Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1125: In order to punch the list, they are crazy.

This is the most common examination stone wall. There are no noticeable things around it. It is not a special assessment stone wall of a certain order. However, at this time, in addition to the assessment of the stone wall, Jiang Ling is struggling with a huge sickle. .

She spent half a day rushing from Nansha Port, and then began to participate in the assessment without stopping. For two days and two nights, there was no rest, and there were countless times in and out of this assessment.

"Have it, this time, no owe, how much money?" Jiang Ling, if sweating, talks to himself on and off.

This is the task she took to pay for the debt. Before leaving Nansha Port, Chu Han told her very clearly that she would be spared part of her as long as she could reach the top of the total ranks in two days. debt.

In addition to this, there is a point that it is impossible to assess the stone wall in Nansha Port, and it is necessary to find another assessment stone wall at the fastest speed.

Jiang Ling did not know that Chu Han was trying to avoid the danger of meeting her with a different kind of king. She heard that she could get rid of part of the debt and she should not come down, so there is now a situation that is too tired.

Rubbing the sweat on his forehead, Jiang Ling looked back and looked at the name on the stone wall. This time she looked at her face and white, and it was a rare swearing: "Rely! No?"

I saw that the total number of nouns changed again on the top of the battle rankings. The former Jiangling Ruo was the first person in a few seconds. When she gasped, the latter person already Rushed up and grabbed her first place.

First place: the first handsome in the universe, 10-3, k-0.

Meditate on this line of information, Jiang Ling, if almost no fainting, this person will not come late, how can he rush to such an important moment?

Time is running out, and I will not take back the first place. What can I do with my debt? !

The biggest problem is that at this time, Jiang Lingruo has passed the assessment of progress three, and wants to get back to the first. Unless the assessment of progress four is passed, how can this assessment be easily passed?

It’s just that the progress of the third is the cost of Jiang Lingruo, and several attempts to achieve!

Just when Jiang Ling was a little disheartened, a few people who were obviously new humans came over. Their bodies were tall and they were good at first sight.

"A girl?" One person looked at Jiang Lingruo with surprise, and her eyes looked at her unscrupulously.

"Hey, wouldn't it be to participate in the assessment of the stone wall?" Another person joked and laughed: "How many steps, the first few?"

"Ha ha ha boss, this girl is probably one or two steps? How can you be like the boss, you are on the top of the battle list!" One person next to him desperately slaps.

"Don't say that, it's all irritating to this little beauty." The man who is called the boss is obsessed with Jiang Lingruo: "I said that you are here alone, are you listening to me?" Big name, want to put it down? Look at you so beautiful"

"The total ranking of the combat power." If Jiang Ling interrupted this person, her eyes became brighter and brighter, and the huge sickle in her hand gradually lifted up: "If you kill, can you rank it?"

"What are you talking about?" Several people are a little worried, but the next second

Puff puff!

A burst of blood was shot, and the heads of several people were scattered all over the place. At the same time, after the name of Jiang Lingruo on the total ranking of the combat power, the information has undergone tremendous changes.

First place: Jiang Lingruo, 10-3, k-3!

At the end of the total ranking, a person's name suddenly turned gray, followed by a row of scarlet fonts, which was exceptionally conspicuous.

Killer: Jiang Lingruo.

When Jiang Ling looked at his first place, his eyes were very bright and he found the way to punch the list!

"I am the day!" Xu Feng, who is staring at the stone wall in the wind and snow city, said: "Wang Ling is this woman crazy?"

"The change in this list is too fast." He Feng is calm, constantly looking at the name of the change: "In less than two days, the names on the total rankings of the battles are several hundred, of which In addition to the participation of all the new human beings of the fifth or more ranks of our Wolf Tooth Warfare, I am afraid that other people who are staring at the assessment of the stone wall are also joining in the fun."

Song Wei touched his chin: "The change is too fast and too obvious. Everyone can notice that it is probably because of the benefits and let them all rush."

He Feng smiled and said: "This is good news. As a result, our wolf teeth have driven a wave of rushing."

Song stunned a smile: "Can more disturb the situation and confuse the enemy's sight?"

"Yes." He Feng smiled and nodded to Song Hao quite admiring, but even a secret voice, this child is really a pro-foreigner of the animal husbandry, this smart!

"Beautiful!" Xu Feng shouted: "Li will be crazy!"

Seeing the excitement of Xu Feng, He Feng and Song Yu quickly looked at the past, only to see the effort for a while, the ranking of the total score of the power list once again changed.

First place: Crazy Li, 10-3, k-0.

Second place: Jiang Lingruo, 10-3, k-3.

Third place: the first handsome universe, 10-3, k-0.

"Li Bian crazy progress three assessment seems to be a high comprehensive evaluation, this is what hit the big luck, even the K-3 Jiang Lingruo burst!" Song Yu surprised: "The possibility of this happening It’s almost as low as infinity is close to zero!”

"How do you say something?" Xu Feng is not upset: "How can Li can't burst into Jiang Lingru?"

He Feng smiled and said: "Song Wei said that it is correct. This is the most familiar with the stone wall Chu Han. The information he left for us clearly shows that in addition to the most basic strength assessment, another factor of comprehensive assessment is The wisdom, especially the assessment of the total ranking of the combat power, can often be won through wisdom and effort."

"Isn't this supposed to be a madman of my killing team? How can it be a big luck?" Xu Feng is even more upset.

Song Wei sneered a little: "What is the personality of Li Bian crazy brother? You should be the clearest as his captain. Is his temper likely to be wise? It can only be a mistake by mistake."

At the same time, Lee must be out of the examination of the stone wall is also a fog, left to see the right to see what is going on.

"What happened to Li Bizhong's vice team?" The personnel on the side of the record quickly asked.

"I don't know!" Li will be mad for a while: "I haven't done this yet, and I haven't started killing. How can I pass?"

The recorder stood aloud: "What do you remember doing? Details? These need to be documented."

"There are only a few birds that are smaller than the flies in my ear. I am annoyed, and I am pinched to death." Li will madly say: "Is this counted?"

"Okay." The recorder immediately understood and began to record quickly: "Please describe the map scene you encountered in this assessment."

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