Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 929: I'm with you 46

"Students who have not achieved good grades, don't be discouraged, keep working hard, and have a little confidence in yourself." The old man is actually a routine encouragement.

Several other guests nodded reservedly.

The voice is neither high nor low: "Yes, teacher."

Fanxing screamed, and his spirits were extremely high: "Okay!!!"

With a single word, he abruptly shouted a posture of swallowing mountains and rivers.

Elementary school students are so enthusiastic in class.

Old man: "..."

Program group: "..."

Other guests: "..."

Chu Qingqing was shocked, Zhou Fanxing was really her enemy in this life!

Not only is she deep-scheming and unique, but the most important thing is that she has a thick skin and good psychological quality, which makes her feel beyond reach!

If this is changed to her...

No, if this is replaced by anyone else.

Have to be depressed for a few days, right?

Even if you are not depressed, at least you feel a little bit embarrassed, ashamed, and afraid to be so high-profile.

After all, you were so high-profile before, and the result was just like Spicy Chicken.

Continue to be so high-profile, is it true?

But Zhou Fanxing really felt right in his heart.

She is obviously a scumbag, but she is so arrogant! !

Although Chu Qingqing wanted to follow Fanxing's example, he would be out of position.

But after observing for a period of time, I found that...

Damn, she couldn't help it.

too difficult! Really!

Netizens are not generally shocked.

[Zhou Fanxing...How did she resurrect with blood so quickly? 】

[Across the screen, I felt the shock of several teachers. 】

[Zhou Fanxing: Yesterday's sadness is true, helplessness is true, and hesitation is also true. But today is another day full of vitality! 】

[Day, hahahaha! Is the upstairs poisonous? 】


The people who came out of Xinghui Entertainment were all wonderful works.

You never know what Star Entertainment's artists will do next.

It's like the mad queen who was resolutely with Xiao Xianrou at the beginning, when everyone thought that she was old and declining and would hold Xiao Xianrou firmly.

She can be frank and scum, looking for the next spring.

The program team felt that this time it was a treasure.

I didn't expect it to reach such a high level of popularity. It can be said that half of the heat of this show is brought by the stars.

Therefore, the program team simply did a small interview with Fanxing.

"Was Fanxing disappointed with the results of the last weekly exam?"

Fanxing: "...There is something missing."

"I believe that many program viewers have a doubt, that is, you have performed so hard before, but did not get the rewards you deserved. Are you not lost?"

Fanxing: "...There is something missing."

"Since you are lost, how did you do it, and adjust your mentality quickly in such a short period of time?"

Fanxing thought for a while, arrogant and proud: "Because I believe that I will take the exam next time!"

Little fairy, just want to be confident.

Exams are like drawing prizes.

It doesn't matter if you didn't touch it this time. What if you touch it next time, right?

Search God: [...] The translation of these words is probably, it doesn't matter if the test is not good this time, because there are no multiple choice questions. If there are multiple-choice questions in the next exam, then I will be able to touch the two like a prize.

"Oh? Are you so confident in yourself? Are you sure you will do better next time than this time?"

"Uncertain." Fanxing was rightly confident, "but I need confidence."

Program group:...

I really want to ask, what is the use of such blind faith?

Because of Fanxing's confidence, some people really began to look forward to how she would perform in the next exam?

Even more, many netizens began to bet.

Bet how many points she can test.

Until the next exam, no surprises, it is still in single digits.

A few old gentlemen want to give more curly noodles, but they can't get a correct answer to a single question, and give back more than ten curly noodles!

The only thing that comforts the old man is that the child is not partial to discipline.

Every door is even and treated equally.

As the saying goes, it is not to worry about being scarce, but to worry about unevenness.

This means that no old gentleman will be unbalanced as long as he treats everyone equally.

Just take the exam several times one after another.

Netizens who have been insisting on conspiracy theories before also feel that they can't do it anymore.

After all, if you speculate counter-attack people, then you have to counter-attack anyway!

Fanxing had no hope of counterattack at all.

Look at her steady performance, tell the truth, when the show is over, she can reach double digits, God opened her eyes.

In fact, Fanxing doesn’t have any substantial black spots, so after watching her go to the exams with full confidence again and again, and then bottom out her scores again and again, after all, some people start to feel unbearable...

After all, hard work is really obvious to all.

Seeing Fanxing like a little fool, he babbled hard. Taking class is the most serious one, and taking notes is the most diligent one. If the result is not working, it is not working.

Even a person with a gloomy mind will feel unbearable.

There is even a topic frequently launched online-

#周繁星, don't work hard#

[Since the effort is useless, then give up, OK? 】

[You see that you look so beautiful, you can eat on your face, not on talent. 】

[Please don't study anymore, I'm a **** fan, I'm almost becoming a real fan. 】

[Ibid. When I think of my goose in an interview before, she said that she used to have a lot of psychological pressure because her family felt that her grades were not good and she was a waste. I feel terrified to think carefully, and feel terribly distressed.

If she doesn't ask for progress, I just think she deserves it. But she has worked so hard, but she will never get the recognition she deserves. My god, I feel broken when I think about it! 】

【me too. 】

When the last show was recorded.

Including several old gentlemen, all the guests were sitting together and chatting.

Chu Qingqing sat awkwardly beside Fanxing and said to her in a low voice, "To be honest, I really regarded you as a competitor at first."

Fanxing: "Oh."

"But I think now, there is no comparability between the two of us, I really admire you." The strength of the psychological quality is really admirable.

She couldn't do it anyway.

In the future, if Zhou Fanxing gets mixed up in the entertainment circle, she will not be jealous because of her own tenacity.

Mr. Lu Wenhua should be the one who likes the stars the most among these old gentlemen.

He likes students who are passionate about learning and motivated.

However, the enthusiasm for learning alone is not enough, and there must be a little talent!

To be honest, even if Fanxing only had the talent of a normal person, he was willing to accept her as a student.

As a result, no.

Absolutely not! !

The only thing he is curious about right now is, "How can he rush forward so hard, knowing that his hard work has no results?"

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