!"

After scanning the crowded heads around him, Sun Peng subconsciously sighed.

New Year's Day, the most profitable time for theaters.

Almost every movie hall in every movie theater is full, especially the big movie theaters in the city center, where a ticket is hard to find. If Sun Peng hadn't asked Liu Chang to help buy tickets in advance, maybe he would have to wait until the third and fourth day of the junior high school to watch this movie. After all, the popular location is not easy to buy, and he doesn't want to go to the seat that is a little bit off.

But as soon as he said something, Sun Peng hurriedly looked around carefully, as if he was afraid that others would recognize him.

"Don't worry, this is the last couple seat, others can't see us."

Seeing Sun Peng like this, Zheng Jia immediately became happy and said in a low voice: "But if you are seen by you, Mr. Bai went into the movie not to see the little wizard, but to watch its rival "Ferocious Beast"... , Maybe it was the last hot search again."

Zheng Jia's tone was joking, but Sun Peng twitched.


It should be right!

Leaving aside his behavior as an "enemy", the fact that Lao Bai entered the movie alone is enough to make those big websites and small newspapers play a role. Because as one of the big players in the entertainment industry, Sun Peng's daily news is pitiful, and one occasionally pops up and is not being used to death by those people?

So after waiting for the light in the small theater to dim, Sun Peng took off his down jacket and took off both the scarf and sunglasses.

These things are all around you, but it's really hot!

"Ha ha."

Hearing the long breath of her husband beside him, Zheng Jia couldn't help but laugh, and handed the Coke and popcorn he had been holding to Sun Peng: "Hey, finally come out to watch the movie together, relax...said Get up, haven't we two come out to see a movie by ourselves in years?"

"Um... it's been years indeed."

After feeling relaxed, Sun Peng smiled and nodded.

It should be said that since he became more and more famous, he has not seen a movie with Zheng Jia for a long time. Especially after Sun Wenyao, Sun Peng entered the cinema with only two purposes, either to attend the premiere or to watch his own work.

There is really no chance to go out to watch the movie with Zheng Jia alone.


"Hehe, that's why I have to come today."

When the advertisements began to be placed on the big screen, Sun Peng held Zheng Jia's left hand and leaned over with a smile and said in a low voice, "Is there a feeling, as if we are back to the time when we just fell in love? Do you watch a movie almost every month?"

"Every month? It should be every week, right?"

Glancing at Sun Peng, Zheng Jia said angrily.

Sun Peng didn't mention it, and she got angry when she mentioned it. When this guy chased himself, he was like an old antique. Apart from eating together, he was watching movies together. At most, he went to the mall and sang KTV. It seemed that there was no special project. At that time, Zheng Jia was also like a little fan, with only Sun Peng's novels and scripts in his eyes, and he would go to the movies every week.

Thinking about it now, it's all the fault of youth!

After listening to Zheng Jia's words, Sun Peng felt nothing special. Anyway, for him, isn't dating just about watching movies and eating? If it were romantic enough, you wouldn’t have been a single dog in your previous life...

Of course, Zheng Jia thinks about it this way.

After getting used to the dull days of going to get off work, leaving work, and raising children in the past few years, Sun Peng occasionally accompanied her to watch movies, which made her very satisfied. She also knows that with Sun Peng’s current identity and fame, the entertainment of ordinary people is basically out of place, but unless Zheng Jia resigns to become a housewife, it is impossible to always go to a small country like Iceland to play...

Smiling and shook his head, Zheng Jia dispelled these thoughts in his mind, and asked a little curiously: "By the way, why did you suddenly remember to watch this "Ferocious Beast"? What charm does it have to make you enter the movie theater? Come and see?"

Sun Peng likes watching movies. Of course Zheng Jia knows this, but since his fame has grown he usually chooses to watch it on home TV, but this time it was different. Sun Peng insisted on coming to the cinema. So Zheng Jia was very curious, what exactly attracted her husband to this movie, was it his subject matter, was it the director or the actor?

"It's very simple, I just want to see what China's blockbusters are now."

Shrugging, Sun Peng smiled and whispered: "Aren't many people on the Internet saying that "Ferocious Beast" is imitating "Hurricane Rescue"? I want to see how they filmed..."

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