Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1866: the reason

The box office performance of this year's Christmas stall was beyond everyone's expectations.

No one expected that the box office of "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" would stop below one billion Chinese dollars in the first weekend... Although North America is as high as 94 million, Europe also has nearly 90 million, and Japan is also very popular. It is still high, but in the supermarket of China, the performance is quite weak.

This result has made the entire movie circle a little restless.

Strictly speaking, this result is of course not bad. For any blockbuster film, the box office of more than 900 million yuan in more than three days is already very good. But unfortunately, everyone obviously has another criterion for "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince"-this is the sixth movie in a big hit series. This is a super masterpiece with an investment of more than 180 million US dollars. It is a classic ip that allows other blockbuster movies to adjust their schedules!

Because of the little magician, apart from the animated film "Chen Tangguan", no blockbuster movie with an investment of more than 300 million has been released in China; even in Hollywood, North America, the situation is basically similar.

In other words, "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" occupies most of the resources this weekend.

Even if because of Christmas, many European and American audiences choose to reunite at home, but there will also be many single dogs, or elementary and middle school students who are on holiday to go to the theater to support them?

Therefore, the actual box office is at least 20% lower than the estimated box office!

This result naturally made the film people restless.

However, although "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" is an adaptation of Lao Bai's work, no matter the screenwriter, director, or actor, more importantly, the producer is Hollywood, so it is not as expected to attract less attention in China. , But the box office of "Chen Tangguan" made many people feel uncomfortable.

This huge investment animation is the orthodox sequel to "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother"!

Invested one billion Chinese coins, and the production cost exceeded 600 million!

But on the first weekend of the show, "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" had a box office of less than 700 million Chinese coins, about 200 million less than Harry Potter!

You know, this is a sequel to the hot ip!

"Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" has countless fans across the country. Under normal circumstances, even if the final total box office does not increase much, it is normal for the box office to double in the first week.


The three core websites have an average score of 8.1, which is excellent, but it is completely incomparable with the previous "Split the Mountain to Save the Mother"!

This result naturally gave many animators a heavy blow!

According to this situation, it may not be a problem to make money in "Chen Tangguan", but it is definitely difficult to make a lot of money... No, these are not the key, the key is why?

The story of "Chen Tangguan" is the same as "Splitting the Mountain to Save His Mother". It is a traditional Chinese myth. It is hard to say which one is more well-known, and compared with Nezha, it seems impossible to say who is more popular, so From the story ip, it should be evenly divided.

But in terms of investment, "Chen Tangguan" must have an advantage.

In addition, the production of "Chen Tangguan" was a few years late, and there has been a lot of progress in technology, and Hafei Animation and its partners have more experience...

No matter what you think, it shouldn't be!

Originally, with the rise of "Splitting the Mountain to Save the Mother", domestic investment in animated films has begun to heat up. Now that it has begun production, there are two or three animations with investment of more than 300 million Chinese currency, but watch After the box office performance of "Chen Tangguan", many people were splashed with cold water.

Again, there should be no loss of money, and even the producers and distributors can make a lot of money, but after all, it is a joint work of Hafei Animation and many well-known animation companies.

With strength and experience, Xuanfa spent so much money to make it like this. What about the animation works of ordinary companies?

"Anyway, the past few days have been very lively, and all the great gods have jumped out."

Stretching, Lin Lin glanced at her daughter first, and found that the child was playing with a few sisters, and she looked at her cousin who was more lazy next to her: "It is said that "Chen Tangguan" is In the old road of "Chopping the Mountain to Save Mother", there is no freshness; some say that the failure of this animation is to cater to the changes made in Europe and the United States, which makes domestic audiences disgusted; others say that the animation technology is more cash and investment , But the story is not well told..."


Listening, Sun Peng couldn't help but yawned greatly.

"Hello, are you listening?!"

"Haha, listened."

Rolling his eyes, Sun Peng said dispiritedly: "I said that other people's movies are so hard for you to do? With this time, it's better to run the "Avengers" publicity... , There is only more than a month left!"


Seeing the lazy virtue of her cousin, Lin Lin wanted to slap this kid very much.

But I was really curious, so after suppressing her anger, Lin Lin continued to ask: "Tell me, tell me! Why do you think this led to this situation? In fact, I think "Chen Tangguan" did a great job. Both the picture and the soundtrack are up to a higher level than "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother". Why is the response not as good as the previous one?"

"Very simple, a matter of style!"

Being entangled by the cousin, Sun Peng could only say helplessly.

"Style? You mean a compromise to the European and American markets?"

"Hehe, it's not just this."

Shaking his head, Sun Peng pondered for a moment and then said, "The main thing is "Chen Tangguan"...No, it can even be said to be the style of "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother"."

"Ah? No? Isn't "Splitting the Mountain to Save Mother" very successful?"

"Yeah, because it was so successful."

Shaking his head, Sun Peng chuckled: "So after gaining historical box office and praise, when Hafei Animation produced "Chen Tangguan", even if they compromised with the European and American markets, they couldn't change the core of the animation. ——A very inspirational but tragic story."

"This... I don't quite understand."

Seeing his cousin shaking her head blankly, Sun Peng hesitated and said, "To put it bluntly, this style is not suitable for the whole family to watch, even if they introduce a lot of jokes, cute pets, and relatively beautiful. The ending can't change the plot and the birth defects of the style! It's the animation movie type... ahem, how do you say it? Born to be suitable for family fun, do you understand this?"


After a moment of silence, Lin Lin nodded with regret: "So this is why your "Sunflower Story Collection" is always a big seller? Domestic animation should move closer to this aspect in the future?"

"This one……"

Smiling, Sun Peng shook his head and said, "To be honest, I really don't know. "Sunflower Story" is actually a reference to Hollywood routines. As for domestic animation, I hope they can go their own way. But it is. A failure...Haha, as far as the box office of "Chen Tangguan" is concerned, it is not a failure, but it did not meet expectations. They will definitely think about it later...Ha!"

Seeing Sun Peng yawning again, Lin Lin looked disgusted and said, "What did you do last night? So sleepy?"

"What else? Playing games!"

After blinking his eyes and desperately driving away sleepiness, Sun Peng smiled and said: "The day before yesterday, "The Legend of the Old White Group 3" opened a new dlc. I have been in the liver for these two days..."

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