Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1574: One catch one

Luo Fan immediately turned back and quickly lifted his hand off the blade.


The sound of the collision between the two sides of the weapon is intertwined in the ear, and the sound of the friction is rusting, and the stars are a little bit of Mars. The thorns of Luo Fan are both tight and timid.

Chu Han did not even have the seven-step new human encirclement of the Luo family, but waited for himself here!

Luo Fan gritted his teeth, and Chu Han, who was in front of her arms, touched her teeth: "It will play these means!"

Holding the Shura Tomahawk and the Chuhan mouth of the fight, he said: "Your mysterious family is not the same."

"Oh!" Luo Fan sneered: "You also know that we are mysterious families. Under absolute power, the resistance of your ants will not help."

“蝼 蝼?” Chu Han looked at each other and said something that made Luo Fan suddenly shocked: “It’s just a grade that is assessed by the Galaxy. Are you guys going to be serious, waiting for someone, inferior?”

Luo Fan was shocked: "How do you know?!"

Chu Han continued to stimulate her: "I not only know, I still kill."

As soon as this was said, Luo Fan’s heart fell to the sea, and she shouted: “Impossible! The mysterious family cannot be hurt by you!”

Chu Han opened his mouth to reveal a white tooth, which was a very bright smile, but he was born with a special blood and brutality: "Luo Sheng, already dead in the Yin Yang Valley."


Luo Fan’s whole person was shocked and even forgot that he was fighting at this time. Her perceptive power was extremely high. In the world where Chu Han said this, she has seen the clothes worn by Chu Han’s feet from Yu Guang. Pair of shoes.

It is a unique shoe of the mysterious family. Only the true blood is available, only the orthodox mysterious family.

The word is Luo, is a member of the Luo family orthodox bloodline is qualified to wear!

Luo Fan, Luo Ming, and all the members of the Luo family gathered here are not eligible to have!

But these pairs of shoes that symbolize absolute status and identity, but worn in the Chu Han foot!



The blood of the shoes is suppressed, so that Luo Fan feels the strongest heart, only the blood can be felt.

How can Luo Sheng’s shoes appear unreasonably at Chu Han’s feet unless...

Thinking of Luo Fan’s heart and mind stirring here, the idea of ​​subverting her cognition suddenly came out.

Unless really like Chu Han said, Luo Sheng was killed by him!

"Impossible!" The next moment, Luo Fan screamed, desperately trying to deny this idea.

However, her short-term disappointment and changes in mood have already allowed Chu Han to take advantage of it.


The Shura Tomahawk suddenly made a force, and without any omen, pulled away from the broken blade of Luo Fan’s hand. The direction of the whole axe changed suddenly, and suddenly it changed from squatting to squatting.

Chu Han and Luo Fan are close at hand, and his eyes have an extremely terrible emotion that makes Luo Fan feel shocked but can't understand.

The most sharp end of the Shura Tomahawk has already appeared in Luo Fan’s kneeling.


He did not hesitate to smash, and accompanied by a blood smashed by Luo Fan!


The pain made Luo Fan immediately step back a few steps, keeping Chu Han in a distance that could be attacked and defended. She gasped and reached out and touched her jaw. The wound there was deep visible in the bone. She didn't feel too much. The pain, it seems that the nerve endings are destroyed in one fell swoop.

Chu Han stood in front of her and looked at her, still the expression, the double-eyed look made people unable to look at it.

Luo Fan’s heart beats fiercely and can kill Luo Sheng’s person. Now standing in front of her, she has the urge to escape.

Luo Sheng is a very high-ranking family of the mysterious family Luo Jia. It is also a fierce sergeant of Luo Jia’s young master Roger. Although he has a **** addition, his power is real.

Chu Han can kill Luo Sheng!

Let's not say how he did it, but this alone is enough to make Luo Fanmeng think of escape.

How could she play it?

"This needs to tell the family immediately!" With such an idea, Luo Fan’s eyes flashed for a second and immediately turned and ran wildly in one direction.

She did not intend to control the battle of the dividing line. The fangs here did not want to break. She just wanted to tell the Luo family this terrible thing immediately.

All the mysterious families before this thought that no one on this planet could hurt them. As long as they kept the absolute purity of their blood, these ordinary people could not even open their skin even if they were in the sky, and there was no weapon to hurt. A mysterious family with **** ascension.

But now, this man named Chu Han broke all the rules. He is like the darling of the sky, and he has received special cases again and again.

In this person, there is something called a threat that makes them fearful!

Luo Fan’s escape made Chu Han stunned. He did not expect that this woman would not be in a position to fight, and immediately chose to take the message away.

But in the same way, Chu Han could not let her go, and it was even more impossible for her to tell the rest of the mysterious family members with any news.


Chu Han also raised the speed to the fastest, and did not hesitate to chase after Luo Fan.

The two quickly shuttled through the mountains, and the two afterimages reached the limit, allowing the plants that were flying far away to look like film fast-forward.

The two ran into a straight line, with an endless momentum.

Chu Han behind Luo Fan’s natural way is chasing after her. She is anxious but she can’t think of a way for a while. If she runs this way, one of them will have to exhaust one step and see who’s lasting power is stronger.

She snorted and thought that she had half of Luo's blood. Whether in endurance or physical strength, she could not lose to Chu Han, an ordinary person with no advantage.

But shortly after she had this idea, Chu Han broke her hope again.

Chu Han is indeed convenient to people who are weaker than any mysterious family, even weaker than Luo Fan who is only half of his family's blood, but Chu Han is lucky, and the existing Xiao Qi lead has been able to cause trauma to the mysterious family. The Shura Tomahawk, and then coincided with the aquarium.

The latter is the help of three times and five times, so that Chu Han leads the battle of the Wolf Tooth in every battle!

A large pot of silver water was poured, and Chu Han felt the mind clear and the exhaustion of the body was alleviated.

So his speed suddenly rose again when he just fell, and Luo Fan in front of him had a slight slowdown in the continuous running, and the distance between the two began to get closer at this time.

Luo Fan’s heart jumped, and the threat was about to swallow up all her reason.

"If you can't go on like this anymore! You haven't even gone to the Luojia area to be chased!" Luo Fan is not willing.

She suddenly thought of Luo Ming, this time only with Chu Han went to their Luojia camp!

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