Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1382: Warfare announcement

Spike Reconnaissance Team!

The team that went to find the zombie distribution area before the move has disappeared for one day and one night. Several generals have already forgotten the existence of these teams in the impact of several consecutive times.

At this time, I heard the story of Chu Han, and the feeling brought about is like a spacious avenue in the darkness.

"The area of ​​the activity of the Spike Scouting Team should be the western part of the silver market to the south, this curved section." Duan Jiangwei said, he quickly took a map from his arms and laid it on the ground.

The rest of the generals who saw this scene stayed, especially Shangguan Rong’s face was incredible: "Do you still carry a map with you?"

Duan Jiangwei grabbed the pen in one hand and held the candle in the southwestern shape of the silver city on the map. He drew a thick line: "Is it possible to use it? Let's say it now."

Shangguanrong’s eyes were stunned, and his eyes were looked back and forth several times between Chu Han and Duan Jiangwei. Finally, he shook his head and said helplessly: “The young people nowadays are really more difficult than one.”

Duan Jiangwei did not care, and did not look up and continued to look at the map: "We were unable to speculate where the Spike Reconnaissance Team was last night, but it is certain that they are very close to the source, perhaps in the place where the source broke out. maybe!"

"Isn't that dangerous?" a general nervous.

Duan Jiangwei shook his head and raised his eyes and squinted at the eyes: "The greatness of the reconnaissance team, you have never seen it."

At this time, Chu Han still leaned against the wall, and looked cold and looked at the pouring rain outside the house. Under the faint candlelight, his eyes flashed from time to time.

Several people were quiet, looking at the two young people present, some indirect brains were not enough.

"You don't want to sell off!" Wen Qisheng stood up and opened his mouth, and recovered a little.

"A Chu Han, a Duan Jiangwei, two young people who are only in their early 20s, are also the two best people in the various bases of China. They were selected as the only ones in the list of only fifteen places. The general is on an equal footing, which proves that your ability is the highest in the last century!"

"Sometimes I feel that after another ten years, this century-old yuan will be your world no matter where it is. Some of our old guys are out of date and no longer have a say."

Saying that Wen Qisheng and Xiao Xiao smiled, looked at the two with appreciative eyes: "But now I suddenly discovered that it is not so long after ten years, your growth rate is too amazing, and we have several old bones now. I can't keep up with your rhythm."

Some words, including too many expectations, and the veteran faintly want to give up the dominance.

"Yeah, especially you Chu Han, what are you preparing for? Let's talk about it!" Shangguan Rong also couldn't wait.

In the series of reactions of Cong Chuhan and the words of Wen Qisheng, it is not difficult to see that things are not at the point where they are running out of water. They still have cards.

Chu Han’s brow wrinkled. At this time, everyone in the house, including Duan Jiangwei who opened the map, looked at himself with the eyes of seeking knowledge.

"I can't guarantee it, I can't confirm it." Chu Han said slowly, and she couldn't help but feel confused: "I don't know if the investigating team is innocent at this time, and it is even less clear what we guessed, the possibility of occurrence and the consequences. ""

"I don't know, so I can only wait." Chu Han said that the unknown is not clear, but several people present have understood it.

Before the return of the investigation team, everything can't be determined!

The conduct of the devastating war has been passed down as a household name, but it is time for everyone to pursue this human counterattack at this time and show a feverish trend.

A terrible scandal suddenly broke out from the Shangjing base, and then spread to the entire China Base Alliance. The news was released by the Shangjing base veteran group. The content was the real-time battle of the nesting war, and the announcement was only a short nine. Words:

The Nesting Wars Alliance defeated!

There is no explanation for no process, no detailed statistics on casualties, and no record of how many enemy forces are destroyed. Only the words of defeat have been used to indicate the end of this war.

The public base was in turmoil, and a large number of survivors began to make trouble, especially the Shangjing base that the news learned at the first time. Too many people could not accept such a notice of no responsibility.

At this time, at the entrance to the inner city of Shangjing Base, there are already tens of thousands of survivors gathered here.

"Our alliance army? Why didn't you come back!"

"The old group! Come out! Give us an explanation!"

"What is defeat? Lost the retreat? What about the soldiers?"

The noise continued for a long time, and more and more survivors poured into the ranks of trouble, and refused to disperse for several days.

The masses of the old people who were blocked in the inner city were so bad that they had to gather together after the second day of the incident to discuss ways to deal with them.

"Things have reached an unmanageable level. What should we do now? Wait for the survivors to block the city, let us stay in and out for a limited time?"

"They are survivors who are not new humans." A veteran's indifferent opening.

"Can't always kill the light?" Someone sneered.

For a long time, the venue was noisy and I couldn’t think of a solution.

"I said at the beginning that there was a problem with the announcement of the defeat!"

"If you don't have anything to prepare, let go of it, don't blame it."

"This is the meaning of Luo Jia and Bai Jia." Chen Ji’s words directly let the opposition voice disappear.

After a moment of silence, one person tentatively opened: "The priest command..."

At the scene, the veteran looked at each other and looked at them with some embarrassment. They collectively excluded the animal husbandry commander and Luo Ming. When they encountered problems, they were cheeky and brought people back to solve the problem.

This is too skinless!

"No one can go to the animal husbandry commander!" Chen Ji said: "Even if you find it, can he figure out a way? Our elders can't solve this problem, and can do anything!"

As the veteran entangled, the door was suddenly opened, and a one-armed figure slowly walked in, leaving everyone in the room surprised.

This one-armed man does not seem to be as powerful as his combat power, and his body is still a little thin, but it is such a person who has entered Enron alone into this highly confidential conference room.

"Hello, my name is Ye Bo."

The man uttered his voice, and then, under the horrified expression of the veteran, the diameter of the seat of the veteran group was seated. He smiled and raised his hand and gestured to everyone: "Continue, you will continue."

This scene is so amazing that it has turned several elders into a corner. What is the situation?

Where did this person come from? !

"Oh, yes, forgot to say." At this time, Ye Bo seems to suddenly think of something, saying: "I am the person who Baijia sent to take over the base. That is to say, from now on, I am the leader of this Beijing base. ""

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