Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1629: Frivolous

"This zombie is a bit strange, everyone is careful." Put down the telescope, Chu Han out of the channel.

The small heads of the super zombies are of course extraordinary, at least they will be different from all the super zombies they have encountered before. They are stronger and more ecstasy. The most important thing is that there is still something unknown.

But Chu Han on these foundations, once again reminded everyone to be careful, enough to show that this zombie is the enemy.

And strangely this description, more rarely appear in Chuhankou, he has always been strategizing, even he feels strange, the development of things is likely to exceed their control.

Everyone raised their vigilance to the highest level. Chen Shaoye put all his mind on the zombie and shot the second bullet of the sniper rifle at any time!

At the moment, it is not the best time to shoot. This zombie is inadvertently hit by Chen Shaoye in this range, which will inevitably be wary of the face. Moreover, when it is not paying attention, it can avoid the most deadly. The attack only caused it to be scratched. It is conceivable that it is difficult to hit it if you are wary at this time.

The young Master Chen, who is known by the world as a sniper of God, is not an idiot who sees that the target seems to be pulling the trigger in the shooting range. His hit rate is infinitely close to 100%, and there are too many shots. Details of the aspect.

Target dodge, speed, defense...

Current wind speed, humidity, air pressure...

Shooting, prejudging, timing...

There are too many exquisites, and the layman who doesn't understand will probably jump out of the acute situation at this time. Why does Chen Shaoye not shoot, and the people who know it are even cautious in breathing, for fear of missing any fine details.

The confrontation between the two sides did not last long, or more accurately, the cautious confrontation of the wolf, the zombie is all unknown.

Just when He Feng took over the telescope that Chu Han handed over and looked up, he suddenly found the top of the house in the telescope. It was empty!

“Disappeared!” Jiang Tianqing was faster. He reminded him at the first time: “The zombie will go to the base center again!”

Because the speed was too fast, when the zombies left the top of the building, everyone's brain could not keep up with the speed of the other party.

Of course, Chu Han was also the first time. His eyes followed the figure and moved. He soon saw the zombie stay in a region with a lot of zombies. It was also a labyrinth, but it was a place where the recruits had not had time to clean up. .

The black and crushed zombie group and the film occupy the field of vision. It is probably a place where the number of places is close to hundreds of thousands!

The zombie head was standing on the roof of a house, and the figure was obvious.

"What does it want to do?" Jiang Tianqing was nervous from the beginning.

Chu Han’s body is also tight, ready to act!

The base's speakers are still filled with quirky melody that most people sound intermittent. Those low-level zombies are still motionless in this kind of sound wave. The recruits in the labyrinth are attacking and attacking, and the zombies are harvested. .

But the next second.


A constant roar from the mouth of the zombie leader, it snarled with the open mouth facing the immobile zombies on the ground below, with a strange anger, much like the instructor training during training. Look like that.

Its sound is not as loud as the speaker, but the sound wave is very far away, and its ears are constantly shaking.

Soon the center of the zombie head, the densely packed zombies began to move back from the inside out. From the top, it was like a wave of water, of course, a black wave.

Soon the zombies in that area were completely out of the static state, and the strange sounds emitted from the speakers no longer have an effect on them. From the very beginning, the rigid actions were hesitant and slow, gradually with that The roar of the zombie leader led to the late stage, and the zombies gradually recovered as they did!



They collectively roared out, with some kind of anger in their voices, and even more madly squeezing in the original direction!

More violent than when I first entered the labyrinth battle zone!

The people who saw this scene gradually sank, and the people in the command room were even more unbelievable. The zombie leader even awakened the zombies!

The roaring head of the zombie did not move with the hundreds of thousands of zombies, but looked back at the command room.

He Feng, who had been observing with a telescope, suddenly slammed the heart and took a shot. He saw the look of the zombie head and looked back. It was...


Yes! That zombie has revealed the eyes that humans have!

Who is it scorning?

It knows that this command room is the group of people who led the battle. It is the Wolf Staff who deliberately prepared for the corpse.

So what does it mean in the scorn of the Wolfs?

The zombie leader did not stay in the place for too long, and soon went to the gathering place of another zombie group. This move also shows that the zombie group awakened by the zombie leader is not affected by the sound in the speaker, nor is it Need it to always pay attention.

Everyone in the command room who came to this theory in an instant was suddenly anxious!

"Oops! The zombies have to be moved again!"

"The recruits reacted quickly, but the time was too short. There are at least four million low-level zombies in the labyrinth!"

"If they are all awakened..."

Just when everyone was shocked, Jiang Tianqing suddenly screamed: "Chuhan brother?"

Everyone was shocked by the scream of Jiang Tianqing. After the reaction, I saw it. How can Chu Han be in the command room?

And soon, Jiang Tianqing shouted again: "Chen Shaoye? Where are you going?!"

It was his first discovery of the situation, but he also caught a positive, and he was the captain of the investigation team with the strongest acumen.

The people who were shocked and scared again quickly turned their eyes, but found that Master Chen had quickly packed up the simple equipment, holding a desperate sniper rifle in his hand and carrying a special bullet with a large number of desperate sniper rifles.

He kept moving, and immediately went down when he was ready. He replied without saying his head: "Return."

Chen Shaoye did not stay here for explanation. He must immediately reach the target shooting range to find the best spot, but he does not have the speed and physical strength of Chu Han. He has not caught up with Jiang Tianqing. But he can still do it by jumping two to three meters at a time.

So immediately, Chen Shaoye quickly disappeared in front of everyone, and heard the two words he had replied before, with the tacit understanding inside the Spike Wars, the rest of the people naturally understand.

Who is the life of the soul?

Of course, Chu Han.

This is Chen Shaoye, who is going to go to the front line with Chu Han to play the zombie leader!

Recently, the chapters that have been sent have not been coded out. The thin Gang and the direction have been temporarily overthrown and changed by me. Many places have not been fluent. The author is in the state of writing the card to die...

(End of this chapter)

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