Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1834: Premeditated?

Sun Peng and Wei Xiaolin continued to do the post-editing of "The Avengers", and they were not disturbed by the ups and downs of the outside world, because they knew in their hearts that even if the Huaxia Film won two months of victory, it would only be temporary. That's it.

Especially Sun Peng himself, couldn't be more clear in his heart.

The victory of Laobai or Laobai really does not mean the victory of China.

Take a look at the three films released in this Spring Festival file, whether "Finding Nemo", "Han Bo and the Order of the Phoenix", or "Spiderman", which is his own work... No, it should be said, which is China Or original Chinese movies on earth?

Without exception, all are Hollywood!

Use Hollywood movies to defeat Hollywood, and then stand up and claim that it is his own credit. Anyway, other people Sun Peng doesn't know, he only knows he can't do this kind of thing.

The real hope, in fact, should lie in those "obscure" Chinese film people.

For example, in February and March, comedy movies showed great power in the Lunar New Year archives. Although they are not comparable to the three movies produced by Sun Peng, they also took nearly 4 billion Chinese dollars at the box office during the seven-day Spring Festival holiday. ; Another example is that a science fiction movie and a Chinese-style magic movie released in early March also made a total of 110 million US dollars in foreign exchange...

The two films only earned more than 100 million US dollars a month in the overseas box office, and the main force is still in Asia, not to mention Europe and the United States. The box office performance of Japan and South Korea is also average. In the eyes of outsiders, they are simply unable to compete. Compared to old white. At least in terms of numbers, it can't even compare to the performance of a movie "Finding Nemo" in North America. After all, this animation currently has a North American box office of 210 million.

But the same sentence, only Sun Peng knows, that is the future of China Movies!

110 million US dollars, if evenly distributed, it would be 55 million US dollars!

If you put it on the original earth, although it is not comparable to "Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon" or something, it is even worse than "Hero", but it can still play 99% of the domestic films, right?

Who dares to say that such results are bad?

Don’t forget, these are just two Chinese movies in early March, not a super masterpiece for summer vacation, National Day or Lunar New Year!

You know, although Lao Bai has ruled the summer and Spring Festival files for several years in succession, there are still many good Chinese movies appearing in the schedules he "missed", especially those that "follow the trend" of his action movies, Both sci-fi and magical films have a stronger strength than these two movies!

These works are where Sun Peng's confidence lies.

Because he now knows that China’s film industry is maturing, they are figuring out Hollywood’s routines and are moving closer to them, and more importantly, China’s political, military and economic influence is steadily increasing step by step. Launch a powerful impact against the veteran overlord America...

No, in fact, the impact is not very appropriate anymore.

Because in addition to Europe, South America and Oceania, China has begun to surpass the United States in Asia and Africa and become the most influential country, no one!

Especially in Asia, the Americans have begun to lose out.

Southeast Asia is the most obvious. After China’s aircraft carrier squeezed out the US Fourth Fleet and completely took control of this area, the different voices quickly dropped and eventually almost disappeared. And when China's Indian Ocean Fleet appeared on the sea further west, at least from the Cape of Good Hope to the Strait of Malacca, no one dared to challenge the authority of this ancient country.

At this time, if there is a movie about China’s army defeating aliens, or China’s fighting against terrorists, in addition to the audience in Europe and North America, even the Australians and New Zealanders can only watch it quietly. Shouted six six six.

They know that the disappearance of Americans from Oceania is only a matter of time. Only the Atlantic Ocean is theirs. The Pacific Ocean will eventually be divided into two by the two superpowers, while Australia and New Zealand can only belong to China.

Well, far away.

In short, as Sun Peng thought, there was a lot of joy in China, especially some filmmakers with older eyes. They did not pay attention to the three films of Sun Peng, but only took those two. The 110 million dollar overseas box office film sings praise!

As for Lao Bai?

It's not that they don't want to blow, but it's meaningless to blow too much, so the fans continue to cheer.

It's just that compared to Huaxia's joy, Hollywood is a different situation. The same as Sun Po Jin expected, no matter Hollywood giants, larger film companies or big-name actors, no one dares to make any radical remarks about this, because they know that there are countless people on the other side of the Pacific holding a magnifying glass. , Carefully observing their words and deeds, one accident is the result of a blockade.

But those small companies and small stars, as well as more film critics, and American angry youths, have also been excited.

What do Huaxia people think?

They won't care, because Huaxia people won't give them a cent!

So when Wei Xiaolin finished his day's work, he opened an app at random and started browsing forums in the United States, wanting to see the reaction of Americans, he quickly saw a series of scary headlines.

"The Chinese film invasion, how should we fight back?"

"This is a stark aggression. Hollywood studios should refuse to cooperate with Laobai!"

"Paramount is Hollywood's biggest traitor, and so are Haggs and Hymens!"

"If it is a traitor, the biggest one should be Kapoka. They have supported "Sunflower Story Collection". Now Huaxia people are using "Finding Nemo" to counterattack the United States!"

"The biggest traitor? Isn't it Haggs Pictures? Look at the global box office of "Han Bo and the Order of the Phoenix" and "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". The Little Wizard has exceeded $70 million!"

"I originally thought that everyone was just a little curious about Huaxia's culture, but when the little wizard surpassed, I really discovered Laobai's hidden purpose-he had already planned!"

"And "Tomorrow" and Steve? Lucas is directing "Avatar," don't you think he is paving the way for "Wandering Earth" and "Jurassic World"?"

"If so, what about "Pirates of the Caribbean"?"



"Ha ha."


Looking at these posts and comments, Wei Xiaolin kept making all kinds of weird laughs. In his opinion, these Americans are really interesting. They are obviously just Lao Bai's routine operations. When they say it, it has become premeditated?

"Ha ha... uh!"

With a smile, a thought suddenly flashed in his mind, and the smile on Wei Xiaolin's face instantly solidified.

"Dapeng... won't he really premeditated, right?"

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