Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1562: Scared

"Do you still understand strategic deployment?" Xu Xinwang was full of surprise at Jiang Wei's eyes. .

Jiang Yan shook his head and said: "I used to be in the Jinyang base, it is the brain of the brain, but it is a pity..."

"Jinyang base." Everyone was surprised.

Jiang Yan’s eyes burst into a touch: "The base that was destroyed by Chu Han."

Seeing this look of Jiang Wei, I heard this again, and there was a lot of discussion on the scene.

“Is the Jinyang base really Chu Chuhan?”

"I thought it was a rumor."

"If this is the case, then this Chuhan..."

"So we have to fight!" Jiang Yan firmly said: "Looking at Chu Han is not on the dividing line now, playing them in the Southern Alliance Army is caught off guard!"

Xu Xin also nodded immediately: "Jiang Yan said that it is right, Chu Han makes us the biggest hidden danger, we have to fight fast, immediately occupy these five positions, and then launch an attack, the rear supply is also very important, can not hit Half of the middle is out of line, who is responsible for the logistics?"

"I am coming." Jiang Yan stood up and decided: "I have a hatred with Chu Han. The tactics of this war are specifically for the Southern Alliance Army, but we don't know how the Spikes will send troops. I can't make a conclusion. My work on the front line has done my best. I have experience in logistical aspects, whether it is material, or persuading those bases to send troops or gather the people."

Listening to Jiang Yan’s pertinent words, everyone did not fight again. Although some people were unhappy, the logistical fate fell on Jiang’s head, but he thought about his contribution in this war and Xu Xin. There is no more controversy about the absolute trust in it.

The matter was settled here. Xu Xin immediately divided the 100,000 army into five teams. The displaced people broke into the various teams, and each team of 20,000 people quickly entered the direction of the five strongholds.

As for Jiang Wei, after completing the deployment of this series, he began to move toward the rear of the northern front.

What no one knows is that he did not deal with the various bases in accordance with his previous tactics, but quietly met with a person who could not think of all the Northern Alliance generals.

This is an extremely hidden valley, not far from the north of the dividing line. It is not far from the previous 100,000 Northern Alliance Army, but no one in the entire 100,000 people is hiding 5,000. Fine soldiers.

And it is still the five thousand elite soldiers of the Wolf Tooth Warfare. The total number of the three teams that have been expanded is 900, the shooting team is 500, the investigation team is 500, and the whole new human wolf team is 3,000. The rank of officers and some members of the staff are 100.

A total of five thousand!

Jiang Wei came from the jungle, and every other distance there was a scorpion scout who fell on him. From the valley to the hidden camp, Jiang Wei’s figure was completely Exposed to the sight of the Spike Reconnaissance Team.


No one stopped, so let him go all the way to the camp unimpeded, and directly to the core of the officer's place!

The person Jiang Yi came to see on this trip is the deputy commander of the Wolf Tooth Warfare, Chu Feng’s first staff officer, He Feng!

Standing on this place, Jiang Wei means that the whole wolf is the most glorious gathering tent. He waits quietly for the guardian's message. His heart is jumping. This is the first time he has been in close contact with the wolf since he joined the dark department. The headquarters of the tooth warfare!

He looked at the large number of teams walking around, from the heart of the excitement and admiration, a whole 5,000 people stationed here, but quiet needles can be heard.

Such a terrible way of concealing, every member of the Spike Wars team is playing with the hand, and the Northern Alliance Army can now blame!

And these members of the Spikes are well-equipped, especially the teams with different styles, you can feel the horrible power that looming at a glance, or the three thousand soldiers who are carrying out some daily training not far away. Give Jiang Wei a terrible sense of power.


It is the Wolf Tomb!

It is the most savage group of wolves in the dark part of their wolf!

"Jiang Hao? Let him in." There was a voice inside the tent, and soon the door of the tent was opened. A guard signaled Jiang to enter.

The environment inside the tent is very simple, or it should be said to be simple. It marks the wolf, oh no, it is the core of the world’s most terrible battle group. There is only one piece in the tent of this horrible horror. At the table, everyone stood in a military position.

And, all the quiet and terrible, all wearing a wolf-toothed military uniform, all watching him quietly!


Jiang Yan swallowed a little nervously, and felt a sense of pressure from extreme worship in this huge silence.

"You are Jiang Wei?" He Feng, who stood in the position, looked at Jiang Wei.


Jiang Yan quickly made a military ceremony and said: "Jiang Wei, a member of the dark department of the wolf, has seen the collar!"

"I am not your collar." He Feng's mouth was hooked and smiled: "I am the staff officer you led, and you are not here."

Jiang Wei was a slap in the face and quickly looked around. This is why there are no Chu Hans in the tents. All of them are senior officers of the wolf with a series of badges on their chests.

"Is it true that Chu Han is not at the dividing line, is it not a deliberate rumor?" Jiang Wei was a little panicked, the boss is not here, can you fight?

"He is not there, but it does not affect our actions." He Feng smiled very calmly, and then pointed to the crowds on both sides: "I introduce myself, so that the meeting can be carried out normally."

When the words fall, from left to right, from front to back, everyone starts to report their identity.

"Lieutenant General, the captain of the shooting team, Chen Shaoye, the eighth-order intensifier."

"Lieutenant General, the captain of the investigation team, Jiang Tianqing, the eighth-order intensifier."

"Lieutenant General, the captain of the killing team, Xu Feng, the eighth-order evolutionary."

"Lieutenant General, the black mans team captain Jiang Lingruo, the eighth-order evolution."

"Lieutenant General, the leader of the Shenyin team, Lu Bingze, the eighth-order intensifier."


A row of lieutenants, a row of captains, and a row of intensifiers directly made Jiang Yan’s heart-wrenching and completely stupid. He stayed in the same place, and then the rest of the people introduced themselves, a row of majors in a row. The vice captain, a row of seventh-order new humans, made him almost faint.

Spike, really strong against the sky!

So many high-ranking new humans are here, and they are the five thousand elite soldiers of all new human beings. How can they fight to win?

In the state of Jiang Yan excited to the red cheeks, the people present at the scene finally finished, and this time He Feng began to enter the topic: "Well, the pre-war meeting officially began!"

(End of this chapter)

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