Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1080: Come up and hit

"Little black, don't be busy with spoiling." Lu Bingze patted the huge head of Xiaohei, pointing to the hole next to him who was still rushing out of the zombie beast: "Help Dad to open this underground hole." !"

Everyone was once again stunned, and the words of the road that had been chewed by the ice were repeated.


Chu Han can't bear to look straight, this goods really endured the animal as a son?

Xiao Hei once again smashed on the road ice, and then he turned his head and glanced at the hole. At the same time, the warmth in his eyes turned into a brutal moment, and then the black slammed into the sky and bowed. Just hit the hole in the hole.


The huge collision made a dust in front of me, and the stones in the sky were rumbled and flew up. The hole that was not big was suddenly knocked out of a big hole.

And, it continues.



The black one made another forward impact, and the ground was completely knocked open in a few times. A large number of zombies were squeezed into mud debris, but a large number of zombies continued to rush out due to the hole. All of a sudden, the group of zombies will occupy the land.

Everyone hiding in the distance was stunned and watched this scene. The impact of Xiaohei made the ground vibrate constantly, and some of the violent to faint were unstable.

"Come on! Continue to hit!" Lu Bingze commanded.

Little Black suddenly worked harder, ignoring the annoying zombies that constantly harassed him around him, sprinting forward with great strength, and the huge body was like a long dragon, constantly rushing forward.

Gradually, the entire ground in front was violently smashed by the black, and its body was squeezed on the long underground tunnel. From the outside, the details below were not seen, but the underground tunnel was several tens of meters long. There is no cover at this time.

After finally knocking out a few meters, the little black screamed, and then stopped, bowed his body, his head tilted high, and screamed at the front with a fierce scream.

Lu Bingze always pays attention to Xiaohei. At this time, the first reaction came over: "Xiaohei encountered something that made him afraid."

"It is estimated that the mother spider!" Chu Han rushed up to mention the Shura tomahawk, while also directed the crowd to order: "quick speed!"

Brush it!

A group of people immediately put down the taboos against Xiaohe and rushed forward. Jiang Tianqing immediately ran on Dong Rui, and Xiaohe continued to scream in the forefront. When he approached, he would find something on the sides of his head. Quivering constantly.

Chu Han was the fastest. The first one was in front of Xiaohei. I saw a huge spider's leg slowly coming out of the hole in the dark tunnel.

This spider's leg is the same as the head of the former male spider. It is dark and reflects the metallic light. It is bigger, longer and sharper!

I saw that the black spider's legs stick out, and I put it on the ground!


The concrete floor was immediately inserted into a hole by it, and it was effortless to insert the chopsticks into the tofu.

The people who have caught up have just seen this scene, and they are all face-changing. The strength of this female spider in front of us is obviously powerful!

The mother spider seemed to be irritated, and the other leg stretched out at this time, raised high, and slammed into the other side of the ground.


This is directly the depth of the cement thorn, the surrounding ground is even more cracked by the '咔咔咔', this thorn can be seen, including the hate of this spider.

Then, a huge body, supported by two legs, came out from the ground, not counting the length of the leg. Just the length and width of the spider, it has reached the horror of two meters.

Twice than the previous male spider!

Everyone was shocked by the sights in front of him, and even the little black was shivering. After all, the spider in front of him was full of gas fields that could escape it.

The female spider also has a grimace in the abdomen. It looks violent and seems to be unbearable for the people to force it out. It is necessary to come out and give Chu Han and others a lesson.

But when the spider was full of momentum, it was just when it was completely climbed to the ground.


A black axe suddenly came out, and axe slammed into the spider's face!

Jiang Tianqing and Dong Rui were all in a trembling trepidation. At this time, I saw a sudden string of ‘啪’ suddenly slammed into the scene. The two looked at Chu Han with a stunned look.

I saw that Chu Han did not have a nonsense at all, and even had no influence at all, and even ignored this super zombie beast.

Go up and start playing!

The super zombie spider didn't expect to get out of his own momentum. He didn't start to be shocked and scared. Someone came up and cut an axe at his face.

It wants to avoid, but it hasn't set its posture yet. It is extremely inconvenient to move, and because of excessive anger, the two legs are deeply inserted in the concrete floor, and it is trying to pull out.

Then, this super zombie bewildered.

It has barbs on its legs...

It’s easy to insert and go in, it’s hard to pull out!

At this time, Chu Han’s Shura Tomahawk has approached with a violent breath. The super zombie beast has moved as far as possible, dragging a huge body back a few centimeters in the midst of a thousand miles.

It was these centimeters that made it a life-threatening thing, but it was seriously injured by Chu Han’s first strike. Its one eyeball was cut down at once and the dragonfly rolled on the ground.

On the wound, there is a strange black mist that is entangled, seemingly wanting to get into the body from the wound.

The super zombie beast felt great danger. It couldn’t take care of the other, suddenly stretched out a leg, sharp and sharp leg knives, cruelly digging out his own eyes!


A large piece of meat fell to the ground, and the strong black mist was entangled.


The super zombie beast screamed with pain and anger, and the eyes of resentment were directed at Chu Han.

Chu Han did not care about its emotions, and kept his inner calm from beginning to end. In the moment when the super zombies made the correct response, Chu Han’s next attack method has already appeared.

He lifted his foot and slammed the meat dug out of the super zombie on the ground and kicked it against the belly of the super zombie.

Chu Han’s hand is completely a subconscious reaction to the fighting instinct, and even the rest of the people around are still in the shock of Chu Han’s first move, and have not responded.

At this instant of zero and one millisecond, the flesh with the black fog of Shura Tomahawk has already slammed into the super zombie beast.

Immediately after


A burst of blasting suddenly exploded, directly blurring the flesh of the super zombie beast!

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