Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1571: Walking from the tree

The defensive team is undoubtedly the bottom of the squad, although after the research and development of various pharmacy, the entire scorpion battle group is all new humans, but the defensive team's new human rank is still the lowest. As the captain of the entire defensive team, Di Sheng, the most acquainted of the resources in the defensive team, is only four steps.

The new-order human elevation is not a one-off event. Even if there are equal-order ascending agents, it is impossible to fly into the sky. This is related to each person's talent and absorptive capacity. Di Sheng jumped from the first step to the fourth stage. Very big progress.

The rest of the defensive team members are mostly first-order second-order, which is too low in the entire wolf-toothed group. It is necessary to know that even the general ranks of the three thousand regular troops are also above the third-order.

Therefore, the weakness of the defensive team is difficult to change at one time, but its existence cannot be ignored.

Especially in this time the dividing line war, it is because of the efforts of the defensive team that the entire war can not be affected by the mysterious family team.

To know the team of the mysterious family, in the case that all the personnel are bloody, the degree of terror can be imagined. Even among these **** people, the lowest order is the fifth order, and it is still very few. Most people are sixth-order or even seventh-order masters, and the team leader's team captains are eighth-order new humans.

This is even more horrible than the Spikes III team!

Simply relying on the power of the blood can have such a powerful combat power, this is the real talent and ability, and the Sophia battle group relies on the forcible promotion of drugs completely different.

So in the case of complete crushing, no one thought that the defensive team could really block the team of the mysterious family, so when the generals led by the fangs were aware that the defensive team had lost the whole week.

The shock is born!

“How many people will the mysterious family produce?” one lieutenant asked, not everyone knows the truth like Chu Han and He Feng.

Chu Han shook his head: "There is definitely a Luo family. Only they have a large number of peripheral members. They are all people with half of the mysterious family's blood, but even half of them are several times stronger than ordinary new people. It is not a category that normal people can deal with. ""

"The defensive team is in danger." He Feng smiled: "Everyone is paying attention to the dividing line battle. We are no exception. If it is not the logistical high, it is indeed capable, and the defensive team can not even support the materials." day."

"But the defensive team's materials are only a five-day share." Chu Han worried: "A bunch of guys who haven't trained well, don't know what counterattack tactics, all the practice is just defense, now the material is insufficient Strong enemies are coming, I really don't know how they got to the present."

After listening to these words, everyone was in a heavy mood. Many people who were not good at the defensive team began to change.

Everyone knows that they can let go of the battle on the dividing line, and they can't return the home of the Northern Alliance Army in one fell swoop. These are the time the defensive team is fighting for them in the distance.

In the face of the army of the mysterious family, no one is sure to win.

He Fengzheng said: "The situation at the moment is how to find them. The area here is so big. Let’s not say that the enemy is hard to find. We don’t know where the defensive team is. Whether it is cooperation or help, we are all very difficult to start. ""

Chu Han looked at He Feng and said: "The other party is a mysterious family. Are you sure you can participate in this action?"

He Feng blinked his eyes: "I am not a mysterious family of pure blood, I can still ignore it, but this battle is very important. Are you sure you don't need the help of the investigation team and Shenyin?"

Chu Han frowned: "The front line is not over yet. Our plan is to attack the base city of Shangjing in one fell swoop. The Southern Alliance Army needs the Spike Reconnaissance Team and the Shooting Team. It needs three teams. They are all mature teams that can fight independently. So I don't need the past, but it appears here."

Listening to Chu Han’s words, everyone was silent. It seemed that they had a big victory in the battle on the dividing line, but it really threatened everyone’s battlefield here, and the battle had just begun.

And still a bad fight!

At the end of the brief meeting, Chu Han took out a pair of shoes on the spot and changed it. He Feng, who was not carrying his head and turned to the side, said: "Here, I will hand it over to you, and I will be distracted to find the defensive team. Stayed, I took the first step and found the enemy."

Chu Han’s speech speed is extremely fast, and he does not give He Feng a reaction time. If you change your shoes, you will leave with a residual image.

He Fengzhen looked at Chu Han’s back, and the whole mind was on the shoes just now.

"Where did he come from Luo Jia's boots?" He Feng was shocked and suddenly found Chu Han's hand, seeming to hold a card that he did not even know.

After Chu Han put on his shoes, he quickly walked towards the depths of the jungle and the boots on his feet were the belongings of Luo Sheng who died in his hands, which marked the character of Luo Jia.

The jungle is very big and tortuous. Even in bad weather, these mutated plants are soaring to incredible levels. No one can clean up.

Just two days after Chu Han entered the jungle.

At the mountainside, Luo Fanzheng dozens of Luo family members quickly walked in one direction, this is their fourth action, although the previous several times were firmly blocked by the defensive team, so that they can not break through this line of defense, But this time Luo Fan was full of confidence, because she thought about the way to crack the defensive team in her day and night thinking.

Only when Luo Fan walked with people, he did not notice the branch of a big tree next to him. Chu Han was sitting there motionless, staring at the direction of the pedestrian's movement.

"Rovan is here too? Then she will recognize me!" Chu Han frowned, and encountered a problem.

Once recognized by Luo Fan, he wants to mix into the plan of the Luo family, and it is completely ruined.

So the most important thing at the moment is that Luo Fan will be killed now!

The idea was only a moment, Chu Han immediately acted and chased up in the direction of Luo Fan.

The Luo family walked on the ground, and Chu Han had too much trouble on the ground to affect the vision, so it started to move from the branches like a monkey. The plants here are exaggerated, each tree There are large branches and branches running through the tree, so it is not particularly difficult to walk from above, but it requires a strong balance.

Chu Han’s body is extremely dexterous, and the ability to hide subconsciously has been completely formed. His voice is extremely small throughout the movement. The slight movement of the branches is not like having a person moving. At most, it is like being frightened and taking off. Bird group.

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