Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1867: Foreign players

Japan, Nagoya

"I am back."

"Welcome back."

The mother, who was busy preparing dinner, turned her head and glanced at her daughter who had just arrived home, and said with a smile: "Yoko, take a break first. Dinner may take half an hour."

"Okay, mom."

Although his stomach is a little hungry, it is naturally impossible for the gentle-tempered Yoko to complain. Instead, he returns directly to his room and turns on the computer to prepare to play his favorite game for a while.

But as soon as it was turned on, Yoko's door was pushed open from the outside.

"Yoko! Yoko!"

After hearing this voice, Yoko's face immediately showed an unhappy look: "Shunsuke? Why don't you knock on the door and just break in?"

Yoko was quite dissatisfied with his twin brother.

As a first-year high school student, Yoko is a good student with both good character and academic performance. Both at home and at school are representatives of good girls; but Shunsuke is very different from his twin sister, except for the first-class sports club. Any place that is commendable, so slowly, Yoko will not look down on this brother...

Apart from eating, the siblings hardly had any chance to meet each other.

So seeing Shunsuke rushing in with excitement, besides his anger, Yoko immediately became vigilant-this guy, isn't it that he has any weird thoughts? Last time, for a so-called opportunity to be the main player of the team, he actually wanted to introduce himself to the predecessors of the team. Yoko was angry for a long time!

But to Yoko's surprise, his brother immediately began to apologize: "Sorry, I'm so excited... Come to my room and show you a good thing!"

"What...I won't go!"

Just like conditioned reflex, I asked what it was, but Yoko immediately remembered something and shook his head quickly.

"Oh, it's definitely not something strange!"

Seeing his sister refused, Shunsuke suddenly became anxious: "Come on! It's something you like very much recently...If you don't come, you will regret it! I promise you!"

While talking, Junjie yanked his sister up from the chair.

On the one hand, he couldn't resist the strength of his brother, on the other hand, he was also curious about what he said. Yoko drolled into the next room and saw the picture on his brother's computer screen at a glance.


"Hey, are you familiar?"

Seeing his sister’s face in surprise, Junjie said triumphantly: “Sit down, in order to show you this story, I read the archive specially! And I checked on the Internet, the old man with white beard. But one of China’s most famous calligraphers..."

"You lie! This is an animated character... No, this is a game, right?"

"Uh... it's a game!"

He smiled awkwardly, but Shunsuke immediately went on to say: "But what's wrong with the game? This is the most advanced motion capture technology, and it captures the movements of China’s most famous calligrapher! And you look at the words he wrote , Isn't it beautiful?"


For a moment, Yoko's eyes stayed on the computer screen and could no longer look away.

Yes, he is a calligraphy lover.

Although I only liked brush calligraphy when I was in junior high school, after two years of studying, Yoko's works are now decent. It's a pity that her teacher's level is limited. So far, she can't teach her too much, and there are no better teachers at school and at home, making Yangzi very depressed.

At this time, when her brother said that the characters in the game were Chinese calligraphy masters, and they were shots of motion capture, her interest was suddenly raised.

"Brother, what game is this?"


Hearing the word elder brother, Shunsuke glanced at Yoko in surprise, slightly surprised-under normal circumstances, it is not easy to hear her call himself elder brother!

"Hey, this is "Old White Heroes 3"!"

When he was happy, Shunsuke naturally told her the name of the game immediately: "It is a game planned by the old teacher that you like very much! And there are not only calligraphy, but also many Chinese arts you like very much, such as Guzheng, Pipa, what's the name of that... well, what is the name of that instrument that is played like a violin?"

"Erhu? There is an erhu in there?"

"Yes, it's Erhu!"

Speaking of the name that is quite slurred to the Japanese, Shunsuke nodded vigorously and said: "The music inside is made by Mrs. Lao Bai, very nice..."


Europe, Italy, Milan.

"That's it, Alessandro!"

On the phone, the voice of a good friend seemed very anxious: "Trust me, we will definitely succeed today! As long as we can capture this bank, we won't be short of money in a short time... Maybe this ticket After that, we can buy a big house in Luoyang City!"

If it weren't for the latter sentence, anyone who listened to these words would think they were planning to rob the bank in reality!

But Alessandro? Piro's face turned dark, and he said angrily: "Brother, it's not a bank, but a bank! A financial institution in ancient China, it came out much earlier than a bank."

"Ok, ok, the same."

After listening to his words, the voice on the phone seemed a little impatient: "At eight o'clock, you must come! This is an important event for the Knights of the Holy Rose, so you can't be late!"


Until the end of the phone hung up, Alessandro? Piro was stunned for a moment, and muttered a sentence: "This is an ancient Chinese game. It's called the Knights... It's stupid!"

But no way, who made him a member of the Knights?

And for a good friend who is willing to play a Chinese game with him, and quickly enjoy it, Alessandro? Piro is still very happy, because he knows that it is because of his parents that he has a good understanding of Chinese culture, and also likes the culture of this eastern country very much, but friends are different, they are willing to play "Old White Heroes 3" purely Because of myself... at least at the beginning, absolutely.

"Huh... Fortunately, the game is great!"

He let out a sigh of relief, remembering how some of my friends were reluctant at first, but became fascinated after playing the network mode of "Old White Heroes 3", Alessandro? Piro couldn't help but smile.

This game is really fun.

And I heard that a great **** is currently making a mod for "The Legend of the Old White Knights 3". He wants to change the characters and costumes to the European medieval look, and even the buildings inside. His friends are looking forward to it. It's very good.

But for Alessandro? For Piro, he was not interested at all.

"Well, there is still some time."

Looking at his watch, he found that after more than half an hour, the corner of his mouth curled up a little: "While I have time, go to a Chinese opera again... No, listen to Peking Opera again... "

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