Apocalypse: I Am the Only One

Chapter 752: The power of armor-piercing bullets

"Lord, the mother's body is a treasure, let alone a corpse emperor? If we can obtain a corpse of a corpse emperor, in the future, the value we can obtain from her will be beyond imagination. According to my inference, the corpse emperor is enough to represent the zombie. The pinnacle of evolution, everything in her body represents the supreme existence, this kind of opportunity is hard to come by!" Professor Bokang tried his best to convince Wei Xiao.

Wei Xiao hesitated for a long time.

In the so-called wealth and danger, the opportunity is right in front of you. If you don't work hard, you may regret it in the future.

Risks must exist, but if it succeeds, as Professor Bokang said, the value of a corpse king is absolutely beyond imagination.

"Okay! That's as you wish."

Wei Xiao finally agreed to Professor Bo Kang's proposal.

He also wanted to know, what is the power of the corpse emperor?

With Wei Xiao's consent, Professor Bokang immediately went to the research base to prepare for the following matters.

The lure war is the tenth day.


Losing nearly three-quarters of its troops, the army of giant mother corpses finally came to the periphery of the Phoenix Base.

Located north of the Phoenix Base.

Above the open field outside the city, a recovering seventh-level mother's corpse slowly woke up from her drowsiness.

Nearly seventy meters tall stood on the ground, with a hideous face, roaring at the coming giant mother's corpse.

In response to a distant call, the zombie army quickly spread to both sides after a moment's pause.

Even the new type of zombies that followed the giant mother corpse had left a huge space to two giants.


The giant mother corpse roared, and you could feel the excitement in her roar.

The two sides faced each other for a few minutes, and the giant mother corpse was the first to attack.


When the huge body moved, the sky shook.

Every step of a meter is accompanied by thunderous vibrations.

The experimental subject that was still recovering, the slightly gray armor on his body was heading towards the black.

But when there was no time for her to fully mature, the test subject roared and moved towards the attacking giant corpse.


The two giant beasts collided in the middle.

It looks like the sky is falling apart.

Standing on the wall of the city, Wei Xiao and others could see that the moment the two giants touched, the body of the completely mature and stable giant mother's corpse could not be shaken by the experimental body.

On the contrary, it was the experimental body. The leather armor and sharp claws on the body were bent in the collision.

The giant mother corpse roared.

Before the subject fell, countless sharp claws on her body spread from both sides like scallops, and then clamped the subject's body, a series of terrifying sickle-shaped claws pierced into the subject's body which was still in the softening stage, making her unable to break free. Own control.


The subject's hysterical screams, like thunder, shook ordinary people's dizziness.

Struggling desperately, trying to break free of the subject controlled by the giant mother corpse, as her body swayed so hard, the giant mother corpse suddenly opened its mouth wide enough to swallow an elephant's blood basin, and bite under the subject's head.


Two behemoths fell to the ground at the same time.

The giant mother corpse pressed the subject's body and bit her neck firmly until the subject stopped struggling and the vitality slowly disappeared. Then she released her big mouth and retracted the sharp claws that pierced the subject's body.



The giant mother corpse stepped on the body of the subject, the huge head looked up at the sky, and her mouth made a loud roar.

That invincible, so solemn posture, like a victorious general, is announcing his powerful and invincible posture, it is arrogant to the extreme.

Standing on the city wall, Wei Xiao was very upset when he saw this scene.

The other party didn't put him Wei Xiao in his eyes at all!

Isn't it possible that the demon King Wei is not deterrent at all?

The war between the corpses is not over yet, okay, brother?

"Swallow, swallow, swallow quickly!"

Professor Bo Kang, who was standing next to Wei Xiao, didn't care how the giant mother corpse flaunted publicly at this moment, and regardless of how unhappy Wei Xiao's heart was.

All he was looking forward to was to witness the appearance of a corpse emperor, and then obtain her corpse, so as to have a higher breakthrough in genetic research.

Unfortunately, the picture that Professor Bokang expected did not appear.

After showing the stalwart posture under the eyes of both human corpses, the giant mother corpse once again used countless sharp claws to penetrate the body of the subject, then moved and turned around, intending to leave directly.

"She, isn't she going to swallow the experimental body on the spot?" Professor Bokang was dumbfounded.

Why is the script different from what he expected?

After the giant mother corpse kills the subject, shouldn’t it be eager to swallow it and evolve into a corpse king?

If the giant mother corpse knew about Professor Bokang’s innocent thoughts, and she could still spit out other words, she would say something to him: Shabi, is it because you only know my shortcomings, I don’t know it myself? The old lady can nurture the existence of zombies, do you think the old lady has no brains?

"Your expectations seem to have gone wrong." Wei Xiao said coldly with his arms around him.

"Why is this? Shouldn't it? Given the evolution of the mother's corpse, it shouldn't have such an IQ!"


Just when Professor Bokang was incoherent, the giant mother corpse turned and let out an imperative roar.


Suddenly, the group of corpses that had calmed down suddenly let out a tearing roar, and immediately, the zombies that came to the Phoenix base, except for new types of zombies, evolutionary zombies began to attack the city.

"This animal still knows to use his subordinates to cut her off." Wei Xiao guessed what the giant mother's corpse was thinking, and sneered. "Fortunately, I was prepared, otherwise, I really can't do anything with you today."

The war begins.


"Boom boom..."

From the height of the city wall, the snipers already in position opened fire.

A large-caliber anti-material sniper rifle equipped with No. 4 armor-piercing shells blocked the giant female corpse.

The bullet hit the giant mother corpse, and Wei Xiao could see that the giant mother corpse defense, which was impenetrable by machine guns, seemed to be empty in front of the No. 4 armor-piercing bullet.

The pain made the giant mother corpse roar.

She speeded up and left, and at the same time allowed the skimmers to attack the base wall.

"Boom boom boom..."

As the artillery, helicopter, and fighter groups within the Phoenix Base joined the battle, the final battle came.

Cannonballs came like rain, all over the periphery of the base in an instant.

After that, tens of thousands of armed soldiers fired collectively, and under the rain of bullets, the speed of zombies' casualties showed a terrifying trend.

The giant mother's corpse in the evacuation is even more closely looked after.

All teams using armor-piercing bullets attacked the giant mother corpse.

In the blink of an eye, the huge female corpse of the target was covered by machine guns and shells.

With a loud noise, the giant mother's corpse who had never been hurt all the way, the fireworks passed, her leather armor fell off, countless claws broke, and the dark golden blood flowed along her body like flowing water. One place.


The tragic screams resounded across the sky, and the sky-grabbers who attacked the base were summoned and circled around, forming a protective layer around and above the giant mother's corpse to cover her escape.

The bullets of the cannon were blocked by the skimmers, and the gaps appeared, and soon other skimmers could not fill them.

Seeing this scene, Wei Xiao contacted Leng Chengfeng on the fighter plane and asked his fleet to stop attacking for a while, and then said to Shu Wang and the others around him: "Shu Wang, the base is handed over to you, I am going to kill the giant mother corpse. ."

"Husband, be careful yourself." Shu Wang responded.

Wei Xiao did not hesitate, his figure jumped up, grabbed a skidder, blinded his eyes, and then controlled his body to fly towards the giant mother corpse.

Without air pressure, the giant mother corpse dropped the corpses that had attacked the city and fled back under the cover of the skimmers.

Wei Xiao quickly caught up with the giant mother corpse.

Cut and slash the peripheral sky-grabbers, and the figure got in and attached to the body of the giant mother's corpse.

"Cleaning you up in a while."

Wei Xiao didn't rush to do it, hid himself, and while letting the giant mother corpse take him away, contacted Leng Chengfeng and they continued to attack with the machine gun.

In the sky, the fighter's attack came again, constantly clearing the outer space predators covering the giant mother's corpse.

In addition to preventing the giant mother corpse from getting better, the most important point of their existence is to monitor the movement of the giant mother corpse.

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