Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1567: a fire burned

The killing team is coming to the door quickly. The same is true of the patrols in the camp. The two sides will meet in this dark night!

The guard who opened the door and tried to kill the badminton team was a little nervous. As a member of the dark part of the wolf, he had been mixed in this camp for a long time, and the mission entered the peak at this moment, seeing the impending major mistakes.


There was a loud noise in the tent not far away, and the voice grew louder and louder. One person suddenly flew out of the tent and spit blood.

At this time, a group of people came out of the tent, and there were officers and guards who wanted to steal.

"You are so bold! You even broke into the officer's tent!" An officer was furious, pointing at the people on the ground who vomited blood.

The rest of the guards, some people are swollen and swollen, and some people are still struggling.

There seemed to be no small friction in the tent, and even a burst of fighting sounds came.

"Come on!" An officer pulled out a head from the tent and stunned and said to the outside: "This group of people wants to rebel, come over and grab them all!"

Upon hearing this cry, the patrol that originally wanted to go to the gate quickly turned around and raised his weapon and ran towards the tent.

"No wonder there is a problem with the number! The courage of this janitor is great!"

"It’s all people who are recruited outside, they are definitely not loyal. Our people are scattered among the various units. How can we watch the door here!"

Seeing that the patrols were finally led, the members of the dark part of the wolf were relieved, and the team of the killing feathers came to the gate.

"Hey!" The dark members took a gesture and pointed at the inside of the camp.

Chu Han nodded, and all the staff of the team that killed the feathers stepped in silently, and then all dispersed their actions.

In this way, three hundred people quietly sneaked into the camp, they are hidden in the night like ghosts, and constantly moving around the camp.

The camp is large and there are a lot of patrols, especially in the accumulation of materials, which is a guard every few meters.


An extremely slight sound is heard in one corner, but it can be nothing but not to be ignored.

"What's wrong?" A guardian screamed and looked at the place where the sound was made.

But in the next second, he was wide-eyed, because in front of his eyes, his companion was slowly falling to the ground, and the appearance was obviously sneaked to death!


In the horror, he immediately wanted to make a sound, but the sound was like licking his throat. He was stuck in the eyes of the blind man, and his body suddenly lost weight. His eyes suddenly fell to the ground and stumbled.


One hand suddenly held his body, and then gently moved the instantly dead body to the corner.

A member of the team that killed the feathers came out from here, and instead of a gesture of another member of the killing feathers, the two men dispersed in different directions and began to move toward the guards standing in other places.

Also in other places, the above scene is constantly being played, and the guards of the camp's material gathering place are stumbled one by one, and the death is quiet.

The patrol was still wandering inside the camp, and did not know that there was an irreversible event in the camp!

Half an hour later, the guards of the entire camp had all died and the light was lying. There were more than 100 bodies lying in the tents on the edge. These were members of the patrol team. During the break, they killed more than 100 people in the team. When the children broke in, they let them all be killed.

In such a short period of time, the killing team will kill the entire camp people in seven seven eight eight, leaving only those officers and two non-stop patrols.

At this time, Chu Han made a gesture, suddenly!


Several places of material gathered fiercely, and the momentum that ignited suddenly illumined the entire camp!

"It’s on fire!" A patrol member saw it and yelled.

"Fast fire!" Someone shouted, but the ones who responded to them were empty, like a camp that no one had.

"It seems that something is wrong." Some people with fearful eyes wide open, looking at the camp that is so bright because of the fire, but always feel that there are ghosts and ghosts everywhere.

The officers in the camp were also alarmed and rushed out, but everything was too late. All the supplies were burning in the fire. The most important thing here is inevitably burned!

After releasing a big fire, the team was killed by Chu Han, and it was clean and neat!

The dark-skinned member of the wolf who was hiding here was extremely excited to follow in the team, and from time to time, Chu Chuhan cast an excited look.

Chu Han!

They are the boss!

This is the first time he has seen a real person!

"Hey brothers." In the running, the members of the dark part of the wolf whispered to the people around him: "How long have you been in the killing?"

The person being asked touched his nose: "Not long after three months, I am a new member."

"Oh!" The dark members nodded. "Ask a question! Just killing people without swearing together? If you keep a living, will the news not be transmitted?"

"This has to ask the boss." The man did not care to reply: "The boss did not issue a massacre order."

Chu Han, who heard the conversation, said in front: "It’s killing, don’t anyone know what we are doing?"

"Ah?" Hearing the dark part of the dark-skinned member of this answer, he shook his head and said it was unknown.

Chu Han floated a smile: "The first camp was destroyed. The living people will definitely report to the general camp in the first time. Xu Xin and others will hold a meeting to discuss, and finally come to the conclusion that we want to attack the logistics. Here, we set out to conclude that it took at least two days. After two days, when they reacted and wanted to be prepared, we had already smashed their five logistics."

"It is also because of the unexpected incidents in the material camps that they will be in a hurry, so that they are not paying enough attention to the rest of the soldiers." Chu Han analyzed: "In this way, the other five theaters, we wave this wave It can be a little easier, and the Northern Alliance Army will also be on the offensive, and the logistics of the sudden loss of connection will be inexplicable."

When I heard this, everyone was suddenly realized.

"The killing feathers are now going to the location of the Black Mang, giving the 10,000 people a wave of impact, once it is fine. When they are finished, they immediately rush to the third Northern Alliance Army logistics site and destroy their supplies!" Chu Han ordered again at this time: "Recall the black mans and ask them to go to the second logistics operation. Don't sleep for the rest of the day!"


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