Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1126: change of weather

On the other side, Jiang Lingruo, who had just completed a killing, looked back at the total ranking of the forces that had changed again. He almost didn't have a blood spit out.

What exactly is going on?

Her blink of an eye, how to become the second place!

Biting his teeth, Jiang Ling jumped on a big rock like a chicken, and looked around.

The assessment of the stone wall will generally appear in the gathering place of human beings. There is an assessment of the stone wall. There should be human existence around it, and the person she has just killed has a place on the total ranking of the combat power. It is a fifth-order new human being. It is not weak.

It is concluded that there may be a base nearby.

If there is a base, then it is easy to handle. Since there is a fifth-order, there are other fifth-order new humans. Even if they have no place in the battle rankings, it doesn't matter, forcing them to check is not enough!

Jiang Lingru has no other way to do this. Only one **** goes to the end, and decides to catch people who have a place on the total ranking of the combat power to kill.

At the same time, how to analyze the peaks, many new humans with more than five orders and more extremes, after seeing the unpredictable changes in the total ranking of the combat power, have all thought that there is any great advantage in the assessment.

So more and more people rushed into the assessment of the stone wall at the same time, began a round of round of total strength assessment, followed by snowballing, almost all the assessment outside the base stone wall, are full of participation New human beings for assessment.

Some are just coming to plan to rush in, some are failing to come out and rest for a while, and some are already passing the assessment, showing off in the big.

In short, this matter is due to Chu Han’s fear that his code name was discovered by the different kings, which made things become out of control, leading to the spectacular scene of the whole people’s redemption at this moment!

In just one afternoon, the speed of change in the total ranking of the combat power was so fast that many high-level bases had put down their hands and all gathered together to start an emergency meeting.

It’s not that they are over-stressed. It’s really too strange to happen in these two days, so they are worried and excited.

Is it a new trick for the stone wall?

Otherwise, how many new humans are on the list!

The two-day time for the Spike and Jiang Ling if it has been so fast, it just flashed past, but for another person, it is like a year, the second is like the sun.

The heterogeneous king counts the time, he does not move, but has exhausted all his patience throughout his life. He vowed to go out and must find out who won the assessment, and must also kill those participants to vent their anger.

He spent two days in the assessment, and waited for two days in the assessment of the stone wall. For four days, the dissident king believed that the three mysterious family members who had made him jealous at first must have stopped here.

As long as there are no people in the mysterious family, who can stop him?

Especially the Chu Han, the different kind of king has always regarded Chu Han as a nail in his eyes. In his opinion, once something unexpected happens, it is very likely to be related to Chu Han.

Because Chuhan is an unpredictable person!

Just go out and kill directly!

With such an idea, the alien king blushes and looks at the countdown time from the last hour, slowly to the last minute, to the last second.


The heterogeneous king wood leaves a huge roar, and his body appears in the moment outside the stone wall.



A punch slammed into the ground and made a deafening sound. For a moment, the whole earth was shaking, and the cracks that cracked and cracked like spider webs continued to spread around.

The effect of the anger of the wooden leaves is powerful enough to kill any seventh-order new human, but the scene at this time is so strange that the leaves that have been vented to half have to stop moving. Start to observe the surrounding environment.

No one is empty!

No one at all went out with him to check the stone wall, and there was no mention of people around, even ants.

The suspicion of the wooden leaves turned around, just saw the glimpse of the stone wall behind him, he suddenly violently contracted the pupil, and the anger was even more!

Total strength list

First place: Jiang Lingruo, 10-3, k-7.

Second place: Madman Lee, 10-3, k-0.

Third place: the first handsome universe, 10-3, k-0.

Fourth place: Emperor's Rakshasa, 10-2, k-0.

Fifth place: Hunting King, 10-2, k-0.

Sixth place: Duan Jiangwei, 10-2, k-0.

Seventh place: Phoenix, 10-2, k-0.

Eighth place: Wu Teng, 10-2, k-0.


Jiang Lingruo, Duan Jiangwei, Hunting King, Huanghuang, Wu Teng, this is the five people who participated in the special assessment of Progress 2 together with Mu Ye, and all of them are famous on the list, each of them is in the top ten, and Jiang Lingruo has already entered the progress three. Assessment!

Even the examiners who entered the second progress, the number has exceeded one hundred!

Look at yourself, where is the tyranny of the king?

It’s already in the 100th place, and it’s still going to be there in the progress one!

Muye is not a stupid son. I thought about it for a moment. I am afraid that only I was imprisoned for two days in the assessment of the stone wall. The rest have already come out to continue the assessment!

Now the rankings on the overall ranking of the total combat power are chaotic, the top ten only half of the wood leaves know, and because of this early in the assessment, I have heard a lot of information.

In addition to this, the other two people Chu Han and Xu Feng's code name is, the wood leaves are completely unclear, and do not even know what happened in these two days, why the ranking of this battle power rankings The change is so big, suddenly there are so many people coming out!

Taking advantage of the scarlet eyes, Muye looked at the three people who had entered the progress three. He squeaked his double-rowed teeth and killed his heart.

Jiang Lingru is ranked first in the first place. Is it the one who won the last two days ago?

Otherwise she can't rush so fast, the rest of the participants can only be progress two!

The first handsome in the universe and the madman Li?

These two people are also very likely to be the winners of the participants. Is it the code name of Chu Han and Xu Feng?

Muye continued to analyze, in his view, there is a good chance that there will be Chu Han in the two people, but the specific one is that he is not allowed to take it, and the two characters are likely to be the ones that Chu Han never just played. His cover.


Wood leaves suddenly screamed again, and a heavy foot slammed on the ground, and collapsed a piece of land under his feet to a depth of more than one meter.

Angry, unwilling!

A series of emotions collided in the heart of Konoha, making him want to go crazy!

In two days, everything has changed, and any information has been missed. It is impossible to analyze what happened, and it is even more speculated that Chu Han’s code name is which.

And it is unbearable to let Muye endure all the time. Why should he be imprisoned for two days in the stone wall?

Just two days!

After it came out, the sky has changed!

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