Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1441: Compared

From the perspective of the plot framework, "Ferocious Beast" does somewhat imitate "Hurricane Rescue".

The same is the kidnapping of relatives, and the same is a transnational rescue, except that retired agents have become veteran special forces, human traffickers have become drug dealers, and the rescue location has changed from Europe to South America.


"Tsk tusk, this scene is huge!"

When he saw the final battle, the actor chased from the ground to the sky, then from the sky to the sea, and finally blew up a luxury yacht, he subconsciously exclaimed.

More than it is big?

Compared with "Hurricane Rescue 2-True Lies", which has been ranked among the world's classic action movies, the scenes of this "Ferocious Beast" are not inferior, or even more exaggerated? And what makes Sun Peng even more bright is that not only the special effects and scenes are luxurious enough, but the details of this movie are also in place. The various supporting roles, props and costumes are obviously after a long time of fine carving. Think!

How much did it cost him to shoot this movie?

Sun Peng, who is no longer a newcomer in the director circle, secretly calculated, and quickly came up with an answer-perhaps the production cost in the producer's propaganda was slightly exaggerated, but it definitely exceeded 100 million US dollars!

This is the blood!

Seeing that the last battle had come to an end, Sun Peng quietly reached his wife's ear and asked, "Jia Jia, what do you think of this movie?"

"How is it? It's pretty!"

With both eyes still on the movie screen, Zheng Jia replied without turning his head.

"Compared with "Hurricane Rescue"?"


After hesitating for a while, Zheng Jia shook his head and said, "I'll finish reading it later, let's talk about it when I go out..."


After coming out to check the time, and after checking the data with his mobile phone, Sun Peng said with great interest: "The real-time box office, "Ferocious Beast" has reached 820 million, while "Han Bo and Lingshi" only 750 million...This should be the box office on the premiere day, and it won't move anymore."

"Huh? Both broke 700 million?"

"Yes, this year's Lunar New Year file broke the record."

Seeing Zheng Jia’s astonished look, Sun Peng smiled a little and said: “For the first time, two movies broke 700 million box office at the same time, and today’s box office has exceeded 3 billion... a single day’s box office of 3 billion. Huaxia coins are pretty awesome!"

Even if he knew that the China market in this world was very large, and it was not the first time that it had a box office of 3 billion in a single day, Sun Peng was still shocked when he saw this number.

The box office of "Ferocious Beast" and "Han Bo and Lingshi" alone accounted for more than half!

And more importantly, this is the first time in the history of Chinese film that two domestically produced films have box office exceeding 700 million at the same time, and "Ferocious Beast" has even exceeded 800 million at the box office!

This result is really scary!

So after hearing this number, Zheng Jia's eyes widened and asked in surprise: "The Fierce Beast is so powerful? This...even tens of millions higher than the box office of "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets". That's weird?"

"Hehe, what's weird?"

Looking at his wife, Sun Peng smiled and said: "They are different types, and the audience size is not the same. Moreover, although "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" is very famous, it is still a sequel, but have you seen the main creator of "Ferocious Beast" The director and the three leading actors stand up, don't it look more attractive than the lineup of the little wizard?"

"……That's true."

After thinking for a while, Zheng Jia nodded.

One of the top domestic film directors, and the director Sun Zhi who has just taken office in recent years, is already good at action movies, and this time two superstars Wang Chong, Zhao Momo and a Hollywood actor Harry? Parat starred together...

Harry? Pratt, a star located between the first and second lines of Hollywood, is definitely not unknown, but he can only serve as the villain in this movie.

Coupled with spending money on action scenes and special effects at all costs, is it attractive?

After watching the movie, Sun Peng actually knew that "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" ranked second. At least in China, "The Beast" has gathered so many stars and invested so much money, there is no reason why it will be worse than the box office of Little Wizard!

And in vertical comparison, the first day box office of "Han Bo and the Chamber of Secrets" has actually surpassed "Han Bo and the Spirit Stone"!

What dissatisfaction with this result?

So even if he feels a little uncomfortable in his heart, after watching "The Beast" in the cinema, Sun Peng is actually very convinced...

"I just don't know why, I always find it strange."

At this moment, Zheng Jia suddenly frowned and said: "This "Ferocious Beast" is indeed very good-looking, but compared with "True Lies"...Well, I still think that one seems more enjoyable to watch?"

"Haha, this is a script problem."

After blinking his eyes, Sun Peng said with a smile: "There are only minor problems in the setting of certain plots, but the flaws are not concealed. On the whole, this film and "Hurricane Rescue" should be a good movie of the same level!"

After saying this, Sun Peng was very happy.

Because he found that he was no longer like a movie layman, like Zheng Jia, he always felt something was wrong, but he just couldn't figure out what was wrong. After nearly ten years in the industry, Sun Peng finally has the ability to see the problem of a movie, and he can find it after watching it again!

This makes people very happy.

After listening to his words, Zheng Jia brightened his eyes and continued to ask: "A level of "Hurricane Rescue"? Is that the first or the second?"


After hesitating for a while, Sun Peng smiled: "It is on the same level as the first one. If you want to compare with "True Lies", its scenes are enough, but the plot is probably still a lot worse... …"

"Crack! Click!"


At this moment, Sun Peng was taken aback by the sudden shutter sound. He quickly turned his head and found that two young men and women were looking at them with surprise.

Then after seeing Sun Peng’s face, the boy pointed at Sun Peng and shouted, “Look, I’ll just say it’s him! It’s Teacher Lao Bai! You still don’t believe it...”


Only then did Sun Peng realize that he had forgotten to wear sunglasses.


Looking at the girl whose expressions ranged from disbelief to ecstasy, Sun Peng's mouth twitched, and he whispered at the wife beside him: "Jia Jia, hurry up! Hurry up."

"it is good!"

Of course, Zheng Jia also understood what was going on, not much nonsense, and just followed Sun Peng and went out.

Only after hearing the boy's cry, the audience who was leaving had already noticed Sun Peng and screamed in surprise.

"No, is it really Teacher Lao Bai?"

"Lao Bai came to the cinema to watch a movie? Really!"

"Oh my God, take a photo! Take a photo!"


Many people wanted to encircle immediately after they came back to their senses, but a few tall and sturdy men were faster than them. They quickly surrounded Sun Peng and Zheng Jia in the middle, and then quickly walked towards the gate. Go...

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