Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1630: Desperately chasing

Since the strange zombie leader appeared, he was so shocked that everyone in the command room was so busy that he did not know where to look. Many people even lost the movement track of the zombie leader!

Too much chaos made many people in the staff department extremely uncomfortable, and also had a sense of shame. This was the most chaotic one in the various large and small battles that they participated in since the establishment of the staff.

Once the rhythm of the battle is out of control, it means not far from failure!

This is not the war of Chu Han alone, but the war of the entire Wolf Tooth War, even if he has used the fastest speed to chase the zombie leader, but also did not forget to bring God to attack Chen Shaoye to cooperate.

But not everyone can keep up with Chu Han's quick reaction. If they are too different from Chu Han's rhythm, the normal battle will soon lose balance. At this time, even Chu Han and Chen Shaoye defeated the zombie leader. It does not help, the important thing is the victory of the entire battle.

“He has his own duties!” He Feng took the initiative to serve as the chief commander, and immediately issued an order: “The labyrinth theater is everywhere, and the staff of the staff analyzes the data with the fastest speed!”

The members of the staff immediately acted. As early as the last two days of continuous fighting, they already had distributions. Each person was responsible for a small labyrinth of war zones and reported to He Feng in time for adjustment.

At this time, I entered this division of labor again, and they quickly found their position.

"The zombies in the 1st to the 10th districts have been controlled, and the street cleaning level has reached 90%!"

"The zombies in the 31st to 40th districts are slow to clean up and need support!"

"The progress of the zombie cleaning in the 11th to 20th districts is halfway!"

"The progress of the zombie cleaning in the 21st to 30th districts has reached 60%!"


Listening to the situation in various regions, He Feng’s brain is running at high speed, and the timely adjustment orders are also issued: “The teams in the 11th to 30th districts merge and immediately go to the 31st to 40th districts to clean up the zombies! The 1st to the 10th districts The zombies don't need to be cleaned up. The team there gradually cleans up the zombies from the 11th district. After the progress reaches 80%, they will enter the next area immediately! All the personnel will start the quick cleaning mode, don't give the zombie head any chance!"

This adjustment is completely directed at the ability of the zombie leader. Since it can wake up the zombies of the affected actions, then He Feng’s idea is to turn the gathered zombies into scattered points as quickly as possible, so that even The zombie leader reached the area and wanted to wake up the companions. The zombies were not in groups but in separate walks.

As long as the zombies are dispersed, they can no longer affect the Wolfs!

The staff is in such a reaction to desperately chase the rhythm of Chu Han, as long as the gap between the front and the back, they will have the opportunity to turn defeat into victory.

The zombie leader has a very high combat power and IQ. When Chu Han just entered the labyrinth, he knew that someone had come over. The cautious action was no longer a big move. Instead, he immediately hid his figure and continued to The zombie group that passed through awakened and went to the area where the zombies were dense.

When the zombie group is awakened, it becomes gray and bursts with violent buzz. These sounds appear in the east and sometimes appear in the south, which is very unstable, which makes the position of the zombie head difficult to locate. The movement trajectory is also completely unpredictable.

So when Chu Han went all the way into the labyrinth battle zone, he lost the zombie leader, and was surrounded by zombies that were awakened from time to time. In addition to the harsh surroundings, the slimy is almost the ground of the zombie body and blood. Chu Han’s actions have become more and more blocked.

At this time, Chen Shaoye, who ran to the labyrinth area with the fastest speed, has already arrived at the top of a high-rise house. The view here is very wide. The most important thing is that the big films are not yet available. The area to be cleaned, looking down from the perspective of Master Chen, is almost full of zombies.

The place with more zombies must be the primary destination of the zombie leader!

It’s impossible for Chen Shaoye to arrive here so quickly. It’s not long after he just ran down to command the high platform. Jiang Tianqing chased him up and used extremely sophisticated investigative methods to open the hang. The young master came here.

When Master Chen quickly prepared for the work on the top of the building, Jiang Tianqing did not idle, and immediately shuttled around the area of ​​the big film.

The youngest lieutenant of this wolf tooth, at this moment, entered the state of crazy investigation, and its horrible detection and anti-detection ability was discovered by the other party before the zombie leader!

Not only that, Jiang Tianqing also found a way to pursue, but failed to find the Chuhan of the zombie leader in the first time!

When the two of them just met, they went into a state of cooperation. Jiang Tianqing turned around and Chu Han quickly followed up. He maintained a stable distance one after the other, and the various roads in the labyrinth battlefield flashed past and tacit. The degree is the highest in history.

The road brought by Jiang Tianqing is sometimes a low-rise roof, sometimes the front and rear doors of some buildings. In short, his familiarity with this area is like living here for 18 years!

So Jiang Tianqing's ability broke out, Chu Han and the zombie leader are getting closer and closer!

The speed of the zombie leader is extremely fast. The total number of zombies has already awakened 1.5 million zombies. It has already entered this uncleaned area, and there are nearly a million zombies here.

It feels that the big, zombie-intensive area not far from the front, when it is shuttled on various undetectable roads, the expression is very different with a trace of success and happiness, it seems that the chasing Chu Han has played a post-event mood. well.


It jumped from the ground to a two-story roof, and then continued to move toward a higher and closer to the zombie-intensive area.

This is a labyrinth wall that has been transformed by the Soviet Union and connected by various buildings. The zombie heads run fast on the roofs of these houses, leaving only the last two labyrinth walls, and it can reach the destination!


Its knees did not hesitate to stretch, and jumped toward the higher labyrinth wall opposite the front, and the amazing bounce force made it jump halfway.

But just as this arc jumps into the falling process, suddenly!

A figure appeared forcibly, it was Chu Han jumping out of a window in the opposite house!

At this time, the position of the zombie head in the front of Chuhan seems to be at a disadvantage, but one is falling and the other is rising, and the two will meet in midair.

Regardless of the angle or height, Jiang Tianqing chose this window to match the speed and explosiveness of Chu Han. When the coincidence is such that he can get close to the zombie head, the height will be exactly the same!

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