Antagonists Are Very Well-Behaved Today

Chapter 930: I'm with you 47

Old Mr. Lu Wenhua asked: "How can you rush forward so relentlessly knowing that your hard work has no results? What is supporting you?"

Everyone felt that Fanxing's answer would definitely be both positive and sensational in this kind of face-to-face conversation.

For example, although there is no result, I hope to see miracles with my own efforts.

For example, man will conquer the sky, and as for the result, there is no regret or regret.

Chu Qingqing began to envy and hate again.

Hey, why doesn't she have such a good opportunity to seduce people?

Oh, because she can't afford it.

Day, even more angry.

Fanxing thought for a while.

A hint of shyness appeared on the boy's face.

Damn, it turned out to be really shy!

Just talk, why are you still shy?

"Because you work hard to be with your excellent little brother."

She spoke so seriously and her eyes were so sincere.

It seems to be expressing brightly:

I want to have fun, so I work hard. Correct! That's right! It's that simple!

It can be seen from the heart...

What a ghost!

The old gentlemen seemed to be struck by lightning.

Chu Qingqing:...Damn, Zhou Fanxing this week... She really did not misunderstand her. She is really a good girl. Whenever she thinks that the brain circuit gap between herself and Zhou Fanxing is obvious enough, oh my **** , She can prove with actual actions that there is no strangest thing, only even more strange thing!

Zhou Fanxing, she doesn't take the usual path at all! !

Fanxing arrogantly snorts.


No one understands how stressful she is.

The old brother who sent a few, of course, must send a few pets.

If you don't have the ability, how can I make my little star in the eyes of my brother?

Suddenly everyone cracked.

Whether it's the old gentlemen present or the netizens who are watching the live broadcast.

What is the reason for this fresh and unpretentious effort?

[What exactly did Star Entertainment teach me? Why is she so enlightened when she is in love at a young age? And I just want a coal boss to support me. 】

[I have this question too, Xinghui Dog Company, come out and get beaten! My cub is still young and refuses any dog-man hookups. 】

[My cub, this reason is simply a mudslide! 】

[Before I always thought Zhou Fanxing was a hype, now I feel that my face is almost swollen. Damn, her brain circuit is different from ordinary people, so she doesn't know how to speak circuitously. 】

If Fanxing dared to say such things at the beginning of the show, he would definitely be hacked out.

But after a whole season of the show, many netizens have figured out what kind of person Fanxing is.

Efforts can reverse the prejudices of most people.

If it weren't for extreme thinking, even if people don't like stars, they would never hate this hardworking girl.

And most importantly, you have to say that she is stupid, her brain circuits are often enough to make people willing to bow down.

It's fun, hard work, and with some natural and simple.

It's really hard to hate her!

Except Zhou Yuxin.

Zhou Yuxin didn't even know what happened.

Obviously from the very beginning, these netizens are just like her, and aspiring to hate Zhou Fanxing.

The ghost knows what has happened to their thinking during this period?

One by one, I started to like Zhou Fanxing somehow. At the very beginning, there was only a small group of comments saying that Zhou Fanxing was not that bad.

Later, those IDs who once had the same hatred with her were rebellious one after another.

Some people think that Zhou Fanxing has a true temperament.

Some say that Zhou Fanxing is also quite pitiful.

There are even some people who are crazy, claiming to be a fan, sister fan, brother fan, brother fan...

Zhou Yuxin has been a vegetable for so long, and she is almost completely out of touch with this world. She simply can't understand how these people's affection for Fanxing has changed?

She also watched the show from the beginning to the end, and did not have the slightest feeling of favor with Zhou Fanxing, and even became more disgusted.

What a joke.

Stupid to be like this, so embarrassed to be exposed to everyone?

If she was Zhou Fanxing, she would buy a piece of tofu and smash it to death. The performance is so hard, the result is a single-digit score. In addition to proving that she has a problem with her IQ, what else can it prove?

Some people even think it is cute.

What's so cute about this?

Zhou Yu's eyes flashed with unwillingness and disgust, as he quickly tapped his finger on the phone...

A piece of Bingxin: [At such a young age, it’s disgusting to keep wanting to fall in love. You people like a disgusting person, don't you think there is a problem with your three views? 】

A piece of Bingxin: [What do you like about Zhou Fanxing who is as stupid as a pig? Shouldn't it be blocked? If all the artists are **** like Zhou Fanxing, do you know how much negative energy it will bring to this society? 】

A piece of Bingxin: [Don't worry about being stupid, my heart is still so dirty. At a young age, I was thinking about love. I think she may not be stupid, but her mind is full of scraps, so she has no intention of studying! 】

"What are you posting?"

Suddenly, a voice rang behind Zhou Yuxin.

Zhou Yu's hand trembled, and the phone dropped to the ground, his whole person acting extremely unnatural.


Leshan picked up the phone from the ground, and the screen never went off.

The words above show clearly, to Zhou Yuxin, she only feels as if she is being executed in public.

"Brother, I didn't mean to send something like this on purpose, I just..."

Leshan suddenly chuckled, "I was just forced?"

Of course Zhou Yuxin could see the joking and mockery in his brother's tone.

It was as if she had already seen everything, so looking at her was like watching a clown performing desperately.

Zhou Yuxin asked cautiously: "Brother, what are you laughing at?"

She really felt that this smile was terrifying, and suddenly made her feel that she seemed very far away from her brother.

"Nothing, brother is just laughing at himself."

Laughing at oneself can crush the void, but not necessarily the essence of human nature.

I always feel that the reason why the jade heart has changed is because the dragon clan’s xinxing must be repaid, and the jade heart is inevitably unaffected.

But Javier will be retributed and stubborn, which does not seem to mean evil.

That little dragon cub, at the worst, never seemed like a rat in the gutter, hiding in secret to bite others.

Evil, it may be just because of nature.

Leshan went upstairs step by step.

Zhou Yuxin felt uneasy. She felt that she was about to lose her brother...

No, it must be her illusion.

Looking down at the phone, Zhou Yuxin almost crushed her teeth with no anger.

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