Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1384: New machine

Luo Xiaoxiao is missing!

The Beijing base was shocked!

New collar leaves Bo!

Three sentences and one sentence are larger than one sentence. One sentence is more shocking than one sentence. It is even more shocking. Everyone in the room is down. Every time the room is like a pause in time and space, all the sounds disappear, leaving only the collective heart beat vigorously. Loud.


I don't know how long it took, Shang Jiuyi suddenly fell into the chair and fell silently muttering to himself: "Luo Xiaoxiao is missing? Where did she go... How could it be? Pastor and Luo Lao? What happened? ”

When the actions of the four mysterious families gradually came to the forefront and began to be known by ordinary people, Chu Han began to take care of the preparations in case of a list of protections. The list of people also needs to be screened at the same time. The most important point is the absolute loyalty to Chu Han, because the people on the list are all in the event of a sudden incident, and they need to do the dark or the fangs to fight for their strength. The one who must be saved.

And Luo Xiaoxiao is one of them!

At this time, in the urgent information of the dark part, the first one is Luo Xiaoxiao’s disappearance, which also proves its importance.

In the second sentence, the Beijing base was shocked. The short words were more like a vaccination, and it was told that there would be big movements.

The third sentence is the only one in this news. The leaf Bo has been aware of the high-level affairs of the white-handed family. At this time, with the news of the nesting war, the foot is connected. This person boarded the leader position of the Beijing base.

How many of these are the secrets of the dark, even more shocking!

After the initial shock, the random surge was the panic, which almost made the people in the house uncontrollable.

The biggest question is, what do they do now?

Chu Han is not there, what should they do?

"Everyone calms down first." At this time, 6 Yi quickly made a noise before everyone stunned, forcing the people to be calm, although his voice was very trembling at this time.

Yang Tian also knew that the situation was too shocking, and he hurried to get up and said something that was boring: "I am eight steps."

The atmosphere at the scene suddenly rose, and suddenly became awkward by the panic, and it was quite difficult to hold on to it. At this moment, Yang Tian’s words were forcibly reversed.

Everyone looked at Yang Tian with a dull look, obviously did not respond, this is really too impactful, and the shocking news from the dark side pulled and pulled each other, but it suddenly made everyone calm down.

Eightth order, so?

This is to let everyone not panic, they have eight-order powerhouse?

6 Yi quite surprised at seeing Yang Tian, ​​erected a thumb and then turned to the topic: "All calm? Now we talk about the action process."

Suddenly, the entire conference room entered the most urgent situation, and everyone gathered up the panic of excess mood, and all invested in the solution.

"The first warning team can't move, even if there is a big thing outside, the Wolf Armed Forces team will be stationed here forever." 6 Yi firmly said.

Yang Tianyi said a little bit later: "Unless the boss personally mobilizes the troops, the Wolfs alert team will not step out of the world of teeth, of course, will not let the unrelated person step into this step!"

It is said that the strength of Yang Tian’s body has changed, especially tough.

6玟丞 exhaled a breath and said: "The next step is divided into two steps. First, the minister of the dark department, Meng Qiwei, needs to contact immediately, and launch a small comprehensive search operation. Then we are the wolf-toothed group. The death and injury is not too serious, then you should first look for the way to the silver market, and you must contact the boss!"

The rest of the departments, especially the three bald heads of the Ministry of Science and Technology who have never spoken before, have listened at a glance. If the situation is so serious that they are out of control, they will generally not participate in such meetings. They only focused on scientific research. At this time, I listened to several high-level analysis and action assignments. I only felt that there was some surprise in the fog. If it was because of the support of these people, their research department was defeated. As soon as the news came out, I was afraid that I was already panicked and confused as the ants on the hot pot.

"Looking for the team of Chuhan and the Spikes, do you want to directly dispatch the helicopter?" At this time, Shang Jiuyi was anxious: "The guards can't leave here, and the rest of the departments have to do their jobs. I usually only deal with official duties." And guard, I am looking for it!"

Shang Jiu’s words made 6 Yi and others lose their spirits for a while, and Yang Tian immediately objected: “No, it’s too dangerous!”

"What is going to happen on this road is unknown!" 6玟丞 also discouraged.

"And on!" Xu Shangyi turned to look at the Ministry of Science and Technology: "Azure 3ooo?"

When the name of Tianzhao 3ooo comes out, the eyes of everyone in the house suddenly light up. If there is the assistance of 3ooo, then looking for the Wolf Tooth Warfare will be half the battle.

And the nervous slobber: "I have already returned to Gao Shaohui according to the boss's instructions."

Shang Jiuyi’s eyes dimmed, and 6 Yi and others were somewhat disappointed.

"If there is no 3ooo in the sky, Shang Jiu can't be dispatched." 6 Yi made the board: "First send a helicopter to the road and check it out."

"It can only be like this." 6 nodded.

I touched my bald head and then stood up and scared the people around me. "I will go back and expedite the manufacture of the new machine. It is modified according to the 3ooo of the sky, because there are too many materials to find. It’s a cheap version of Azure 3ooo, but it’s definitely more than a normal helicopter. Give me a few more days!”

When talking about it, he went straight to the house, and Xie Ding and Guangtou quickly followed, and the three bald heads suddenly disappeared into the conference room.

6 玟丞 smile: "I hope that the Ministry of Science and Technology can give strength, our time is really not much."

"Well, let's arrange for people to act first!" 6 Yi made a final conclusion.

Suddenly, all the departments of the whole wolf have been operating. The guards of the security team have been rigorously several times on the same day. All the people who are in the two cities of the Spike have to go through a lot of inspections. From time to time, there are guards on the streets. Patrol, when the outside world is turbulent, what they have to do is to ensure the absolute order of the Sagna.

At the same time, the best helicopter of a wolf base was also put on the sky immediately after the meeting. Several members of the Wolf Tomb team were fully armed. They took the helicopter and went to the silver market.

Luo Xiaosou’s search was carried out by the dark department. At the same time, there were also many members of the dark department. They began to investigate in the direction of the silver market. As long as the fangs can see the eccentricity behind so many turbulences in Beijing, they must also Come forward to host the overall situation.

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