Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1561: Zigzag tactics

At this time, the big battle on the dividing line, but because both sides have a common team of people, the battle is a general command and tactics. Fortunately, even if it is divided into multiple battlefields, the Southern Alliance Army is still holding the strategic map sent by Chu Han. After the analysis of He Feng, the command of each theater has been generally understood, but the operation is very difficult.

Duan Jiangwei was in the tent in the Duan's Battle Camp. He had a short table in front of him and a map on the long table. It was a copy of the strategic map.

Sitting next to the star and several core generals of the Duan's battle group, all the frowning, a strange silence in the tent.


Duan Jiangwei clicked on the desktop with his hand and said: "Everyone knows where we are now?"

Several generals glanced at each other and nodded unanimously.

Duan Jiangwei did not express his expression. He continued: "So tactics, can you hear it clearly?"

Several generals nodded again, but no one said anything.

Duan Jiangwei was helpless. He took out a circle on the left side of the map centered on the dividing line: "The base we want to occupy is here, have you not forgotten?"

At this time, everyone began to talk about some unstoppable.

"But Admiral, is it really okay to play like this? Are we too passive?"

"And... it’s a waste!"

"In fact, there are other tactics. Do you not have to use the method of Admiral Chu Han? He himself also said that this style of play is too radical, let us consider the situation."

"Yes! How come to the end, all of our theaters have used the tactics of General Chu Han?"

"In fact, we can also discuss it. After all, General Chu Han is not on the front line. I must understand the current situation?"

Duan Jiangwei frowned, then leaned back: "Well, then you talk, how to fight?"

In a word, let the people in the tent once again be silent, and ask them to develop a more comprehensive tactic than at the moment. I can’t really think about it for a while. After all, there are too many war zones on this dividing line, and the front is also long. The number has reached more than 100,000.

Such a large-scale battle, even the Chuhan tactics, took several days to develop.

At this time, I will rethink, think too much, and time is not enough. The 100,000 army in the Northern Alliance will not wait.

"Can't think of it, what is the waste?" Duan Jiangwei sternly said: "I don't want to make a route quickly, we need to reach the theater before the appointed time!"


The situation similar to the Duan's battle group is also born in different battle groups. Whether it is the big team led by the generals or the small team led by the lieutenant generals, all of them are dissatisfied with this tactic.

But without exception, they were forced to press down.

The commander of the decision, Wen Qisheng, was under tremendous pressure. He knew that the strategy formulated by Chu Han was completely cut off.

Once a win!

In this way, the Southern Alliance Army divided into five groups except for the Spike Wars, scattered around the five designated theaters.

The Northern Alliance Army is still stationed at a point for the army of 100,000 people.

At this time, in the tent of Xu Xin, the commander of the Northern Alliance Army, a man wearing the simplest casual clothes came in. The original letter of Xu Xin, who was discussing the strategy with the generals, suddenly showed a smile: "Jiang Hao, you are here." ""

Looking at the extremely young and very stranger to most people, many generals in the house frowned.

Jiang Wei just smiled and sat in the most hands-free position without any fuss, and participated in the meeting in a low-key manner.

"It’s really late." One whispered and was heard by everyone in the scene where no one was talking.

Suddenly many people looked at Jiang Wei’s eyes and they were somewhat unfriendly. He was the first to dare to be late at this time. The key is that he was late and Xu Xin’s elders were not angry and modest, but if they were other people. It is estimated that the military rank has been withdrawn long ago, and this kind of differential treatment has made everyone's minds mixed.

The expression on Xu Xin's face changed: "If it wasn't for Jiang Wei, can we gather so many people? The 100,000 army will suddenly lose 50,000, and it will finally gather to 70,000. The remaining 30,000 are all Jiang Yan is coming!"

Listening to this, some people are uncomfortable: "Ten 30,000 are displaced people, they don't constitute an army at all, they eat our drink, and we don't know a little about combat technology. It's not 30,000."

Jiang Yan, who heard this, moved his eyes and said: "The displaced people can be used as cannon fodder."

Such ruthless and cold words made the scene suddenly quiet. Many people licked their lips for several times without saying anything. Xu Xin smashed the strange mouth and said: "The husband should not have a woman, Jiang Wei said Yes, we only have one chance in this war. We won’t win, we all have to die here!”

Listening to the words of Xu Xin, everyone is quite a spine, but this is true.

Seeing no one to question again, Jiang Yan smiled and continued: "And I am late because I want to make this strategy map."

If the words fall, Jiang Wei will take out a map of the dividing line. If the core personnel of the Southern Alliance Army are present, they will be shocked, because this strategy map is too similar to them, especially the strongholds that they want to seize. All coincide!

When I saw this map, the people who knew it suddenly lost their voice, and looked at Jiang Wei’s eyes with awe.

Of course, some people scratched their heads: "This picture, what is it?"

Xu Xin did not understand, so he asked: "Jiang Wei, you explain."

Jiang Wei coughed and pointed at the map: "See the five places that I have marked out? It shows a z-shape throughout the dividing line."

"So?" Someone asked.

"Z-shaped, snake-shaped walking all the way down." Jiang Yan's eyes smashed a strange look, said: "Only we can preempt occupy these five places, you can follow this route to the south of a base Break through the past!"

The words fell, the audience was silent.

Jiang’s explanation is simple and clear, and there is nothing special about the text. But as long as the map on the table is used, especially the distribution of many bases south of its dividing line, it can be seen that this strategy is powerful. At the office.

Z-shaped, five strongholds, at the same time the process of moving formed a pipeline, the first team of the head won the whole advance, the second team continued to lose, and the rear complemented in turn, this cycle also gave them attack Bring more time to improve the logistics needs of the rear and new people to join.

All of them were wise people, and everyone immediately understood this overbearing strategy and made them look at Jiang’s gaze suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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