Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1085: The inaugural ceremony

A flower, a city owner, the little girl appeared in the simplest way, she stood on the main road, raised her head and looked at Shang Jiuyi, the beautiful smile on her face seemed to be able to end the darkness of this last moment. .

Shang Jiuyi’s mouth is lightly hooked, like the cold ice, and she bends over and looks at the little girl’s look. The hands took the flowers and the voice is very charming: “This is the best I have received. A gift from the top."

The little girl smiled sweetly and looked at Shang Jiuyi. This moment seemed to stop at a moment, and the beautiful one could not look away.

Even in the distance, there are already painters who can't stop picking up the pen and record this moment forever.

"I'm sorry, sorry." At this time, the mother of the little girl also reacted and picked up the little girl from the rear, and apologized to Shang Jiuyi.

"No problem." Shang Jiuqi smiled, and his body was graceful and luxurious.

"Thank you! Thank you!" The woman gratefully held the little girl back to the line, looking at Shang Jiuyi's eyes full of advocating: "You are a good city owner!"

The pace of Shang Jiuyi was lifted again, holding flowers, and the diameter went toward the high platform in front.

The guards of the police team put away the guns one by one, and they all smiled in the eyes, and they stood guard on the sides of the high platform behind Shang Jiuyi.

In the long queue, many managers even showed a comfortable smile, and they were seated in front of the high platform.

When everyone was seated, another group of warning teams appeared on the roads on both sides, and the survivors on the main roads led the way. In a short time, tens of thousands of survivors stood in an orderly and organized way on the main road. Looking up at the head.

Only the messengers in the team have completely broken their brains, and they are sluggish until they know where they are. The rest of the process is still sitting next to them. When they sit down, they suddenly feel shocked. Then they looked at each other with a shocked look.

Just the little girl called Shang Jiuyi, what is coming...

City owner? !

Murong Yucheng and Lu Chuxue sat side by side. The two had been looking at each other for three seconds. They couldn’t say a word. Both sides saw the shock in the eyes of the other party.

Shang Jiuyi, the owner of Anro? !

The shock can no longer be used. At this time, Shang Jiuyi has stood on the stage of the high platform. The loudspeaker is turned on by the staff after audition. She stands alone on the wide platform and faces the main road. Tens of thousands of survivors, who are noble and serious, will show their extraordinary temperament.

"I am still nine." This is the opening remark of Shang Jiuyi, which is clearly transmitted from the loudspeaker.

The roaring applause sounded instantly, and everyone sitting at the forefront could clearly feel the screams of the massive survivors behind them, and the enthusiasm made the whole city fall into madness.

Shang Jiuyi in front raised his hand and pressed it down slightly.

In an instant, the applause and cheers of the sky disappeared, and everyone stayed in the same place quietly, looking at the extraordinary woman in front of him with the most pure and beautiful eyes.

The messengers once again sighed and couldn’t help but look back. They seemed to want to determine whether the survivors were invited, so obedient and orderly. Is this the last century they know?

Even when the Beijing National People's Congress held a national meeting, there was no such terrible obedience in the case of disregarding the soldiers' guns.

But in this wolf, in this city of Anro, these survivors are so orderly?

At the same time, many messengers found the most suspicious point, that is, from beginning to end, they did not see Chu Han.

Where did he go? !

What is this conference?

In a series of doubts, Shang Jiuyi has already opened his mouth again and publicized a confident smile: "Many of you may know me, maybe you don't know. You know that I am the first lady of General Chu Han. Probably the best label in my life."

Speaking of Chu Han, many people laughed, and suddenly it was a good time, but the sound gradually disappeared, and everyone waited quietly for Shang Jiuyi to continue.

Such a scene has caused many messengers to face each other again, and they have a strong sense of foreboding, or the worst.

Shang Jiuyi once again spoke, this time her voice became high, and at the same time it was mixed with the momentum that only the upper ones had: "But today, there will be a new label in my life, although This is also given to me by General Chu Han, but I hope that this label will accompany my life, together with all of you present, in this dark end, the city of Anro will become the brightest in the last days. local!"

"Today is the official establishment of the city of Anro, and it is also the day when I officially took over the city of Anro." When it was said that it was still awkward, suddenly he laughed. "You must be very strange. Why are Chu Han on such a big day? Isn't the general going to be right?"

Many survivors have asked aloud ‘why’, almost everyone is confused, and some people cry and ask, ‘Is it true that Chu Han will not care about us?’

The people sitting at the forefront did not care. They smiled and waited for the answer of Shang Jiuyi. Only those base ambassadors were almost arrogant.

City of Anro, established!

Shang Jiuyi, the city owner!

Huge information is constantly impacting their brains, making them almost unable to keep up with the rhythm.

Shang Jiuyi swept the faces of everyone in front, and then spoke in the gradual noise: "Because he left a sentence, he said."

"The city owners of the city of Anro do not need the seal of the generals. All the residents of the city of Anro are the protagonists of the founding ceremony. The city owners of the city of Anro do not need the testimony of the generals. The residents of the city of Anro are witnesses!"

The sound of Gao Song’s sound is very bright and spread from the loudspeaker, and the scene is boiled in an instant. This kind of message is really exciting.

Chu Han uses actual actions to prove who the city belongs to and who is the real master!

In the same way, the fashion ninety-nine is suddenly facing behind, and under the eyes of everyone, the curtain covered by the red cloth is slowly opened.

Suddenly, a huge pattern appeared, and it was reflected in everyone's words.

"This is the symbol of the city of Anro. This will also be the banner of our city!" Shang Jiuqi slowly opened his mouth and faced the banner of the city of Anro. He slowly raised his hand and sweared: "I, still nine, today officially As the city owner of the city of Anro, I will use my life to contribute to this city!"

The scene exploded again, countless people are exhausting their strengths, countless people are applauding, countless people are in tears, and countless flowers are thrown high, and the bright petals are scattered in the air!

Today, it is all the wolf managers who have been preparing for a few months, and the city of Anro has established a grand ceremony!

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