Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1518: Pick a song

With the 63rd episode of "Rurouni Kenshin" animation, Sun Peng prepares to make a promotional video for "Old White Heroes 2".

This promo is a little special, it has a plot.

And in addition to the good plot, Sun Peng thinks that the music is quite classic, which makes people feel very suitable after listening to it-you have to admire the strength of Japanese animation. In addition to the story and the shots, the soundtrack is also crushing. The existence of pressure, decades of accumulation have accumulated too many top talents for them.

Sun Peng used this animation a long time ago.

That was when he made his first cartoon, which is "The Peerless Double Pride". In order to make an attractive trailer, Sun Peng made the final battle between Xiaoyuer and Huawuwei, and borrowed from others. "Rurouni Kenshin" the forty-third episode of the final episode.

This time, he is going to use episode 63.

And because of the trailer this time, Chen Maolin and Chen Fengzhi's casual remarks evoked Sun Peng's idea-should we make a theme song for the second game like "Best Loved Love"?

So he pushed Lin Lin away to watch the game, he was really not fooling her.

After listening to his words, Lin Lin was obviously quite curious. She opened her eyes and asked: "Xiao Peng, are you planning to write another theme song that is at the same level as "Blessed Lovers" this time? Now I have inspiration. No?"

When asked this sentence, Lin Lin even stood up excitedly.

The Violin Concerto "Blessings of Love" has now firmly established itself as China's first violin song. Even if its origin is "humble", as the theme song of a game, I don’t know how many orthodox musicians criticized and dissatisfied it, but with the passage of time, its status in the Chinese music industry has become more and more important. Taller.

Every few months, the status skyrocketed!

And not only in China, as the influence of this piece has grown, more and more foreign violinists have begun to pay attention to "Blessed Lovers".

In many countries in the West, no classic works have been produced for many years.

What's more, the author of "Blessings of Love" this time was the old white of China, which made many people dumbfounded. Although Lao Bai wrote a piece of "One Step Away" before, it was still pop music in essence, but it was only performed on the violin. This time Liang Zhu was another matter entirely.

Therefore, the violinist who worked with Sun Peng is now running around the world to perform, and he can be said to have made a lot of money.

How much money Sun Peng makes is the next thing. Lin Lin is most proud of the song "Blessed Lovers", which allowed her cousin to conquer the traditional orthodox music circle in addition to the pop music scene!

In this era, but an extremely rare achievement.

You must know that each era has its own characteristics. Just as the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, the emergence of great composers such as Strauss and Sons, Beethoven, Bach, etc., is the fundamental reason for that era. His works are pop music; and after the 20th and 21st centuries, people who create and even like these music have become a minority. Naturally, it is difficult to have similar music masters and classic works.

Therefore, the song "Blessed Lovers" brought Sun Peng a huge reputation.

And this is exactly why Lin Lin was so excited when she heard that Sun Peng said she would create a theme song for "The Legend of the Old White Knights 2". If it is really another song at the level of "Blessings of Love", then the old Sun's family will be awesome!

It was just that after listening to his cousin, Sun Peng was immediately happy: "Bright Lovers? Where is it so easy?"

After the end of the nineteenth century, when history was on a crossroads, Sun Peng really didn't know whether there were modern music works of the same level as "The Butterfly Lovers" in China on earth. After all, he was not a professional music student. But what he has heard on various film and television works, and occasionally on the Internet, is indeed not, he is quite certain.

So sometimes, Sun Peng can't help but regret, regretting that "Blessings of Love" came out so early.

It is a pity that "Book of Swords and Enmity Records" came first, and "Blessed Lovers" is only the best match for it.


After dismissing his cousin to play the game, Sun Peng himself fell into deep thought: "The theme song of "Old White Heroes 2", which one should I choose?"

The main line of the second game is "Snow Mountain Flying Fox", "Flying Fox Story" and "Liancheng Jue". It is the result of the writers of Lao Bai Studio who spent more than half a year merging the content of several novels. There are conspiracy, love, friendship, and betrayal. It is really not easy to extract a theme.

Randomly selected a circle in his computer music library, and Sun Peng quickly found a few songs he likes very much: "The Moon in the Second Spring", "The Original Scenery of the Hometown", "The Battle of Seven Swords"...

Of course, "The Second Spring Reflected in the Moon" was first eliminated by Sun Peng.

Very classic, but too sad.

So this song, Sun Peng, will be used as an episode in the game and used in some sad places, such as when Ding Dian died in love in "Liancheng Jue", or when the Hu Yidao couple in the snow mountain flying fox died.

The remaining few choices, Sun Peng finally set his sights on "The Original Scenery of Hometown" and "Seven Swords".

Unfortunately, all of them are Japanese works.

Needless to say the former, it has been used in TV series such as "The Deer and the Ding" and "The Legend of Condor Heroes", while the latter was created by Tsui Hark specially for his help when filming "Seven Swords". The music even surpassed the movie. itself.

So even if it is done by the Japanese, there is absolutely no sense of violation when used in martial arts games.

The question now is, which style should I use?

Even as the "author" of the game script, Sun Peng is quite a headache. After all, "Lao Bai Qun Xia 2" gathers the essence of several novels, and at the same time incorporates more classic sections of the novel as a branch line, it is difficult to say what it is in style. If you have to force it, both pieces of music can fit part of it.

When tender, use "The Original Scenery of Hometown".

When excited, use "Seven Swords Song".

So strictly speaking, there is nothing wrong with picking one of the two. Just thinking about the plot of the game, and thinking about the style of these two songs, Sun Peng's choice difficulty began to occur.


"Headache? What is the headache?!"

Just as Sun Peng leaned back and subconsciously let out a happy grumble, Lin Lin's voice suddenly rang from behind.

"Huh? Don't you play games?"

"If you don't come, how can I play alone?"

Seeing Lin Lin's helpless look, Sun Peng's heart moved, and he quickly beckoned to let his cousin sit down beside him: "That's right, I'm now struggling with the matter of choosing a song. Choose one of the two songs, and I will sing them separately. , You help me choose one I like..."

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