Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1316: bullet

The quiet environment of **** smell, the sudden disappearance of the guns made this place suddenly quiet, as if the death of the dead in the night, brought hell-like killing, plundered countless lives.

I don’t know how many people died. I don’t know how many 2,000 people’s fighting power is left. There are sorrows everywhere in the darkness. It’s full of gas and weakness. It’s like the last breath of life. If you can’t keep up, just go see you. The king is gone.

Most of the injured were horrified, and they were horrified with their surrounding companions. They were in groups of three or five, and there were so many people who didn’t get up again, so that they would not dare to move.

A small number of people who were not injured were very fortunate. In such a dense bullet, they were absolutely intact. However, the same sudden situation also caused them to be greatly shocked.

No one knows what happened to the dark night, who is shooting at them?

"The living people are holding the group! Looking for the voice!" The one who suddenly made a voice and gave everyone a revelation at the crucial moment.

The sound of the immediate movement of Salsa sounded, and all living people, whether injured or not, ran desperately to the source of the sound.

In the case of excessive fright, they need to rely on each other too much, so that in the night when nothing can be seen clearly, there is a sense of security that will relieve them of panic.

In the midst of panic, the people who spoke first began to ask nervously: "How many people? Ah? How many people are still alive?"

"I have ten people here."

"Five people."


"Two of the seven were seriously injured."

All kinds of answers are surrounded by people, and there are a lot of people crowded together, and there is a lot of noise.

The leader is a little relieved. It seems that the total number of people who survived is more than one thousand. It will not be wiped out by the whole army. It is hard to estimate how many of these people are injured.

But it is also terrifying. Just after the rain of bullets, the two thousand people have killed seven or eight hundred people. This is an extremely terrifying data.

Even if you shoot indiscriminately, you can't kill so many people?

What did they encounter in the Qikai Battle Group?

One by one doubt emerged, so that the members of the Qikai Warriors, who were not present, were more and more fearful.

The time has passed for a long time, and to make these people a little more relaxed, the gunshots have not sounded since they disappeared.

However, because the riots were too dark and too dark, even the smell was only bloody, causing the group to lose their way in the first wave of shocks. I don’t know where to go in the southeast and northwest. No way back.

"Check the weapons." A weak voice sounded like it was coming from the ground not far away.

"Captain?" Someone heard the tone and was amazed.

"It's me, hurry, check the weapons." The captain is still very weak. It seems that every time I say a word, I have to use the whole body: "We are in trouble, guns and ammunition, and the living people immediately check and prepare to fight!"

The team of the remaining thousand people suddenly became messed up, the sky was still not bright, everything was unknown, the remaining forces of the team were unclear, and even they did not know where the enemy was.


How to fight!

"If you don't want to be completely annihilated, just hurry up!" The captain almost gnawed his teeth and used his last contribution to the team.

"Battle? Who fights?"

"Would you like to go back!"

Someone started playing the retreat.

"Returning our supplies is enough?" The captain was so mad that he spit blood, and said a word: "We are coming from the Alliance Army. All the supplies are in the camp ahead, let alone how many roads to go back? When you get there, hurry up, but for a few hours, first get people settled in good materials! We are already in battle!"

"Come on! Check the weapons and get ready to fight!" Someone couldn't stand it and yelled.

Oh la la la

The team gradually returned to the order, and the authoritative people in each squad stood up and recruited the members one by one, and began to work hard to unite the rest.

Soon after, the Qikai Battle Group, which was inexplicably invented, finally revived the team.

At this time, the sky was gradually beginning to have a blush, everyone was lined up, and the seriously injured were transferred to the roadside. The lightly injured people supported each other. The uninjured person played the striker and began to work hard in an unclear field of vision. Look for the direction they have lost.

Just when the light is extremely slow, the aliens a few kilometers away are rushing here with a gun!

The number of them is not more than one hundred, but they are superior, and each of them has stronger combat power than the same human beings. Moreover, they knew that they had to deal with a large number of human beings, so they also deliberately brought the highest-end Hot weapon.

Also, it is the heterosexual staff of the camp!


The rapid pace is rubbed up in the dry grass, and the number of 100 species of aliens is maintained at a fixed distance from each other. They no longer have any departure from the team. This is also the command of the alien leader, even if the slowest care is taken. No one can be left behind.

Just as a thousand people in the Qikai Battle Group slowly moved forward, and a hundred people's different teams rushed over, a touch of blush hidden under the clouds filled the sky, which was very light and blended with the night. The color reveals a strange feeling.

But at least with this light, this area filled with ravines and winding paths, finally no longer only dark!

There were smiles on the faces of a thousand people, and hopes were revealed in the eyes. They encouraged each other and began to follow the strange road. There is a corner of the ravine in front. If the previous homework is correct, they will go. It is close to the destination here.

As long as you arrive at the camp, everything is easy!

Just when most people think so, there is a terrified sound in the middle of the team: "Wait a minute, my bullets are out!"

"If you take it out, just wrap it up..."

"No! This bullet is not a normal bullet!" The man interrupted the words of the other person, and the voice seemed to be full of fears like a goblin: "This is, this is the most advanced hot weapon bullet in the General Strategy Department!"

As soon as the sound came out, the team that was struggling to catch up stopped tacitly. The people turned their heads and looked at the source of the sound. At this time, the sky was already bright, and it was not difficult to see the scene in the distance.

In the middle of the team, an injured person stood in the same place, holding a bullet full of blood, full of fear in his eyes!


One person trembled and grabbed the bullet. He wiped the blood on it and tried hard to observe it. This time, the man stood on the spot and then raised his eyes and looked at the leader’s gaze. In the middle, it is already full of shock.

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