Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1519: The key to the problem

As Sun Peng's cousin, Lin Lin really deserves the name of her action superstar.

After just listening to the two songs, she did not hesitate to choose "Seven Swords Song". In other people's words, this is obviously a sub-problem. I don't understand what Sun Peng is entangled with. I might as well play two games at that time.

After severely reprimanding Mark's cousin for such lazy and hedonistic thoughts, Sun Peng waved his hand and followed Lin Lin to play games.

It's just that Sun Peng couldn't help sighing before starting the happy fourth row.

"Best of Love" is too classic, even "Seven Swords" is a rare good song, but when the two are put together, Sun Peng still feels that the second theme song is too weak. But he has no good way to do this, because the last half hour of "Old White Knights 1" has already become the history of Chinese games...No, it should be said that the classics in the history of world games, even if he wants to surpass It's also difficult.

To be honest, it's a pity.

But no matter how regretful, Sun Peng couldn't change it.

If after several years of study and hard work, he may make breakthroughs in directing and writing novels, and in the future can create works of his own, then in the field of music, he has absolutely no such talent.

So if you can't find it in your head, it's no.

"The only thing that can be done is to spend some thought on the quantity."

Seeing the game on the computer screen enter the plane, and the skydiving point marked by Lin Lin is getting closer and closer, Sun Peng flashed a thought: "But this time you need to plan, "Old White Knights 2" and " "Lao Bai Qun Xia Chuan 3" requires a lot of original soundtracks, and the proportion of their distribution must be measured..."


After finishing the shooting of "The Martian" and returning to the capital, Sun Peng had a fairly easy life.

If he really doesn't want to be idle, he actually has work that he can't finish, such as new scripts and novels. However, after a few months of busy work, Sun Peng naturally wouldn't push himself so tightly. Within this month, he wrote the propaganda animation script of "Old White Heroes 2" and picked up the score for the soundtrack by the way.

The rest of the time is to accompany his wife and children to relax.

However, in the headquarters building of Forbidden City Pictures, the three movie giants are making noisy conversations every day for the shares of Avengers Pictures and the distribution rights of future works!

"To tell you the truth, their noisy mouths are dry these days."

In the office of the president of Forbidden City Pictures, Fang Lanshen sighed after watering a dozen potted flowers he raised, "Although I don't participate in the negotiations personally, the vice president in charge has to report to me every day. Progress... Tsk tsk, difficult! Hard!"


Looking up at Fang Lanshen, Sun Ya did not respond.


If it's so annoying, how about watering the flowers?

So he was not impressed by Fang Lanshen's words. Sun Ya only cares about one thing now: "Housekeeper, what about the shares of our Xiaopeng? Have you discussed a result? How much can you give?"

"Five percent!"

Without any hesitation, Fang Lanshen gave the answer directly: "Teacher Sun has invested in the rights to shoot the scripts of ten movies, occupying 5% of the shares!"

"Five percent? A little bit less, right?"

After listening to Fang Lanshen's words, Sun Ya frowned.

According to her idea, Sun Peng’s ten movie shooting rights need ten points of shares. After all, even if he doesn’t talk about his personal fame and the quality of the script, this Avengers series is completely planned by Sun Peng. Only five points is too little.

Fang Lanshen knew her thoughts well, and said with a wry smile: "Miss Sun, the five points are indeed less, but don’t forget that what Sun has invested in is only the right to shoot ten movies. ...And there are only ten, not even including the right to shoot the follow-up sequel! If the entire series is included, eight points are absolutely fine, even if it is ten points, I think it can be discussed...No, As long as Mr. Bai agrees to give the filming rights of the entire series to Avengers Pictures, I will convince the other two companies to give him 10% of the shares!"


Hearing what Fang Lanshen said, Sun Ya was speechless.

Then in this huge office of the president, there was nothing but Fang Lanshen's breathing and Sun Ya thoughtfully tapping on the table with his fingers.

Everyone seems to be meditating, considering the conditions.

It’s just that if Zhou An of Lotus Pictures is in this room at this time, Fang Lanshen will inevitably give Fang Lanshen a look of approval-the result of their three discussions is to give Sun Peng ten points, and the condition is to include the entire series. Avengers Pictures!

This is also an inevitable condition, and it is impossible for everyone to agree to the filming rights of ten films.

As for Sun Ya, although she frowned, she was secretly happy in her heart. Sun Peng doesn’t really care about how much he can occupy in the Avengers film industry, and he does not object to including the entire series. He only cares about the investment of each movie, and how many movies can be produced a year. The Avengers As a whole, the alliance series will be promoted and promoted.

As long as these conditions of Sun Peng are met, even one percent of the shares does not matter.

Therefore, Fang Lanshen's words even exceeded Sun Ya's expectations.

But of course she won’t let Fang Lanshen see it easily at this moment, but after putting on a thoughtful appearance, she quickly changed the subject: “Let’s discuss this matter later... Mr. Fang, about revenge. What is the share composition of Zhe Pictures? How many shares do you and Lianhua occupy? How are the distribution rights distributed?"

Seeing time approaching the one-month limit, Sun Ya was also a little anxious.

She knows her cousin very well. Before graduating from university, she was not so stubborn, but after becoming more and more successful over the years, she slowly became stubborn—as long as Sun Peng recognized what to do, We must do it and will not care about gains and losses at all.

This was the case when DreamWorks was founded and Laobai Studio was founded, and the current Avengers Pictures is no exception!

If the three giants really fail to reach an agreement within one month, Sun Peng may really find other companies, and I believe other movie giants will definitely join in without hesitation!

No one knows this better than Sun Ya.

Because in the past month, Hollywood, China, including Rainbow Pictures, I don’t know how many CEOs called her, or visited her in person, just to explore the four-party cooperation and seek to join in. opportunity!

Everyone was well informed and keenly sensed that something important happened.

However, Sun Ya did not want to let the cooperation between the four companies fail, because she knew that if the talks broke down, if Sun Peng really found another giant to cooperate, it would inevitably have an irreparable rift with these three companies!

Therefore, she is also extremely concerned about the outcome of the negotiation.

After hesitating for a while, Fang Lanshen shook his head and smiled bitterly: "In fact, most of the content is almost the same, but the final key is still different, that is, the issue of the distribution rights of the movie..."

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