Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1081: It’s time to go

"The armor is blown up, kill it!" The next second, Chu Han’s voice rang, pulling the people in the hair to God.

Everyone quickly rushed to the ground, all kinds of attacks do not desperately go to the belly of the super zombie beast, especially Li must be crazy, a long knife directly pierced, and then stirred up.

The super zombie beast has not yet reacted from Chu Han’s blow, and was immediately entangled by the joint attack of everyone. It suddenly seemed to be greatly stimulated, and screamed desperately, then took the rest. Several legs began to fight back.

Suddenly a bang of the 嘭嘭嘭 响 , , , , , , , 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 嘭嘭嘭 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少 不少

"Little black is also on!" Lu Bingze greeted him, and he took out the dagger and joined the battle.

Although he is a fortifier, but in a series of devil training, the combat power is not weak, although there is no way to become a strong output like Chu Han, but as an aid is no problem at all, occasional fake movements and interference, let Super zombies are annoying.

Chu Han is standing on the sidelines and constantly observing whether it is organic, so that he once again made a slap in the face and killed the female spider in one fell swoop, but in the observation, he suddenly noticed a trace of surprise.

The anger of this female spider is quite large, as if she had been killed by a pro-son.

Wait, son?

Chu Han’s gaze moved down slightly, and glanced at the belly of the female spider. I suddenly saw a few pieces of white debris. It seems that the eggshell?

He suddenly realized that the blow had caused the meat with strong energy fluctuations to hit the belly of the female spider, and then blasted to cause the flesh and blood to blur, and it was directly blown through the abdomen.

I suddenly blasted the eggs in the belly of this female spider!

No wonder so angry, it turned out to be killed.

The messy thoughts in Chu Han’s mind flashed past, and then suddenly ordered: “Attack the side and back, the black is biting on its head!”


All of them immediately separated their actions, and they cooperated with each other. The little black was even more up and bitten.

The female spider was busy laying eggs before, and half of the production was forced out. It was not good for the body to participate in the war. At this time, Chu Han came to attack the unprepared attack, and was beaten by the abdomen. .

This is the most tragic moment of this super zombie beast!


At this time, a group of people dispersed the attack, let it have no coping energy, and Xiaohe is still biting its head. If the super zombie beast has emotions, it must have been ruined.

How can Chu Han let go of this great opportunity?

When the super zombie beast was forced by some people's dazzling attacks, Chu Han was ready to hit the most powerful explosion.

"Three seconds back!" Chu Han gave the time for everyone to react, and then brought up the Shura Tomahawk, which was filled with strong and strong black fog, and slammed forward.


The attack with a powerful momentum, the surrounding space has been split into two halves, the path where the tomahawk passed, faintly burst open, issued a burst of ‘噼里啪啦’ the air blasting sound.

At the same time, the target attacked by the battle axe is the abdomen of the mother spider, the flesh and blood that has been attacked by the people.

Where does the female spider have the kung fu defense Chu?

It also didn't have the brain to think about what attack is harassment, what is a fatal blow, so Shura Tomahawk is easy to insert into the belly of the female spider, this back is very deep, Chu Han can still feel it seems to break open An egg.



After one plug and one pull, Chu Han was extremely fast. After leaving the violent energy in the body of the female spider, he immediately turned and left, exhausted his strength and ran to the distance.

At the same time, the rest of the people also counted the time, unrelentingly scattered around, even Xiao Hei also ran fast, and suddenly hid behind a house, although the house could not stop its huge body .

In the violent energy that rushed into the body, the female spider began to twitch and tremble uncontrollably. The only remaining eye looked at her abdomen, where a cyan liquid was slowly flowing down.

It is the thing that comes out of the broken egg. I don’t know how many eggs are smashed by Chuhan once!

Just not waiting for the emotional response of this female spider, the next burst of blasting will blow up from its body!


This time, the explosion of sputum was Chu Han’s full blow, and the impact was so great that the place suddenly rushed out of a mushroom cloud, accompanied by countless pieces of cement smashing.

At the same time, the metal-like spider shell was also blown into pieces in an instant, and the cockroaches fell to the ground, and the ground was like muddy meat and zombie blood, but it was everywhere.

The crowd looked at the blast of the distance and then gradually subsided. This time no one was eager to celebrate, but the eyes were stunned and stared at the front, fearing that there would be another accident.

Only the two black eyes of the black eyed the boss, the huge head back and forth in Chu Han and the blasting point saw several times, and finally a faint gaze revealed a hint of fear.

Scared it!

Chu Han immediately went forward to check after the danger of blasting disappeared. His feet stepped on the ground and the ‘咔咔’ of the piece was slammed. The rest of the people came together and stretched their heads to look around the hole.

"This time, there will be no more super zombies?" Jiang Tianqing asked with some fear.

"It is impossible to have a third one, and not a 3P." Lu Bingze once again speaks amazingly.

"No, you see the zombie beasts that came out next, are attracted to other places by the zombie attractant, otherwise it will definitely attack us." Xiao Kun analyzed.

"There is no super zombie, but..." Chu Han said half of it, and then his eyes were serious: "Send a team of people into the underground to search for a turn, I am worried about where the female spider had already laid eggs before."

The descendants of the super zombie beast, this is not a joke, must be repeated!

Everyone knows the seriousness of the matter and immediately begins to prepare.

Everything was solved. Chu Han looked around, except that the band became a ruin because of the battle. Nothing else was lost, no one died, but several people were injured, including his own skin. It was also attacked by a group of zombies and left a lot of scars.

However, they are low in order and low in toxicity. They can recover after a few days of rest with the physical capacity of Chuhan, and the virus can not be undone under his powerful gene.

The zombies that rushed out under the rest of the ground have been scattered all around in accordance with the plan that was previously planned. Some of the cofferdams not far away have already raised smoke.

After the incident was resolved, Chu Han was finally relieved. After looking at the hole again, he gave a few words and left quickly. The time for Xu Feng’s appointment has arrived.

It’s time to go.

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