Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1399: Critical situation

"Oh! Retreat of the Alliance Army?" Xu Feng sneered, saying: "The main force is not only 5,000 people, but the 3,000 squadrons. The main force of the six major corps is left. Two thousand people!"

Liu Yuding was shocked: "Two thousand? That is the total number of 30,000 mainstream coalition forces!"

"There is something strange." The sneer on Xu Feng's face is more obvious. He does not hide his spit on a series of conspiracy before and after this nesting war: "The heterogeneous has the assist of the General Strategy Department. Who is not easy to destroy?" The Tianyang base was completely destroyed in an instant!"

“Tianyang, all destroyed?” Liu Yuding, who just learned of this situation, was shocked on the spot and then reacted and asked: “What about Jin Yang’s admiral?”

"The war is dead." Xu Feng chilled and answered, the gold gun in his hand is not moving, a shot into the head of a fourth-order zombie.


Liu Yuding’s brain was confused and out of control. He was different from Xu Feng and others. He graduated from the military academy in the civilized era, and he was a formal military officer who advocated the army. He had several veteran generals with China before the end of the last days. After several times of face-to-face, I was more aware of the strengths of these people and the experience of Lei Lei’s life.

Among them, Jin Yangxuan is the most impressive. The life of this fierce man is full of legends. Even if he enters his later years, he has the power of dragons and tigers. To that station, a group of young people in the town can’t talk, and their gas field Strong thinking is not weaker than the veteran group.

But is such a person, even so dying in the battle of the nesting?

Liu Yuding seems to have an unreal feeling: "Why, how come? The power of Yangyang base in Yangyang is simply invincible!"

"No one is invincible. When you are a different kind of king, do you think there are several people who can resist it?" Xu Feng said, with a murderous look in his eyes.

"Different kings hands automatically?!" Liu Yu Ding shocked.

"Chuhan has already said that there is a problem with this general strategy department." Xu Fengyi’s black blood on the golden gun in his hand, said: "The other party is directly colluding with the alien king!"

Liu Yuding was silent. At present, only 2,000 people left in the main force of the main force of 30,000 people, and everything has been explained.

"So Wang Chen?" He fainted.

"Reassured, the boss killed him." Xu Feng screamed.

"Don't die?" Liu Yuding's brain crashed again. What is this?

"Ah is dying." Xu Feng frowned and replied, as if he didn't think about it. "The boss doesn't know why it will be thundering. Many people see it with their own eyes. That is really a big cow, not only Wang Dian Dead, and a direct lightning flashed several helicopters."

Liu Yuding suddenly screamed at the mouth and said: "So the fantasy is not in line with the setting."

"Take him, anyway, the boss is a miracle!" Xu Feng grinned, and then said: "I know that you have the honor of the military training in Jinyang, and have a relationship with him."

Liu Yuding smiled bitterly: "After this war, Tianyang base is afraid that it will not exist anymore?"

Xu Feng’s smile is weird: “You are pessimistic and have to tell you a very strange news. Jin Yangyu’s son Jin Zeyu and his thousand soldiers are not coming to the war.”

"Ah?" Liu Yuding stunned, and for a long time did not understand: "Fighting? This is impossible!"

"I am afraid that I am just trapped in the yin and yang valley." Xu Feng has an unclear smile in his eyes. "As long as he is still alive, the Tianyang base will not disappear."

"Then we are next?" Liu Yuding asked in a voice, looking at the zombies that were blocked up on the road ahead.


The long shots in Xu Feng’s hands flashed, and the energy fluctuations of a violent violent violently burst open: “Kill out!”

"Good!" Liu Yuding also put down a lot of thoughts, raised a long knife across the chest, and smashed a large number of zombies.

The 5,000 people here in Chuhan still marched step by step in the rain, led by the Wolf Tooth Warfare, and soon met with the investigation team that came from the war zone ahead.


The members of the one-vote reconnaissance team once again saw Chu Han, who had not seen for many days, and once again faced the familiar faces of the Wolf Tooth Warfare, all of them were excited and the eyes were red, and the people who knew each other immediately merged. Go forward.

"Mom, two eggs, I thought I couldn't see you!"

"Roll, you are called two eggs, you are the egg!"

"Fuck! Do you want to fight?"

A group of warriors who are not fighting or talking about each other all the time, the way to express each other's feelings is so unbearable.

"How is the situation?" Chu Han did not have the time to help people, and immediately looked at the deputy captain of the investigation team.

The deputy captain of the investigation team replied seriously: "The number of zombies is at least 100,000 or more, and the entire evacuation road has been blocked. There is no second way except for killing. Lieutenant General Liu Yuding will come with five hundred recruits. Before we joined them, the recruits had killed nearly two thousand low-cost zombies, but it did not help, and did not have much impact on the massive zombies on the entire road. The zombies came in and immediately rushed to block the vacancies. ""

After listening to these words, Chu Han frowned and asked: "The zombie and other order distribution?"

The deputy captain of the investigation team shook his head: "It’s very messy and there is no rule. It’s not the regular distribution of low-cost zombies in the high-level after the high-level. All of them are chaotic and intertwined. Our recruits can’t form a separate team. It’s not like the regular corpse tide!”

At this time, Duan Jiangwei, who just heard the news from the rear, rushed to the forefront of the team. Hearing this, he couldn’t help but say: "No, generally, the corpse tides must be arranged. This is the countless times of corpse we have explored. law!"

"Because it is irregular and different, it is enough to prove that we have met. It is indeed the super zombie who has opened up the mental and mental mind!" Chu Han was cold and cold at this time, and there was no emotion in his expression. It’s all killing: “I’m afraid, the clever super zombies are so arranged for zombies, they are deliberately blocking here to deal with us!”

Duan Jiangwei suddenly burst into shock: "How tall is that intelligence?"

"Oh! Who knows?" Chu Han sneered, looking at the road in front of the dark, extremely low visibility, especially in the black rain that kept falling: "This black rain is mixed with viruses, maybe the zombies will still So improve your ability!"

Such speculations suddenly silenced the investigative teams and other people who gathered together, and everyone around them felt a great pressure.

It was already dangerous enough to encounter such a super-little zombie. If there is still a lot of zombies to be besieged at this festival, and there are so many zombies group besieged together, how hard is it to break through this only evacuation obstacle?

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