Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1393: What are you waiting for?

"Look at the following!" At this time, it was another exclamation, and it sounded at Qi Kai.

At the same time, in different helicopters, in almost the same time, different levels of exclamations sounded.

At this time, all the people saw the scene of the street below the city of Anro, and the sun was swaying in this city. It was peaceful and beautiful, and the rows of houses that were patchwork and row upon row were piled up. The various vegetation interspersed among them was also very pruned. Aesthetics, the whole city is more beautiful and more desirable than the city of civilization.

Only in such a city, the empty road is silent, the road surface is cleaned very cleanly, and occasionally a leaf slowly floats down, and it still shows a wonderful sense of tranquility.


What about people?

No! Missed!


Where is the riot? !

It’s quiet and peaceful at all!

The legendary riots do not exist at all!

The shocked look came to everyone on the face, making them seem like a ridiculous daydream!

"The riots!!" Qi Kai screamed, his eyes were full of blood and red, his face was very incomparable.

The rest of the people are even more suspicious of whether they are dazzling. This scene is too horrifying. Before they left, the city was still a panic that was about to explode, and it seemed to be out of control at any time.

But at the moment, this is all in front of them...

what is the problem? !

Just as everyone is horrified, I don’t know how to be good, the next moment.


It was a slight, unintelligible sound, accompanied by a bright flash of light!

Although they are still flashing, they are still taking their cognition quickly, but this time, the time for this flash to be maintained is obviously longer than before, so that they have the opportunity to witness the fear coming.

Because it was just in front of them, the helicopter team hovering over the city center after entering the city of Anro, all the helicopters were shining under this glare...

Suddenly into the ashes!

Oh la la!

A large expanse of white ashes spilled from the air, like snow, but more like the ashes of countless people being burned!

Those helicopters, as well as the people inside them, are gone...


To say that it is dead is not enough to show the strangeness of this scene, as if it was swallowed and completely disappeared into the universe!

Everyone didn't hear the sound, it was like a slap!

Did not feel the volatility, just like the space cracked open the slit directly annexed in general, silent!

Frightened in the hearts of everyone, this scene has passed the recognition that they have lived for so many years, and has taken off everything they can understand.

Unknown fear is even more unacceptable!

It didn't take long, under the strong fear, Qi Kai was the first to make a sound, and his voice was stuttering incoherently: "Withdraw, retreat, evacuate, flee!"


The pilot was stunned and immediately controlled the helicopter to turn around. The panicked helicopter was even more skewed, but these are not important. The important thing is that they need to escape immediately!

After the first helicopter took action, the second batch of helicopters at the Qikai base quickly ran and ran, regardless of the reason why the first helicopters disappeared without any reason.

After seeing this scene, the rest of the bases have thoughts about other things. Of course, it is a big disaster to come and fly.

Even because of the rush to escape, it was too flustered, and several helicopters had a collision accident, and the bomb fell on the ground outside the city.

Explode, crash into a residue, and burn on fire.

More is to quickly withdraw in the panic, running faster than the time, almost is to race against time!

Those who can have this acumen to come here to seize the opportunity have a brain, even if they don’t think so clearly about the cause and effect, but see the helicopter being swept away by the strange flash and seeing the unusual scenes of the cities below. People can infer one or two from this information.

Spike has a card!

They are being played!

Run fast!

The people evacuated from the fire flew to their bases and disappeared all over the city of Anro, but the flash did not disappear.


Suddenly, the personnel in the evacuated helicopter felt clear, and the pilots in each team followed suit.

"A helicopter has disappeared!"

"There are helicopters disappearing! I don't know which base it is!"

All the reported voices were panicked, flying away from the city of Anro, the flash continued, the strange disappearance and the ashes did not stop, this is killing!

"Fast! On the limited flight path of the wolf!" One person suddenly reacted and shouted.


Suddenly the helicopter flew to the trajectory, and the grounds of the Spikes were clearly marked. All the helicopters coming here must fly along the trajectory from all directions, and there are restrictions on direction.

Just after the helicopter was on the track, it was a flash of light. The next helicopter that followed them in parallel with them flew in their sight and became high. There are countless dusts falling in the air!

This scene fell in the eyes of many people. All of the helicopters were rushing to start orbiting. They were really scared, and they were really scared!

"It's a spike! It's really a hole in the wolf!" Qi Kai was stunned in the cabin, his face full of unwillingness and fear.

I have to know that the helicopter he is in is almost destroyed. Just after flying on the flight path of the Spike, a helicopter behind him has not had time to keep up, just a few meters away from the trajectory. The horrible flash swallowed the slag!

Everyone who came here is even more frightened in the heart of being unable to calm down too fast. They can hardly imagine what kind of weapon it is, and can’t guess what is hidden in the wolf, but it can be so quietly Kill so many helicopters.

Air combat is invincible?

How can this be!

The Wolf Tooth Warfare has been so strong that it is so strong that the mysterious family needs to use the new high-powered weapons to suppress it. But this is the world of the wolf teeth, and the towns of the Spikes and the surrounding towns have air protection?

Unbelievable, shocking!

At this time, the group was shocked and couldn't believe it, but they never thought that the wolf teeth were not only invincible on the 6th floor, but also had the base against the sky to protect the time shells. The waterway was against the sky and no one was present...

At the same time, in this silent and shocking event to the public base, the captain of the security team, Yang Tian, ​​stayed at the highest point of the Spike base, and manipulated the time bombs that he had made with all his heart and effort.

If you want to come to Spike, you can, with a large amount of money back to buy the right to live and the house.

But if you want to invade the wolf teeth, even if you have an inch of land, why should you try?

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