Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1570: Perceive

Seeing so many people appear at once, dozens of people in the mysterious family are not in a hurry, all of them act in an instant, and attack the nearest defensive team members!

But just after a few minutes of fighting, Luo Fan first noticed that the attack was quick and accurate, and it caused great trauma to the defensive team’s 1,500 people, but the casualty rate was higher than before. The 500 people they killed were reduced by a big margin.

Only ten members of the defensive team were killed, dozens of injured, and the rest were unaffected in the ongoing battle.

"Everyone is constantly running, it is difficult to aim at the attack." Some members of the Luo family found the problem and said: "This group of people will leave us in a circle, everyone is running around. When we just wanted to attack, they fled, and this way of walking is not good."

"And they don't attack at all, they just run around." Another person has some violent openings, and his mood is depressed: "The heads that turn around are hurting!"

Luo Fan’s heart was shocked: “How is this team so strange? Is it not a wolf?”

"Impossible, there are still spikes on their costumes. This is the team that belongs to the Wolfs!"

"But the Spikes of the Spikes are not always attack-oriented. They are especially radical, even if they die, do they have to pull back?"

"Yes! But these teams, but they don't fight with us at all, they continue to defend."

Luo Fanzhen bit his teeth and ordered: "Whatever the situation, attack!"

Brush it!

The Luo family once again attacked, and everyone dispersed and entered the crowd to kill.

But because of their dispersion, everyone is surrounded by the defensive team, surrounded by a small defensive circle, without mutual cooperation and a wide range of attacks, every attack of the mysterious family is instantly broken up. Decomposition, causing the hit rate to drop again!

After a few hours of such a long-lasting battle, the defensive team was exhausted by the death of two hundred people and the injury of five hundred people. Although the entire defense was not injured by any Luo family, The entanglement has already made the Luo family intolerable.

"Retreat!" Luo Fan finally issued a retreat order, dozens of Luo family immediately evacuated, began to retreat in the direction of their coming.

This is the route they want to enter the dividing line. According to the plan, they will go all the way, and then they will have a devastating impact on the Spike team. But what everyone has not thought is that so many high-ranking members of the mysterious family are It’s hard to be blocked by the defensive team!

Seeing that the mysterious family's team had retreated, the defensive team did not pursue it, but immediately chose another location to trim.

“How much is the casualty?” Di Sheng asked on the floor.

"Two hundred deaths, one hundred people were seriously injured, for fear that they were in danger of life, and the other two could not participate in the war." The deputy captain of the defensive team answered quietly.

Di Sheng nodded and looked serious: "Two thousand people lost half of them at once, and we were in big trouble."

"Our news has not yet been transmitted?" Di Sheng asked this sentence, the mood was very heavy.

The vice captain shook his head, and the rest of the people also had heavy expressions, and their heads were gradually desperate.

“Material situation?” Di Sheng asked again.

"Only the last day can be adhered to." The vice captain smiled and looked up at Di Sheng: "Captain, this time our defensive team..."

"No." Di Sheng interrupted his words: "It’s been a week since we met the mysterious family. It’s already a long time on the dividing line. Maybe the battle is over. The boss has found that we have been Without news, it is impossible to guess that we have encountered a situation."

That being said, everyone knows that this is the comfort from the captain. The battle participants on the dividing line are more than a hundred thousand people. It is also the comprehensive battle of the fangs except the defensive team. How does Chu’s strategy reverse? It is impossible to end in just one week.

But even if it is so desperate, the defensive team loses nearly half of the staff, and the food is only left in the extremely bad conditions of the last two meals. No one chooses to quit, and no one wants to give up.

The defensive team is so tough on the front line, the team of the mysterious family is firmly held!

On the other hand, the mysterious family, their team is stationed in a place not far from the defensive team, the conditions of the defensive team are worse, this group of people can be too much.

The dozens of people who wanted to assault before returned from a distance, led by Luo Fan, a group of people looked like clothes and chaos, apparently ate a lot of losses in the defensive team.

“Hey!” A member of Luo’s family walked out of the camp and smiled and looked at Luo Fan’s group of people: “Failed again?”

Luo Fan snorted and took people into the camp, and he was not afraid of this person's provocation.

But this person did not want to let go, stepped forward to stop Luo Fan, said: "I said Miss Van Gogh, although you are born higher than us, but you must also remember that you are not orthodox blood, after all, trouble Proud, this is very uncooperative!"

"Luo Ming." Luo Fan looked at this person and sneered: "Is it a group of people who are not gregarious? Calling you to bring people to fight with us is not willing, and the surprise attack is not willing, let you cut their back row more reluctantly, is it not? Are you coming over to eat, drink, and have fun?"

A member of the Luojia family named Luo Ming grinned: "I just think that as a member of the mysterious family, I shouldn’t do these things. There are a total of two hundred Luo family members here. You have a few people who are willing to listen to you. ?"

When the words fell, Luo Ming turned away and did not care about Luo Fan’s follow-up reaction.

Luo Fan bite his teeth and no longer argue with him. Although the two hundred people of the mysterious family are not inside, but the thousand people in front of them are not threatening, although they have blocked them for some time. But that is definitely temporary.

No matter the strength or advantage, it is incomparable to deal with the two hundred Luo family teams.

Right here in the wilderness, the Spike defensive team and the mysterious family team entangled for a week, Chu Han, far from the dividing line, is the three major battles after the end of the dividing line war, immediately with three The soldiers of the Thousands of Wolfs quickly came here.

He Feng reported in the middle of the retreat: "The defensive team has lost a week, and our members of the investigation team entered the field with no return."

Chu Han nodded: "No news is the biggest news, indicating that the team of the mysterious family did choose to attack from there. The reason why it has not appeared yet is probably blocked by the defensive team. If such reasoning is correct, then the defensive team will We are still not extinguished, we still have a chance."

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