Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1383: One hundred people died?

Three days after the incident, the explosive news was transmitted to the Spike base. At the same time, the two surrounding cities were also washed by the news at the same time. The people who are almost in trouble are well known. Even the three-year-old child said in his mouth. The defeated thing.

At this time, Chu Han has been out of the group for several months. The Langya area has been on the basis of the exhibition. There are not many sudden situations or major events that can not be dealt with by others.

When the news came out, the panic was like a flood, and all of the large, medium, and small bases in the world of the fangs became a mess.

The high-rises of the Spikes gathered for the first time to hold a high-level meeting. There were not many people staying in the wolf teeth, especially the members of the military. The basics of the battlefield were not returned. It was also a wolf-warning team.

At this time, there were not many people in the conference room. After Shang Jiuyi and a dry civil servant were seated, Yang Tian and Jianyi’s 6 Yi represent the two remaining forces of the Spike.

For a time, the seats on the left were full, the ministers and important research members were there, and the officers on the right side were only two. The numbers on both sides showed a strong contrast.

"How did the news of the defeat come out? What happened to the Beijing base?" 6 Yi first raised questions.

Yang Tian blinked his eyes: "The name of Chu Han boss is still on the list."

Chu Han’s name is still on the list, indicating that his life is not dangerous, so this is why the top executives are not panicked, but can sit here and calmly meet.

Shang Jiuyi’s degree is faster, and he immediately pointed out to the Intelligence Minister 6: “Is there statistics?”

"Three teams, shooting teams, reconnaissance teams and all officers have been counted, and the rest of the new human situation is being counted." 6玟丞 said, got up and placed a list in the middle of the table: "This is a wolf." Among the above-mentioned teams and officers of the Dental Warfare, there are people who have recorded the list but whose names have disappeared, a total of 100 people."

When I heard this data, everyone in the room was relieved. When the news of the defeat was over, they made the worst plan. They must know that the mission of the Wolf Tooth Group was to rush into the center of the silver city. It is reasonable to say that. These groups of teams were less than half of the dead and wounded after the end of the war, but the name that disappeared at this time was only one hundred people. However, many people who made the worst psychological achievements were delighted.

But when the expressions of the people relaxed, 6玟丞 was serious: "Everyone has read it again. This time the situation is very strange. Of the 100 people who died, 90 were members of the Black Mans. !"

When the words came out, all four were shocked!

Yang Tian first grabbed the list, and after seeing the series of familiar names on it, the body seemed to lose power and was generally shocked.

6 Yi did not expect such a variable, the rest are even more incredible, which is too much for their expectations.

Shang Jiuyan's brows wrinkled tightly, and took a list and looked at it. Her eyes swept through each name, and it gradually became a stunned look in the look.

What happened to the Black Mans team? !

"It will not be a shortage of materials. I am very prepared. It seems that the black mans and the big forces are gone." The logistics department Lao Gao guessed.

"Unfortunately, we now know too little information, the intelligence department can not penetrate into the silver city theater, where a large area including the surrounding, are the land of different kings." 6玟丞 Some annoyed.

"Chu Han took most of the staff members when he left, and the officers also went 8o. Most of the rest of the people deliberately concealed their strength, especially the warning team is a hole card." 6 Yi slowly said at this time: "We don't guess at first, no one knows what happened in the theater. Now the purpose is to contact Chu Han."

Among so many people present, he and the ministers of several departments can preside over the overall situation. The ability of Shang Jiuyi is outstanding in management. In response to these sudden situations, especially related to the war, she is unable to do so.

6玟丞 nodded and looked at 6 Yi. In this situation, he also stood up consciously and resisted the banner: "Yes, the situation of the Black Mans team is not useful, since the news of the defeat has been released. Come out, also said that the Alliance Army has retired, so the Spikes should be on the way back?"

"Is there any news from the dark side?" 6 Yi asked.

6玟丞 Nodded and eccentrically shook his head: "At the beginning, we reported to us about the camps prepared before the war. The several operations of the Spikes are also included. We know the degree is better than Shangjing. The announcement was quick, but after the total attack number was issued, the news about the battlefield was completely dead. After that, we received the rest of the incidents from the non-war zone dark members."

Yang Tian responded: "It seems that the members of the dark department are also the participants. After entering the silver market, they completely lost contact with us."

"This is exactly the case." 6玟丞 Slowly said: "Sometimes the dark members of Beijing went to the newspaper, saying that Wang Chen of the Ministry of Strategy was dead. The main force of the Sixth Army of the Alliance Army disappeared. The commander of the main force, General Jin Yangqi I don’t know if life and death, the Spike Wars and Chu Han have never moved since they entered the silver market and fired the first shot."

"These are all marked by the dark part, which is the official statement of Shangjing." 6玟丞 then added.

"Official means that less than 2o of content is real." 6 Yi thought after thinking and said: "I think Wang Chen's death is true."

"This news can be seen in other content." Suddenly, Jiuyi screamed and raised a question: "The Shangjing base first said that it lost contact with the main force and the Langyao war group, and it soon broke out." The news of the defeat of the Alliance Army, the retired team, can be understood as not including these seven battle groups?"

Such a dark idea gave everyone an alarm.

"It is very possible!" Yang Tianyi patted the table, and he stood up. Some excitedly said: "Isn’t the analysis of Chuhan’s boss before the trip? In addition to the massive zombies and aliens, the enemy of the Spike has those strategies. Members, even coalition forces, or all non-split people!"

"You mean that some of the veteran regiments are collaborating with foreign aid. In this war, they will suffocate the wolf-toothed squad in the silver market in one fell swoop?" 6 Yi had some horrified openings, and then immediately shook his head: "Impossible, the Beijing Martial Group Pastor orders, but they have always supported Chu Han."

Just as everyone discussed, one person from the intelligence department came to knock on the door: "The data is counted, and another urgent message came from the dark."

6 pupils shrink: "say."

"Yes." The intelligence department immediately took out the information that had been decrypted, saying: "Luo Xiaoxiao is missing, the Beijing base is amazed, and the new collar leaves Bo."

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