Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1392: Hell?

Yang Tian said that it was placed at the highest point of the Spike base, and it has been resting in this time for several months. At that time, the attack of the General Strategy Department’s helicopter into a **** was in the memory of Yang Tian. I have been lingering for a long time.

When an emergency occurs, he naturally thinks of this big killer for the first time. If the strongest defense of the spike is at this time, it is this new weapon.

Attack is the best defense!

"Your warning team is that the limbs are simple and only for a long time." And the squatting of the captain, the movements in the hands are not stopped: "Look at it, this is the distance adjustment, this is the aiming, this is the scope control. ......"

Just as Yang Tianhe and Shang Shang were in the study of the time bombs in the base of the Spike, there were already several helicopters flying over the base of the Spike base, and unabashedly headed for the direction of the city of Anro.

These are the helicopter teams from the Qikai base. They acted the fastest. They gathered in the first place and were the first helicopter teams to reach the world of Spike, and they were divided into two batches.

The first helicopter team was already ready, and only waited for the orders to reach them, so when they were still on the road, they had already arrived in the city of Anro.

This group of people is responsible for taking the lead in suppressing the riots, preempting the leading power of the city of Anro in the most violent and direct way, and creating opportunities for the subsequent officers.

The second batch of helicopters from the Qikai base was carrying a large-scale encroachment plan and went to the Qikai base officer team occupying the site here. At the same time, Qi Kai himself could not bear the temper himself.

If it is true that the city of Anro can be collected in the bag, they will reach the Qikai base!

As for the helicopters of the remaining bases, it is a step later than the first team of Qikai base, but it is also a fire, and even many bases have already prepared for action, but the degree of information transmission has caused them to slow down. But even if it is slow, it can't be much compared with the second batch of officers of the Qikai base. It is almost synchronous.

So when the first helicopter team whizzed past the Spike Base and hovered over the city of Anro to start looking for the next mobile phone conference, a large number of helicopters were coming.

Everyone was anxious, for fear of being robbed of their own hands and losing their chances on this side, so almost no team had arrived, and there was an officer with a rank of at least Lieutenant General, who was urging loudly.

The second batch of Qikai base is also the same. Qi Kai himself stayed in the largest helicopter and kept anxiously annoyed: "How long is it still? The first team has started to act. Is the other base people already? Catch up?"

"The general will be calm!" An officer next to him is also anxiously sweating, but this time he can only bear the temper to say: "Our people have already taken the first step in action, and from time to time, the riots in the city of Anro will be The children are definitely going to be in the **, our first team in the past just happened to catch up with the best time to suppress, as for the helicopter teams behind, even if they can catch up with us, it is impossible to catch the first team! ”

Just after the voice of this person fell, the driver in front suddenly reported: "Admiral, three helicopters are approaching at three o'clock!"

"At three o'clock, there is the base of Shangjing." Qi Kai stunned, and then bite his teeth: "It must be that the leaves are sent, people can not give them a chance to approach, we are fast!"

Although Yebo and Qikai are both people who work for Baijia, the competition between the two is not small, especially after the leaves break, and Qi Kai’s mission failed in the nesting war. If you want to wear a sinful meritorious service, who can get the wolf teeth first, who will be able to get a different look at the white worry, then not to mention later.

So now both of them are screaming in the dark, to see who can take down the city of Anro!

In addition to the competition between the two men, the rest of the bases that rushed to join in the fun, and also rushed to the place, all seem to be coming over to grab money.

These helicopters, which came from different directions, gradually entered the Langya boundary in a period of similar time. They gathered from all directions in the city of Anro, for the rest of the ground, whether it was the Spike base or the rest of the small and medium bases. Did not care, just blindly to the city of Anro, and soon approached the city around the city of Anro, and soon to explore the city boundaries.

But when they were so impatient and even fast, they could already see the scene over the city of Anro, suddenly


A wave of light suddenly appeared, which would have been the glare of the daytime vision, so that everyone's subconscious eyes picked up.

This suddenly stunned light wave, so that all the people in the helicopter near the city of Anro suddenly stunned and suddenly shocked!

Because just in front of them, a helicopter hovering over the center of the city of Anro, disappeared into a pile of powder in an instant!

There is no need to pave the way, and there is not much shocking movement. From here to nothing, it has become a pile of dusty material, and what components in it have disappeared in an instant!

Everyone was scared, and the helicopter pilots who were outside the city of Anro, almost did not control the balance under the big child, the fuselage suddenly bumped!

"Ah! Stabilize! Go down!"

"Fast! Pilot, what are you doing?!"

Countless screams sounded in a helicopter, bringing everyone back to reality, and now they had time to think back to what an incredible scene they saw before.

"It's too weird. What the **** is this?"

"And what is this against the sky? It’s impossible to catch it!"

"Is it a weapon? Is it? Or is it my eyes?"

"It’s a blind eye, isn’t there anything that isn’t born?” Some people think it’s too unbelievable to say.

"Haha, it must be, what kind of flash bomb is estimated?" Someone echoed.

At this time, look at the place where the front view touches, and it seems that nothing is born. The helicopter team is still hovering over the city, and it looks like everything is normal.

Everyone was relieved, and he was really too nervous and excited, causing hallucinations?

"No!" At this time, Qi Kai screamed with horror: "Less! There is one helicopter!"

Frightened, I immediately took everyone, including the rest of the base, and I was aware of the wrong number of helicopters flying high in the sky.

It’s indeed one less, the obvious gap of the helicopter team, so it’s so cumbersome to hint at them, everything I saw before is not an illusion!

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