Another World Under My Pen

Chapter 1873: Doctor Strange

In the past ten years, Sun Peng has written dozens of movie scripts, most of which are blockbuster movies with a box office explosion. The types of movies involve animation, science fiction, action, magic and so on.

For most of these movies, the peripheral income is scary.

For example, the cartoons in "Sunflower Story Collection" are among the best. Until now, Kaboka can get hundreds of millions of dollars in licensing money and dividends from "Frozen" every year. At least 10% of Kapoka’s income is Lao Bai.

Although it has been released for a long time, the level of making money in "Frozen" is not low!

The cooperation between Sun Peng and Capoca has been continuing, and the later the release date, the higher Sun Peng’s dividend ratio. Last year, Capoca settled 164 million to Sun Peng. USD dividend income!

There is also the Avengers series. Although only six movies have been released, since Lao Bai was already the world’s top screenwriter and writer when the collaboration started, the dividend ratio is scary. Even if the time is short, it was the dividend given to Sun Peng last year. It is also as high as 80 million US dollars!

Similarly, there are Harry Potter series and Han Bo series, which are also veterans of making money!

Just look at the Harry Potter series on the earth. The movie box office is only more than 7 billion US dollars, but various derivatives, such as stage plays, studio tours, stationery and clothing, etc., involve It is an industrial chain worth hundreds of billions.

Rowling alone is worth more than one billion US dollars because of this book... When she sold the film and television adaptation rights of the first four volumes, the price was only 1.3 million US dollars!

In this world, Lao Bai could start from a much higher starting point than Rowling.

Or it can be said that when Little Wizards and Little Wizards began to be adapted into movies, Lao Bai was already the world's most well-known screenwriter and writer, with the highest dividend ratio in the world. For a little wizard or a little magician movie, Sun Peng's reward is tens of millions of dollars plus a double-digit percentage of dividends!

So every year, Sun Peng can get huge dividends from Haggs Films and Nanhai Films, including box office and various peripherals.

It is from these figures that Sun Peng knows the gap between the Chinese giants and the Hollywood giants.

To give a simple example, the fifth work with the shortest release time, namely "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" and "Han Bo and the Order of the Phoenix", the global box office of the two is almost the same, even the little wizard It's higher, so when Sun Peng received box office dividends last year, it was naturally almost the same.

However, in early February, Sun Peng received other dividends from the two companies and immediately opened the gap!

Last year, the follow-up dividend paid by Nanhai Films to Sun Peng was 800 million Chinese currency, which is the dividend for the whole series of products of Little Wizard, including portrait licensing of various physical products, stage plays, derivative books, etc., related products as many as There are more than 2,100 kinds; and the amount that Haggs settled for Sun Peng is 270 million US dollars, which is about the same in type, but there are more than 7,600 kinds of related products!

This is the accumulated number of six movies and six novels. See how big the gap is?

So in Sun Peng's view, even if the global box office of "Han Bo and the Peacock Prince" completely surpasses "Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince", it does not mean that the little wizard surpasses the little wizard! Regardless of influence or profit level, people have dumped the little wizard more than one street...

After listening to Sun Peng's words, Liu Chang frowned: "In your opinion, doesn't the Little Wizard series have a chance to win? I mean, besides the box office, other aspects also win?"

"Hehe, of course there is a chance!"

Looking at his agent, Sun Peng laughed: "But it's definitely not now, but in two years... No, even three years later, when the two series finale is released! Use three years! At the time, Nanhai Films has further spread its influence to more countries, and at the same time has stronger strength in the development of peripherals, copyrights and other fields. Then, it will be able to break the wrist with Haggs Pictures. ..."


Regardless of the future, the most important thing for Sun Peng now is the premiere that starts in the afternoon. He participated in two film premieres in Lingnan and Modu, but Sun Peng feels completely different.

To say that it is important, it must be more important to the "Avengers".

Not only is Fulian written and directed by Sun Peng and invested a lot of energy and time, but also because in the next ten years, the Avengers series will definitely become the largest series in movie history...

none of them!

However, Sun Peng attaches great importance to this premiere. Before going to the theater, he must also meet Fang Lanshen from the Forbidden City and Zhou An from Lotus to talk about the movie that is about to be produced.

"The problem is that we only have one "Captain China 2" left!"

After chatting for a while, Zhou An said solemnly: "Lao Bai, it's not that we were grumbling deliberately, it's really... ahem, look at the next few new heroes, "Guardians of the Galaxy" It's American, and "Ant-Man" is also American. We don't have any of the new heroes!"

His eyes flashed, and Sun Peng replied with a smile: "But the second edition of the reunion gave it to you, didn’t it? And don’t forget, there is "Spider-Man" as well! Although it will not be included in the reunion for the time being, But Iron Man has already started interacting with him, joining is just a matter of time!"


After a daze, Zhou An suddenly smiled bitterly: "I understand what you mean, and "Spiderman" is indeed very popular. The performance in Europe and the United States is really beyond our expectations, but... a large part of it. The attention is brought by the Iron Man who interacted with him. If he stays outside of the reunion for a long time..."

"Don't worry, it won't be long. The third stage will definitely join."

With his eyes narrowed, Sun Peng explained with a smile.

"The third stage..."

After looking at each other, Zhou An and Fang Lanshen showed disappointment on their faces at the same time. Although because of the good results, whether Lotus, Forbidden City or Paramount, all have accelerated the production speed of the reunion series, the seven films in the second stage will all be released in the next two years. They are now It has even begun to look forward to the third stage!

But until now, they still haven't got the third stage script.

When Sun Peng saw the changes in the expressions of the two, he moved in his heart and said with a smile: "Well, I did prepare a script for you in the third stage. It is also the new hero that I said long ago. I think you can Prepare in advance."

Hearing this, Zhou An immediately lifted his spirits, and asked quickly: "New hero? Is that wizard?"

"Yes, that's the wizard!"

Nodded, Sun Peng smiled and said: "So I strongly recommend that you take a good look at "Han Bo and the Peacock Prince" these days, because you will also start to build a wizarding world..."

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