Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1315: last step

How terrible is the shooting team's most accurate 50 people?

Since the establishment of the shooting team, it has been taught by Chen Shaoye. No matter from the consciousness and ability, it is a strong one-on-one. The accurate data of the highest peak has not been announced, because it is afraid to scare other wars. group.

At the same time, this group of people shot at the same time, what is the opposite of him, plus the highest-profile large-caliber weapons in the Ministry of Strategy, and the one hundred people who were killed on the spot were crying.

The bullets that came out in a row made the scene fall into a scene of various kinds of blood flying in a flash. The **** smell spreads in the air, and the hundred people have no time to resist. It is already very deep in this layout. One of the traps dies one by one.

In just a few minutes, the instigation and turmoil not far away gradually subsided, leaving only the sudden bullets flying.

Master Chen raised his hand and made a gesture to stop shooting.

The members of a dry shooting team immediately stopped, did not let go of any time to change the ammunition, check the guns.

The members of the reconnaissance team came out from all directions and entered the **** land as usual.

"All destroyed." Soon after, one person ran back to reply.

Chen Shaoye nodded, slightly relieved, but his eyes were sharper and farther away. This hundred people was just the beginning, and a team of nearly two thousand people was coming.

"Enter the designated area to stand by." Chen Shaoye ordered, the voice at this moment with a sense of enthusiasm as a lieutenant.

A group of shooting teams that won in this short battle did not want to stop the action to celebrate or be excited. They knew that this battle will last for a long time. The small win in any action is seen by the outside world. Unbelievable, it is only a process for them, unless everything is over, unless you return to the Spike base, you can't relax!

Brush it!

The members of the shooting team dispersed at once, and 300 people stood in different squad modes on either side or in the middle. This is after the detailed map submitted by the staff in the reconnaissance team. Sleeping fine and detailed analysis and discussion.

There are many people standing in the place, those areas are easy to evacuate, all the positions and shooting directions are analyzed in the staff of the staff.

To know that the shooting team has hundreds of people, each person's precision, good shooting distance, and fatigue points are all different. This huge amount of data is blessed together and gradually analyzed to form a specific macro layout.

I am driving the people in the staff department crazy!

It was not until the meticulous step that they discovered the shooting team position that Chu Han had only laid in a few minutes in the battle of the mountains.

Chu Han is as powerful as an alien!

Three hundred people who quickly separated and set up the shooting team, at this moment, they entered the best shooting point of their own side. They formed a circular arc in the space, and a fault was formed in the middle section. Nearly 2,000 people who have entered the Qikai battle group in this area can also quickly evacuate before the heterogeneous approach.

All actions have a purpose, that is, can not be found!

At this time, the Qikai Warriors who are coming here are 1,900 people. I don’t know that the 100 people in front of the team have all died. The group of new humans with the highest combat power in these teams has already died. Send Huang Quan.

The team is a long queue. The scale of two thousand people is not enough for them to move forward. The team at the rear is not able to see the situation of the team ahead. The voice is also blown away during the hurricane that is constantly dancing in the cold winter. I don't know much.

In this way, there is not a little bit of vigilance. The hundreds of people in the forefront of the Qikai team, which are less than two thousand, have now reached the arc range of the Spike Shooting Team.

At the same time, the hundreds of people in the Qikai battle group gradually became aware of something wrong.

“Do you smell anything?” One person shouted loudly against the chilly wind.

"Yes!" Another person replied loudly: "I just wanted to say, how do you have bones and blood?"

Just when the conversation between the two men has just fallen

call out!

Suddenly, a bullet did not know where to shoot, and penetrated the violent wind of Ling Xiao, and the heart of the one who went straight to the Qikai team!


The shooting of the death commander caused the person to stop beating at once, and there was no warning of death. He had not made any sound, and he slammed into the ground and smoked in the pool of blood.

This sudden situation caused the people around the team to scream and scream after a brief bun.

However, because it was too sudden and too messy, all kinds of panic screams were mixed together, but it made it very convenient for the Spike Shooting Team to start.

Brush it!

The members of the Spike Shooting Team on both sides began to show a regular trigger. The indifferent eyes of the night were not really true, but they could rely on the direction of the sound to identify the shooting point.

The bullets, like the dense raindrops, will kill the people at the front end of the Qikai battle group, showing the arc-shaped bullets flying, and let the members of the Qikai team not correctly identify the enemy from Where?

It’s like being in all directions, there are bullets everywhere, are they surrounded?

The members of the Qikai Warriors in the rear, because of the strong winds, and because of the screaming and screaming in the incitement, did not understand what happened in the past. The human nature loves to join in the fun, driving them to catch up quickly.

Such a chase, so that this number of the number of Stabilized Spike shooting team of 1,900 people, all of a sudden exposed to the most dangerous desperate!

Chen Shaoye relies on his own perceptual perception to observe the situation ahead. There are also members of the reconnaissance team who come from time to time to report the situation. In this short ten minutes, their wolf-tooth shooting team will be the Qikai battle group. The two thousand people played half of the disabled.

How much is dead for the time being, but in the dense and compact bullets, the two thousand people are gathered together, and the casualties are fatal!

"Fat, aliens are coming!" At this time, Jiang Tianqing’s voice rang with Chen’s serious gasp.

Master Chen’s fist suddenly tightened and he nodded solemnly and ordered: “The shooting team stops, everyone evacuates, their actions, meet at the destination!”


The members of the reconnaissance team responsible for delivering the message should be rushed out of the continuous brushing of the brush, and immediately sent this order to the ears of the shooting team members.

It didn't take long for the intensive gunshots of the Qikai battle group to suddenly disappear, and the wind screamed and the wounds of the wounded were frozen.

This task of the Spike has come to an end, only the last step!

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