Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1086: When will you marry?

The ceremony took a whole afternoon, and Shang Jiuyi had a total of more than two hours of speeches. No survivors were impatient or noisy. Everyone was listening quietly because the speech time was long. The content is quite exciting, and the eloquence of Shang Jiuyi deliberately mobilizing the atmosphere, so that the entire ceremony continues in a high-pitched atmosphere.

The speeches of several city managers later mobilized the atmosphere to the highest level, because many of them came out of the survivors, and they were selected in the same way. The place is auxiliary.

They talked about their own life, talking about their experiences after coming to the Spike, and then using practical actions to show everyone that the city of Anro is different. In this city, there is limitless possibilities!

This kind of speech mode is undoubtedly very attractive. Everyone listens after the eyes are bright. If you work hard, as long as you don't sit and eat, you can get the reward you deserve here.

Everything is fair and just.

And this is the place where all survivors gather, the only place without refugees.

By the end of the ceremony, it was already dinner time. All the city dwellers retreated like a tide. Shang Jiuyi celebrated with the city managers and had a grand dinner.

Today is the day when Anro City was established. It is also the day when Shang Jiuyi took over as the city owner. It is the day when Anro City officially got on the right track. Even if it is even more confined to the dinner, it must be there, not to mention that at this dinner, they have another one. The play will be staged.

Murong Yucheng and other ambassadors of various bases are in a state of being blinded throughout the ceremony. From the speeches of Shang Jiuyi to the speeches of the city managers, they are too exciting to be overwhelmed and even distracted to observe the survivors. The reaction, as well as the purpose of the final arrival of this speech, went to the bases of the group and did not care about the other, let alone the question of whether the original city could be accommodated.

So at the evening dinner, the group of people reacted eloquently. Why can the wolf determine the safety of the city?

And Chu Han, why didn't it appear?

"Mr. Murong." At the banquet, Shang Jiuyi unexpectedly took the lead in opening the messenger, and when he came up, he ordered the name of Murong Yucheng.

The base ambassadors were suddenly sitting in danger, and Murong Yucheng started to toast after a slight suspicious suspicion: "Congratulations are still less than the city of Anro."

Shang Jiuyi’s identity before this was a major general, or several monks from the Beijing base personally issued, but since she left Beijing to go to the wolf, the name of the major general has existed in name only.

At this time, Murong Yucheng mentioned this, it is undoubtedly some of the meaning of targeting and provocation.

The noise of the dinner was gradually disappearing, and many people stared at the two people to look back and forth. The smell of gunpowder seemed to be nothing.

Shang Jiuyi’s slight glimpse of the eye, the complexness of the flash of light, she naturally knows that Nandu, which has always been helping the wolf, can’t deliberately provoke this important day.

Therefore, the intentional intention of Murong Yucheng at this time is not to Chu Han and the wolf teeth or the city of Anro, but her.

As for the reason, it is also very good to guess that the thing between Shangguan Yuxin and Chuhan in the Nandu base was known to everyone as early as a few months ago, and Shang Jiuyi’s high-profile self-proclaimed in today’s ceremony. Chu Han’s first lady, this must be the dissatisfaction of Murong’s city that would cause Shangguan Yuxin’s family.

The two women fight, the smell of gunpowder is also very strong!

The messengers of the rest of the bases all looked at each other with a glance at the eyes, and the heart was even more ridiculed by Chu Han.

What kind of bad women are soaked, but they like to soak in such excellent, Shang Jiuyi and Shangguan Yuxin are not easy to provoke the existence of two women. If the two women are jealous and arrogant, this is a good relationship between the fangs and the South. It is about to be broken here.

This time I have a good show!

Shang Jiuyi’s mind turned a corner, and then suddenly smiled and said: “Mr. Murong actually saw us last year. I wonder if you still remember?”

This sudden turn of the topic, so that Murong Yucheng and the rest of the people are a glimpse, staring straight at Shang Jiuyi do not know what she wants to say.

"This, I am not good at remembering." Murong Yucheng answered with a mouthful, but the heart is completely swearing.

Speaking slyly, when did he see Shang Jiuyi last year? He obviously went to Nandu with Shangguanrong at the beginning of the year, and he did not stay in Beijing at all. This is the first time he came to Langya.

Is it the first time to see Shang Jiu, right?

"That is Mr. Murong's nobles have forgotten things." Shang Jiuqi smiled, and then his eyes were bright and bright: "I was sent to the Nandu base where Guan Yuxin returned, and you stood next to the Shangguan general. I remember the scene clearly."

As soon as this was said, many of the base messengers were on the scene.

I wanted to see the Shangjiu and Nandu bases tearing open, so that they could take a good look at the two sides and turn their backs on their heads. I didn’t expect Shang Jiuqi to suddenly throw such a stalk.

And don't say Murong Yucheng, several city managers who are familiar with Chu Han and Shang Jiu Jiu are quite stunned, one or two completely dumbfounded.

For a long time, this big wife and little wife of Chuhan had already known it?

Looks like the relationship is still very good!

Otherwise, is it still possible to send Shang Yuxin back to Nandu?

This is this...

This situation seems to be transferred at once!

After Murong Yucheng stayed for a long time, he came back to God. He couldn’t help but see Shang Jiu’s eyes. His lips squirmed several times but he did not know what to say.

Shang Jiuyi’s eyes are full of smiles: “I don’t know if Shangguan Yuxin’s life in Nandu is good?”

After asking about Shang Jiuyi, it was another meal. The corner of the eye asked a word that made the people in the room speechless again: "In fact, what I want to ask is that it is almost stable when the last century Yuan is seen. When can Shangqi Yuxin be married? Of course, the dowry of our wolf teeth will not be ill-treated to her. Chu Han has been too busy to delay this matter. Here I should give Shangguan Yuxin no, my sister is near the water and has a month."

When this slightly squeaky words came out, the party that had the strong smell of gunpowder was completely made into a marriage of two bases...

Murong Yucheng’s mouth was pumped, recalling the scene where Shangguanrong and Shangguan Yuxin had quarreled before. It seems that Shangguan Yuxin did not care that Chuhan had several things.

The rest of the messengers are one-of-a-kind, and this is a powerful weapon. The residents of Anro City are so orderly. How can Chu Han’s sisters soak their hands and let women live in peace?

Good things have been taken by Chu Han alone!

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