Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 751: Scarlet Strike

Position two.

Guarding here are the survivors of the Dawn base.

The corpse tide hadn't arrived yet, and Tong Sandao's precepts before the battle were similar to those of Xiang Zesheng and the others. They were all impassioned and passionate.

The emotions of the fighters were mobilized by them, and they all became "in the sky and the earth, self-respecting." Seeing their excitement, let alone the tide of corpses, even the corpse gods appeared in groups in front of them, and they had the confidence to All of them are killed.

"Brothers, the genetic medicine we need is coming, and we all cheer up. Whether you can become a super soldier and whether everyone is like a dragon depends on us this time."

"Everyone is like a dragon, everyone is like a dragon..."

Morale has reached a peak state.

At this time, the team consigned the second mother's corpse appeared.


The convoy did not stop, but told Tong Sandao the news that the corpse tide was coming, and they continued to drive towards the next position.

Tong Sandao quickly closed the mask on the armor.

"When we meet on a narrow road, the brave wins--"

"Kill kill kill..."


Less than an hour before and after, the tide of corpses that crossed the Longhang base rushed to the second position.


It was another fierce and unparalleled confrontation.

But there is no suspense in the result.

The first zombies rushed past the second position like flowing water. Except for the zombies left in the battle, the zombies continued to chase forward without a trace of nostalgia.

With the appearance of the giant mother corpse, the absolute defensive circle formed by the heavy armored zombies flooded into the position, and the Dawn base suffered terrible cleaning and heavy damage.

When the mother's corpse left, Tong Sandao, who barely recovered his life, was crying in his eyes and choked in his mouth.

"How do you fight this? How do we fight this?"

Embracing the idea of ​​washing the corpse group in blood to welcome this battle, but who knows, it was their side who was finally bloodbathed.

Seeing the wailing and screaming subordinates on the battlefield, Tong Sandao's heart was bleeding.

"Wei Xiao, you cheated us--"

The back of the position, the Phoenix Base.

Two consecutive positions were breached in less than four hours, and Wei Xiao, who was sitting in the rear, had already received news from the front.

"Husband, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Wei Xiao's expression was abnormal, Shu Wang and the others had a bad premonition.

Wei Xiao handed the information to Shu Wang and the others.

After seeing the information coming from the front line, Shu Wang them all changed.

"A mother's corpse more than eighty meters long? The machine guns can't be shot through, how is this possible?" Shu Wang exclaimed.

"Nothing is impossible. The eighty-meter corpse is at least level 8. Fortunately, we did it in advance, otherwise, in the evening, it is really possible for her to evolve successfully in secret. Qing Shu..."

"What is the Lord's command?"

"Let Leng Chengfeng's fighter group and bombers support the front position, and the Shadow Guards are responsible for cooperating. The speed of the zombies is too fast, and the blocking force of the front position has not reached my expectations. They cannot be left behind until the tide of corpses reaches the base. The number of tenths, this defensive battle is a failure."


Li Qingshu went down to convey Wei Xiao's order.

Phoenix base airport.


Upon receiving Wei Xiao's order, Leng Chengfeng's team immediately set off.

The fighter plane carrying a large number of shells lifted into the air and rushed to the frontline battlefield at an extremely fast speed.

In the third position, the defenders were Axue and others.

They had already learned the news of the fall of the first two positions, and at the same time they knew that there was an existence beyond their imagination in the tide of corpses.



The sun is near dusk.

Not long after the decoy convoy passed their position, a wave of corpses appeared.

Before they could take action, a large number of infrared laser equipment skyrocketed in front of the position, and then, a group of fighter jets and bombers flew by at an altitude of one thousand meters.

The buzzing sound keeps on.

Dense artillery shells were dropped from a high altitude, carrying out a carpet bombing of the corpses.

"My brother sent troops to support us."

"Don't worry about it. Call me!"

For Axue and the others, there is no retreat now.

No matter whether Wei Xiao supports them or not, they cannot avoid this battle.

The war begins.

Facing the endless corpse group, fierce battle broke out again.

In a staged blocking battle, the corpses that came from a long distance and across two areas, as the Phoenix Base was put into battle, the real battle came.

The first day of the lure war.

The decoy mother lost one corpse. Because of the breakdown of its gene chain, the giant mother corpse never swallowed her corpse. Instead, the decoy mother corpse was used to create a lot of ordinary zombies that could evolve by devouring flesh and blood.

In this battle, the human side and the alliance fell into three positions, with more than 30,000 casualties, and zombies, one million losses.

Seduction battle the next day.

For the same reason, the second decoy died, the four alliance positions fell, the casualties reached 80,000, and the zombies lost 2 million.

The fourth day of the lure war.

The third decoy gene chain collapsed and died. The Alliance army fell to six positions, with 130,000 casualties, and the loss of zombies tripled to a terrifying 6 million.

The seventh day of the seduction war.

The fourth decoy gene chain collapsed and died. Because of the intervention of one-third of the firepower of the Phoenix base, five alliance positions fell, and the number of casualties reached the highest since the start of the war, a full 160,000, and the zombies were equally terrifying. Eight More than one million.

The tenth day of the lure war.

The extraordinary base stationed at the last line of defense in the outer positions was less than 20 kilometers away from the Phoenix base, so that two-thirds of the Phoenix base's firepower was poured into the battlefield and bombed indiscriminately.

This battle lasted for two days, thus becoming the only position that has blocked zombies for the longest time since the war.

But after the war, there were more than 90,000 casualties in the extraordinary base, more than 60,000 casualties, more than 8,000 casualties in the Phoenix base, and more than five million blood stained mountains and rivers in the zombie army.

After that, the army of zombies crossed the last position and continued to approach the Phoenix Base.

"Master, master, we have new discoveries."

Inside the Phoenix Base.

The final battle is coming, and on this day, Professor Bo Kang, who discovered an amazing news, found Wei Xiao to report to him as soon as possible.

"What found?"

"The six female corpses we left behind, after swallowing each other, we found that every time a senior zombie swallows a female corpse, her defense power will be greatly weakened during the devouring process. If used reasonably, this period of time will be The best chance to remove high-level zombies."

"Understood. There is one decoy left. It will be swallowed by the sixth-level female corpse inside the base, and then she will be given to the female corpse outside. Let's sit on the mountain and watch the tiger fight."

"The same is true of what I mean. Lord, if you can, I hope you can let the female corpse outside swallow the experimental body to reach the upper limit of evolution and then kill it. Since the female corpse has a larval stage, the corpse king must also exist. It is rare that if the Gene of the Corpse Emperor can be extracted, it is definitely a potion of the gods, and we can even obtain unimaginable secrets."

Professor Bokang really dared to think that he wanted to cultivate a corpse emperor.

Wei Xiao hesitated.

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