Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1835: Must-see list

There are many ways to gossip, but in the situation that Sun Peng is facing now, even without the reminders of Liu Chang and Fang Lanshen, he also knows that he can only express one way.

Very simple, silent.

There is no way to explain this kind of thing. To say that he has no ambitions for Hollywood, or that he has no meaning to help the rise of Huaxia Movies, let alone others will not believe it, even if he believes it will hurt the domestic fans; and if it is generous Fang's adult...

So for the next period of time, Sun Peng was silently doing the later stage of "The Avengers", and turning a blind eye to things outside the window was the best response.

And for him, this job is indeed very interesting.

Before "The Martian", Sun Peng seldom used Lumu in several movies, but the scenery of Mars and the gorgeous space must be created with special effects technology. But even so, because it is relatively more static content, the difficulty is not particularly large.

But this time "Avengers" is completely different.

Leaving aside the army of appearances and the huge monsters behind, that is, the "Hulk" and "Thor", it can make him addicted. So at this time, in addition to Wei Xiaolin to help out, the two assistant directors, one Chinese and one beautiful, are even more important. Often when Sun Peng is a little at a loss, the two assistant directors will stand up and follow his drawings. The camera gave orders to the special effects crew.

So in the "Avengers" crew, Lao Bai is really a very special existence.

On the one hand, no one can deny his talent, especially under the aura of previous achievements, no one dared to oppose any of his words, but on the other hand, they could not help but marvel at Lao Bai’s Xiaobai. On the one hand-for these ordinary people, it is really hard to imagine that such a person really dares to control such a huge movie of "The Avengers".

But no way, talented people can be willful.

For example, in the final battle, the two assistant directors have been thinking about a shot, that is, how to make six heroes in the same frame-a simple shot, but let them rack their brains. Because this moment is very important, not only to let the audience have a feeling of enthusiasm, but also to make them feel that the heroes are really gathered together...

At this time, not only the lens is needed, but also the full cooperation of the soundtrack!

Then just when they looked sad, Laobai took ten minutes to get everything done lightly, and then put the recorded soundtrack on top. The only thing the two assistant directors wanted to do was kneel in front of this guy. , Clean up his shoes...


Sun Peng's deliberate low-key, finally let the heat about him slowly drop.

No way, the entertainment industry has always been the most fickle, so starting from mid-April to the end of June, Sun Peng can finally calm down and do the latter part of "The Avengers" seriously. Originally, his director did not need to stare every day, but for him, the post-production of the reunion was a rare experience, so in addition to thundering and staying home for three or four days every month, Sun Peng is the clear In front of the film's controller, he secretly acts as a learner.

It's hard work, but the harvest is also great.

According to Wei Xiaolin, who left in early May, if Fulian did well enough and Sun Peng also participated in the post-production process, then as long as the next "Captain China 2" is completed, Sun Peng is a qualified sci-fi action. The blockbuster is director!

Perhaps in the entire world, only two people are qualified to say such things.

One is Sima Gang, who has always cooperated with Sun Peng, and the other is Wei Xiaolin. Only the two of them know the details of Lao Bai. They know that he is writing the script, and even controlling a movie is a genius, super Invincible, but in terms of how to turn ideas into reality, or how to turn those pictures in his head into pictures on the big screen, Lao Bai really has a long way to go!

In this field, he is a younger brother!

If Wei Xiaolin had to give a judgement, Sun Peng's level was at most as he was five years ago!

It's just that compared with him five years ago, Sun Peng has an advantage that other directors simply can't match, that is, no matter how much money he needs or which star he needs, he can easily get it. So when other directors are still having headaches for the funding and actors of the new film, Sun Peng can use the huge funds of the giants to practice his hands and accumulate rich experience...

Okay, that's far away.

Just as Sun Peng was slowly accumulating experience and working hard for his movie dream, another summer was coming.

As in previous years, movies related to Lao Bai immediately entered people's attention.

Paramount's "Hulk" has entered the peak of publicity.

This superhero that failed successively on Earth was created almost entirely by Paramount this time. What Sun Peng can provide is just a concept and a rough image. Originally, Sun Peng wanted to give Paramount the image, but considering the influence of the reunion, he finally decided to keep the original version.

It's just an image and concept.

If you have to say something, maybe there is another general personality of the Hulk, which basically refers to the setting of Fulian.

As for how the Hulk came into being, what happened in the process, who he loves, who he hates, are completely handed over to Paramount Pictures... By the way, Sun Peng gave the director a suggestion I wake up, that is, don't play Wenqing, don't!

Ang Lee, the great director on the earth, played and died miserably.

Anyway, in Sun Peng's view, the Hulk is a reckless man, no matter who you see, it's the right thing to hit him!

As for the final box office performance, to be honest, Sun Peng is not very concerned. If Paramount takes a good shot and performs well in the global box office, it is naturally excellent, but if it fails as much as on Earth...

Keke, it's not Sun Peng's script anyway, and I can't blame him.

Although this approach is a bit of a chicken thieves, it is not very kind, but in order to protect his reputation, Sun Peng can only choose this method.

Another movie is Qinglan Animation's "Superman Story".

Sun Peng naturally attached great importance to this pioneering work of Qinglan animation, and he also gave enough support. And because it belongs to the "Sunflower Story Collection", this animation is also unreleased, and it ranks among the most anticipated movies in the summer vacation.

And when the summer vacation arrives, this animation is of course included in the must-see list of many people...

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