Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1573: Han Mang in the back

The attack of Chu Han’s blast was always instant and strong, and a rush of two words was issued, and it suddenly exploded.


The huge blast occurred in the center of the confrontation between the two sides. Several 7-order Luo family members failed to respond and were injured on the spot. Luo Fan was retired with great sensitivity and Chu Han himself. The moment of the explosion rushed to the side.

The wind and waves of the explosion spread in the air, and the debris of the plants was everywhere, and the area was covered with dust.

A dozen people in the Luo family waved the debris in front of them and wanted to restore their vision.

But at this moment


A slamming sound suddenly came.

Luo Fan's eyes moved and quickly went in the direction of the sound.

When she walked in, she found a Luo family, and the whole throat was cut off. The neck was squirming blood, because she couldn’t breathe and kept pumping on the ground.

This person is not dead, but it is not far from death.

Luo Fan took the opportunity to give up the rescue, wholeheartedly focused on the hearing, the debris and dust around the sky became Chu Han's protective cover, allowing him to move quickly without being discovered, but sometimes from time to time in the distance a slight sound.

Luo Fan knows that there is a Luo family injured!

She bit her teeth and wanted to take Chu Han out, but Chu Han did not fight with her at all, but constantly used the dust to solve the Luo family.

More than a dozen members of the Luo family did not know what was going on. The only thing was to constantly wave their eyes and the sounds were ringing around, thus exposing their geographical location.

Luo Fan noticed this, she just wanted to make a sound reminder, but the next second immediately reacted.

She is also here, and she will be exposed to her own voice. No one can be sure whether Chu Han will suddenly appear and give her a sneak attack.

After all, for Chu Han, this kind of person has nothing to do with the battle, there is no such thing as justice!

Luo Fan’s heart was unwilling, and the team of Luo’s family fought here for so many days. There had never been any casualties, and Chu Han’s death occurred in Luo’s family. This shame made Luo Fan unacceptable.

In particular, Chu Han is an ordinary person, without any mysterious family blood.

Why? !

In Luo Fan’s unwilling mood, Chu Han has solved five Luojia seventh-order masters in turn.

If these people are in a normal fighting state, of course, it is impossible for him to be killed. Any one of them is a top-ranking master. Although the frontal battle Chu Han will win, he will certainly win very hard.

However, the situation at the moment is quite different. Chu Han made an advantage for himself in the first time. The dust and debris in the sky are obstacles for the seventh-order new human beings, but they have already reached the level and all aspects of talent. Chu Han, the eighth-order peak, is his assistant who started the road to killing.

The black Shura Tomahawk constantly harvests the lives of these Luo family members. Chu Han has only one blow per shot, attacking the blow to deal with the most deadly parts. He wants quick action, how many Luo family can be killed before the vision is clear. His chances of winning can be improved.

The most important thing is time!

So at this moment of tension, the Luo family fell down one by one, and they could not resist the tactics that Chu Han deliberately made.

When Luo’s seventh-order new human beings had already died halfway through, some people finally realized that something was wrong. This place was not big, and it would always be strange to go around.

After a few steps forward, a Luo family suddenly found a Luo family who had not died for a long time. His entire chest was cut open and his heart just stopped beating. Obviously the battle took place one second ago.

"Everyone is careful!" he yelled and wanted to remind his companions.

But the next moment, Chu Han, who wanted to move to other places, immediately turned back. His eyes were cold and without emotion. The sharp eyes were like the **** of death from hell. His hands held the Shura tomahawk high above his head. The running process was already fast. Prepare for the attack.


The black axe descended from the sky, and the sly rushed forward.

The Luo family who had just called out had not had time to look back, and the entire head was attacked by the sharp axe of the Shura Tomahawk.


The sharp axe blade cut the person's head all at once, the red blood and the yellow-white brain spurted out of the skull, and Chu Han killed the Luo family as if to deal with the zombies.

No mercy, no soft hands!

Another person was killed, Chu Han did not stay here, but immediately retreated.

His perceptual power expanded to the maximum, the whole person's mind was placed on the search, the mysterious family Luojia, this is not a group of ordinary teams, blood is not even a joke!

Chu Han feels his trembling hands. Because every time he tries to strike the commandment, every shot of his every shot, with the strongest offensive except the explosion, is almost the most powerful.

This kind of combat made him consume a lot, and it didn't take long to pant.

Luo’s defensive power is not covered. If he is to deal with the defense of ordinary seventh-order new humans, his Shura tomahawk can’t kill it so quickly and directly, so Chuhan’s seemingly random and quick actions. Every time, he actually made him quite tired.

Especially in a state of high mental stress, a slight mistake will occur!

Luo Fan also heard the scream, but then followed by the mutual echo of many Luo family members and the footsteps of the fast-moving rushing to the place.

Her lips are scornful, and hesitate at this moment. Chuhan will be nearby, perhaps with a fierce fight with the living seven steps, but it is also possible that Chuhan is hidden in the dark, waiting They gathered again after the gathering.

Hesitantly let Luo Fan stop the footsteps of the front, but quietly and then retreat, she retired to the dust, not intended to Chu Han.

Sneak attack?

She does not think that Chu Han is a good person to deal with. The assassination of the mysterious family has failed again and again. Under the joint goal of the veteran group, Chu Han still lives to the present and is even stronger, no matter how unwilling, But it also reveals a fact.

Chu Han is the strongest person in the moment and has threatened the mysterious family!

Luo Fan was very careful. When he left the dusty zone, he began to find ways to make his own advantage.

She looked up and looked at the tall trees around her. Suddenly she thought that when Chu Han came, it seemed to appear from the face. Her heart moved and wanted the tree.

But when she had just had an idea, suddenly a sharp attack appeared behind her, so that the hair of her entire back was raised, and the cold man was on the back, pushing the heart!

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