Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1566: Logistics camp

Just two days ago, Chu Han, who had already arrived at the dividing line, had already quickly assigned five team actions. In addition, the remaining 3,000 wolf elites had already left the camp and were divided into several teams to walk. The most hidden route, led by He Feng, who was close to the Northern Alliance Army who came to the dividing line overnight, was hidden in the nearest place and ready to respond.

"Five directions, each team of 20,000 people, the speed varies." The members of the investigation team reported: "The offensive force is in front, the middle is divided into five teams of displaced people, and finally followed by logistics."

Chu Han asked at the first time: "The specific location of their logistics?"

The members of the investigation team replied: "The stone waste base is the first, the closest to the dividing line, and the rest are still moving. At the nearest stone waste base, the logistics of the Northern Alliance Army has been stationed in the camp. It seems that it is going to Waiting for the battle to start here, the emigrants in the team gathered in another place, and our members of the dark department were able to move at random at any time. Their offensive team had only more than 10,000 people, all of which were collective actions, and now they are moving toward the stone waste base. ”

Chu Han nodded and said: "The black mans will take away this 10,000 people, take them around the circle, and the more they go, the better they will stun them!"

"Yes." Jiang Ling immediately took the lead.

Chu Han continued to command: "God concealed the refugees, and the team of the killing feathers followed me to their logistics camp."

The three teams immediately acted, and the members of the investigation team still adhered to their mission in this battle. Although there was very little chance to really compete with the enemy, the investigation on the wire was still risky.

As for the shooting team, it is quietly away from the big forces, and even the night is on the highest hill.

Chu Han spent half a day, with the killing team to the first enemy logistics camp at an alarming rate, this time in the middle of the night, the camp is floating in the smell of food.

Xu Feng washed his nose: "The food is good, it smells more than our meat."

A dark-skinned member of the wolf who had already responded here smiled and said: "You don't know that the Lieutenant General is internally strict. These foods are eaten by the sergeant. The rest will be distributed to the displaced, but now · The emigrants are no longer here, so it is a waste of incomplete eating. It is an exaggeration for the offensive team, but the logistics will not deduct them."

Chu Han’s sudden opening: “We will be more wasteful than them.”

"Ah?" The members of the dark part of the wolf were stunned and then shook their heads and said: "Don't be kidding the sir. Your reputation for Grande has already spread throughout the country. You will waste it? The ghosts believe!"

Chu Han glanced at him, and the smile meant profoundly: "How is the dark member inside prepared?"

The dark-skinned man got up and glanced inside the camp in front, and then said: "It’s almost five minutes."

Chu Han’s eyes are deep: “That’s five minutes.”

Three hundred members of the team were quietly ambushed, and no one made a sound, except that they kept their eyes on the camp in front of them, with a raging war.

Inside the camp, several guards at the gate are taking turns to eat. Even if it is only a logistics camp, the system here is extremely strict, and no one dares to neglect during the war.

Just as the dark-skinned members said, their food is too difficult to compare with the chief foods that are poorly fat, especially in an environment where the camp is full of attractive scent. It is even worse in people's hearts.

A guard eats some sour food in his hand, staring at the bright tent not far away, and muffled: "We are all equal in the civilized era. Even if the gap between the rich and the poor is large, no one will be so obvious and direct. People are divided into one, two and three."

One sentence provoked the anger of several people, and there were few people around, and everyone complained.

"Oh! The end of the world to see human nature, these people are not too powerful, not the relatives of high-ranking new humans, or the high-level friends of Beijing, so you can become these fat, all the time here, do nothing. Eat and drink."

"And because it is a logistics camp, there is no danger, and it won't be affected."

"This wins and wins their gods and makes a fortune. If you lose, you will not be killed. It is a lively dash."

"I can't figure it out. What's wrong with this world, why are we being squeezed like this?"

Everyone said, there was a silence, and the inner peace was difficult to calm down.

At this time, a handover guard ran quietly: "There are a lot of officers who are drunk in the tent. Their party is over, everyone can relax."

"Drunk?" Someone turned their eyes.

"Those foods have to be dumped again?" Someone began to reluctantly get up.

“The food thrown away every day is the best part of our supplies. It’s really bad.”

"They drink and eat meat every day, do nothing..."

"Handed over immediately, we can go to rest after we have finished eating."

"I said or not..." A guard suddenly had a smear of evil in his eyes. "Nobody can come anyway. Those people are drunk and don't know what happened. We simply helped them solve those foods." How about it?"

When the words came out, everyone looked at each other and many people were stupid, stupid, and want to move.

"Let's go and see, there are few people in the camp. Even if it is not successful, it's just about to hand over the time. Isn't it a crime to stroll?"

With this proposal, everyone is acting like this. The guard who ran to provide the news smiled: "In fact, I have stolen good things for several days. I dare not say it. Since everyone has this idea, It’s almost time for me to hand over, I will help you see the door for a while, you are all good.”

"That's a great brother!"

Someone took the first step and provided such favorable conditions. The guards were eager to try, and after collectively cleaning up, they smeared away toward the chief tent not far away.

Looking at the group of people disappearing into the darkness, the only guards left behind were stunned, gently hooking the chain of the door, and then slowly pulling the door open, all of which were not obvious in the dark.

From time to time, there are patrols walking around, not paying attention to the movement here, but after a minute, they will patrol to the gate, which means that the anomaly here will be discovered sooner or later!

But the guard is not in a hurry. After opening the door, he will look forward from time to time, where he has seen the team of about 300 people coming quickly, and is already close to the gate!

They are silent, and if the perception of the new human being is sharp, it can be seen in the night, otherwise it is extremely difficult to find.

“Is there a wrong number there?” At this time, the patrol team found an abnormality at the gate.

"Looking at the past!"

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