Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1563: Relative

In the silence of the audience, He Feng took a map on the desktop, and the expression looked at Jiang Wei with a war: "Can you explain to the people of Xu Xin?"

Jiang Wei nodded: "I said the snake-shaped attack, they are convinced."

"Very good." He Feng's face showed a smile that must win, and then suddenly turned the map upside down, pointing to the north-south road of the dividing line: "Everyone pays attention to it, the z-shaped tactics formulated by the boss, for the north and the south. The offensive meaning of the two sides can be completely different."

The people present were not the core members of the staff, but the team captains, who had a certain understanding of the tactics, and constantly enhanced their independent military abilities under the deliberate cultivation of Chu Han. Among them, only the new black man captain Jiang Lingruo The experience is the most inadequate, and I don’t see a result of frowning.

The pre-war conference of the Spike Wars has always been a face-to-face on-the-spot teaching in addition to in-depth discussions to deepen everyone’s familiarity with strategy. Especially in the current limited time, you can understand the complex occasion of Chu Han. There are only a handful of people with strategic maps.

In addition to the upper and lower levels of the Ming Dynasty, the relationship between Xu Feng and Chu Han is privately comrade-in-arms relationship, and the two are tacit.

He immediately slammed his mouth and then provoked his eyes like Jiang Lingruo. "The z-shaped tactics for the Northern Alliance Army attacking the south of the dividing line are a shape of progress, and five points are indispensable. The interception of the midway is a dilemma. The strategy is equally radical but not comprehensive enough. It can only give a score to the passing line. Once the bases on both sides join forces to attack them one point, this tactic will completely fail."

Listening to such words, everyone nodded thoughtfully, Jiang Wei was half-sent of the incomprehensible, and they had very few opportunities for on-the-spot teaching in the dark department, most of them were placed in the enemy in various capacities. Confused to see and hear, in order to achieve the effect of the outer teeth.

Jiang Lingruo suddenly realized after Xu Feng’s words. Although he was not convinced, he nodded with approval.

"The opposite?" Someone was anxious to speak.

"Yeah, for the north of our Spike attack line, I can't understand it. The strategy of the boss is so esoteric!"

Lu Bingze looked at the momentum of the two people, and immediately provoked: "I said Jiang Lingruo's sister, you have always been comparable to Xu Feng. The tactics of this black mans team have always been not killing, although the style It's not the same, but I believe you can say the other opposite effect."

Xu Feng immediately turned to look at Jiang Lingruo, and also raised his chin by the way: "If you can't say it, I don't mind teaching you, after all, the opponents should be comparable."

Jiang Ling Ruomei is a sharp, sneering one finger north of the dividing line: "The distribution of the northern base is different from that of the south. It is probably coincidental. The bases of the south are staggered to form a serpentine shape, but the north is parallel, that is, with a spike. The angle of attack to the north is a double line, and the left and right can be divided into two forces simultaneously."

"In this way, there is no point in the serpent that will cause a crash. If any point of any line receives an attack, there will be at least two friendly forces arriving at the fastest speed. In the short time, it will not have much impact. If it is too big, the attack speed will slow down."

"The recruits who continue to expand their army from the last two points are connected. Our team will only become stronger and stronger. Moreover, there are countless members of the dark side, and they will meet at the major bases. These two offensive lines will go down casually. It can be reduced to a minimum, and the teams around it are also contributing to the dark members. Even if the dividing line wars assume that we have already won, we will continue to attack the two offensive teams.

Listening to Jiang Lingruo's words, Xu Feng was a little surprised, and He Feng and others also looked bright.

After the completion of Jiang Ling, if he raised his eyes, he took care of the haircut and said with a blank expression: "Although I have no experience, it is not difficult to reverse reasoning, and I am less than ten years old before the Civilian era." Captain."

Xu Feng looked angry and quite unhappy. Isn't this a bright face saying that his captain's experience is not as good as Jiang Ling?

However, Jiang Lingru did not intend to let him go, and then came another sentence: "And you don't forget, the name of the Spike Wars was stolen from where."

Listening to this, everyone stays.

Wolf Tomb? Are you ready to fight?


Looking at the famous killing team and the two captains of the black mans team, Jiang Yan, who has never seen this scene, called a nervous sweat, and then heard Jiang Ling directly said that Chu Han was plagiarizing her wolf reserve team. The name of the team is even more shocking like watching a woman like a monster.

Courage is big, and...

Everyone just looked at Jiang Lingruo’s eyes and added surprise and appreciation. No one even refutes? !

Lu Bingze is a person who is not too big, and immediately applauded the beginning of '啪啪': "Jiang Lingruo's sister is really powerful, come and come, Xu Feng, what else can you say? Do you want to analyze and analyze? In addition to this z-shaped tactic, how many points do we have at this dividing line?"

Xu Feng frowned and looked at the map and fell into meditation.

Jiang Wei was shocked again, and looked at the road that was not far from him. His face was shocked. This is the prototype of their dark part of the wolf, the mysterious captain of the Shenyin team from the end to the end?

After killing the well-known team that has always been well-known, the black mans also led the world under the deliberate leadership of Chu Han, but the third team of the Spikes III has been mysterious and secret. The big events on the surface were circulated. Only the gossip said that the Jinyang base was destroyed by the Shenyin war team, but the dark part of the war was involved, especially Jiang Wei is still a key figure, but he is very clear about that one. The terrible Tucheng Road Ice Zezer did not participate...

It is also said that Lu Bingze and Chu Han are not so separated, so the benefits are not left to Shenyin, and they are not intended to develop and grow.

But at this time, Lu Bingze directly provoked the internal members on this occasion. Jiang Wei was more convinced of the authenticity of the rumors. Some anger and some worries, isn’t the inner unity of the wolf teeth always the most united?

How can you do this!

So Jiang Wei rushed to Lu Bingze on the spot: "This is the captain of the Shenyin team, Lieutenant General Lu Bingze? There is a question in the next, I don't know why the Jincheng base of the massacre, why did you not participate? ?"

The crowd at the scene squinted and turned to look at the dark member.

Lu Bingze had no regrets about Jinyang’s failure to catch up with him. At this time, he was asked to directly blow the hair: “The internal secrets cannot be told, but I have a question to ask you about the dark.”

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