Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1400: No other way, only on the front

"Jiang Tianqing, you will run again, let Lu Bingze come alone, by the way, look at the situation of the two thousand people in the rear and report to me again." Chu Han out of the channel.

Jiang Tianqing’s direct brain slamming, crashing, and running again? !

He stunned and looked at the black rain that covered his vision. He could only rush out with a bite, and let him run what he opened to enhance the speed of the egg.

The gray sky stole a sense of dullness. Chu Han looked at the shadow of the army in the rain, and then looked at Duan Jiangwei: "I will let the killing team first open the road, but then we are five thousand People must regroup to maximize their combat power."

Duan Jiangwei was shocked and looked at Chu Han, who was so serious, and said: "You mean to break up several battle groups?"

"Break up, wear and insert into the team of the Wolf Tooth Warrior." Chu Han firmly said, and then strode toward the rear team: "Go, go see the old man."

Duan Jiangwei quickly followed up, the heart slammed straight, and the fighting ability of the fangs group was recognized by everyone. At this time, Chu Han offered to reorganize the team, which is basically the battle of the fangs. The secret of warfare is exposed to everyone's eyes, and it is also the most intuitive opportunity for the remaining two thousand alliances to learn.

As long as you learn a trick and a half, if you can really rush out of this dead silver market, the surviving coalition will be the strongest elite, and the most solid foundation for the five bases to revitalize. !

How does this make Duan Jiangwei not excited?

Soon a few generals gathered in the center from different positions of the team. In the black rain, only the most desolate shelters appeared, and each one looked like a wolf.

Chu Han did not come up too much, straight into the theme of the road: "Give me the total command, the next five thousand people move with me."

The four generals who heard this were all stunned. Only Duan Jiangwei, who was coming along with Chu Han, couldn’t hide his eyes.

Wen Qisheng lags behind in the first second, and immediately responds, and steadily shoots Chu Han’s shoulder: “Let go and do it!”

The remaining generals and nominees also nodded, and they did not say that they would hand over the dominance to Chu Han.

Chu Han didn't think that things had progressed so smoothly. He thought that he had to make a controversy when he had to argue. So he made him accustomed to things that were not going well.

At this time, Chu Han still did not know what the generals thought in his mind, and did not expect that this was something that the other party could not ask for. It was close to the members of the Wolf Tooth Group to fight against the enemy. This kind of opportunity is rare. I can't ask for it!

"The impact of heavy rain on us is still too much. I have to trouble a few seniors to help. Now let the ranks of their respective teams be evenly distributed. Let them start with a group of 50 people. Wear them in the front of the Wolfs. In the team." Chu Han opened, the next sentence is amazing: "Black rain limits the transmission of sound, we do not have time to start the pre-war conference, the team's reorganization is completed in the process of advancement!"


“Regrouping while walking?” “This...this is not, isn’t this how?”

Several of the generals were stunned and indecent, and the team was reorganized while walking, or was it in this heavy rain?

Lost and convinced!

Chu Han did not think about giving a few time to think and accept. After saying this, he has strode to the forefront of the team and began to arrange the wearing and inserting of the 3,000-strong team of the Wolf Tooth War. .

The five generals saw Chu Han’s direct and quick way of doing things, and they quickly returned to their own team and began to rearrange the personnel according to the requirements of Chu Han.

The balance of combat power is the most important. It is the focus of this battle to break the zombie battle. The zombie on the opposite side knows that the distribution of the corpse tide is mixed, so Chu Han must not deal with the conventional corpse tide. .

"How is the boss playing this time?" Miss Chen was excited to go forward: "What are we going to do with the shooting team?"

"This time you have no use, the heavy rain has affected the field of vision. The basic use of firearms is not used. The shooting team is not integrated into the big forces this time. You see the machine." Chu Han calmly replied, and then frowned: "As for the other five thousand people to play, now there is no tactical at all, we have no advantage, of course, the other side does not, only the front is hard!"


Chen Shaoye swallowed his throat nervously. Since the wolf tooth group became stronger and stronger, they have always relied on the tactics of Chuhan, the assistance of the other departments, and the advantages of winning again and again, with less wins. Most of the key points are taken by the sword.

There are very few hard-working fronts, especially when the hundreds of thousands of zombies are rushing to the present, but they only have 5,000 teams, this is the first time that Spike has encountered such a difficult situation!

Hard fight is a hard battle of a positive confrontation!

The large units walked in the rain and were getting closer and closer to the battlefield ahead. During the process of the team, many people began to show a quick and slow distinction. The entire 5,000-person team was adjusted on the road, from the beginning. It is a familiar self-defense team member. After an hour, most of them have become strangers who wear and insert each other.

Many people are extremely uncomfortable, and there has been a panic before the war. There are no familiar companions around the team, and there are no tacit members. The whole 5,000 people are mixed up.

From the beginning of the 50-member group, to the gradually detailed group of ten people, the situation that Chu Han demanded finally appeared. In the ratio of three to two, both the big team and the small team have six. Led by members of the formation of the Wolf Arms, the remaining members of the team only accounted for 40%.

The distribution of 5,000 people was arranged in this way. The final step in the preparation for the next war is to make these 40% people fit the war style of the wolf.

"There is no time to explain, and there is no time for them to get familiar with each other." Chu Han found two hundred people in the investigation team, saying: "The order will be spread by you, time is urgent, before the first team set foot in front of the battlefield, You only have ten minutes."

The members of the investigation team are all serious, knowing that in this emergency battle, they will resist the heavy responsibility!

Chu Hanyu’s extremely fast explanation: “It’s still in the form of circular warfare. The first batch of people who went to war was one thousand people, and so on.

"The style of the wolf's combat is the most advanced one, so what I want is to let the two thousand people give up all the habits before, to adapt to the members of the wolf to fight with them, but fortunately they all have a certain foundation for new humans. It’s much easier than the training of our veterans with new recruits. The only thing is that they need to let them down their self-esteem and the past, and follow the rhythm of the wolf!”

"The first five times of fighting for every thousand people is to adapt to the habits. The two thousand people have to do the auxiliary. After the next big cycle, the second time is the key point. Strong!"

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