Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1646: I want to sleep

When He Feng finished the list and the sound was still for a long time, the recruits had not yet returned to God. Among the dead wolf veterans, not only did they have famous names, but they also led them to train for two months. Instructor.

All the veterans of the Spike Wars gathered in the first theater. When the seven million zombies rushed in, they received the first wave and the strongest impact.

A lot of people died, in exchange for the new recruits in the labyrinth have a buffer time to minimize their death and injury rate.

Even so, the recruits still have 10,000 deaths...

After experiencing this biggest battle, no matter how new recruits know nothing, it is more or less clear what this number represents.

Even many new recruits sigh a question of how can they?

The recruits gradually returned to God after a long time, and the veterans forced the emotions and endured the grief.

He Feng looked at the people on the open space below and looked at the unprecedented number of the Spike Wars. He was equally exhausted when he had not been able to get a break for a long time, but he was still silent for a long time, standing with the crowd like Chen Shaoye. The lieutenant silently looked at each other.

For them, this battle is unprecedented and the record is terrible. The new recruits have become a veteran after the war. The actual combat is always more progressive than any training.

Objectively speaking, they not only won, but also won the sky!

China's strongest battle group, I am afraid that after today, it will become the world's strongest battle group!

However, the Collars of the Spikes have always had a lot of cohesiveness. At this time, they did not think about the glory after the war, but the lovely faces that can no longer live and dance.

"Send the list back to Spike." He Feng finally opened his mouth and ordered the adjutant: "Impression."

Tombstone is an important procedure after every war. It is to imprint the name of the dead warrior on a huge tombstone and build an independent tombstone for every sacrificial person.

The Wolf Tomb is the most sacred place.

Usually every time the monument is not one or two people, but the unified action after each war, and the collective mourning of the members of the Wolf Tomb.

But this time is not the same, this monument is very lonely for the dead!

"The war is not over yet!" He Feng spoke again, his voice suddenly changed, and it was severe and full of momentum: "The next thing waiting for us is the continuous corpse, big or small, more or less, until the south. The local zombies are no longer attacked until the zombie king is beheaded by us!"

Once the first battle of the border corpse began, it was a long-lasting war that did not know how long it was. The construction of the theater was going on, and the expansion and training of the army could not be relaxed.

In the last three years of the last century, no one army can enter the southern part of the buried bones to survive, only passively waiting for the enemy to attack, and then solve it in batches.

The southern border continued to fight in the last decade of the last century. The entire long-term zone here belongs to the war zone. The defensive fortress that is constantly being built is always ready to cope with the sudden rush.

Because the war never ends, Chu Han will relocate all the departments and reserve resources of the Spike.

He was ready from the beginning, stationed here, and confronted the most evil forces in the world!

Listening to He Feng’s words, all the members of the Spike Wars group, which had already had a bottom in their hearts, looked serious and clenched their fists to fight together.

"Now we are collectively retiring and preparing for the next battle!" He Feng's ending words are short and incomparable.

The words of silence, the silence of the scene, the air, especially the hundreds of members of the three wars, after seven days and seven nights of endless sleep, have been exhausted to dizziness, no strength, standing here after the war In conclusion, it is completely a stimulating heart hanging.

When the ending of He Feng fell, the three teams from the captain to the players, whether it is a new human being as high as eight or even nine, or a new member of the lowest order just entering the team.

All sleep on the spot!

The people of the Three Troops stood at the forefront, and they stood the most straight, and they stood the most personal. But when these people all lie on the ground without a sigh, they would like to slumber with the collective fainting, or they will be behind them. The tens of thousands of new recruits are not shocked.

They still know for the first time that people can get tired of this point!

Unlike the three-team members who have been fighting endlessly, the recruits are in the labyrinth zone of the region, and most of the zombies that are affected by the sound waves in the later period have a reasonable rest time allocation after the battle, although the time is short. It's also exhausting, but it doesn't matter if you stick to it for a few more hours.

In this contrast, the recruits' admiration for the three teams also reached their peak.

Then the three teams fell down and lay down on the ground. It was the shooting team led by Master Chen. Although only 30 people died in the air battle, they did not have a positive confrontation with the zombies, but the shooting team was the same as the three teams. I can't sleep for seven nights, always pay attention to all the changes in my shooting range, ready to shoot at any time.

The spirit of high concentration has made them unable to hold on for a long time. If it is not the same amount of silver water, it will be stunned.

When the two groups of people standing in different positions fell back and forth, the investigation team, the elite team and the members of the security team fighting in the first theater also fell down one after another.

The battle in the first theater was only sleepless for the last four days. It was much better than the previous two batches, but the amount of silver water that was relatively distributed to them was limited. So the degree of exhaustion, all the wolf veterans are The degree is the same.

That is too tired of the limit, even want to sleep!

Watching the veterans of the Spike Wars lie down one by one, no matter how dirty the ground is, they suddenly fall asleep. The recruits are gradually feeling the sleepiness in the sluggishness. The end of this war, so that they can finally put down. Be wary, no longer start to jump when there is movement.

After the shock, the recruits all gave up and struggled, and they each found a place to lie down.

The staff of the command post also did not rest much, let alone He Feng, who did not sleep at all. When the three teams fell, they all left their hands, and they found a place to scream.

Even including He Feng himself...

The list of the most important to them has been sent to the wolf, and in the absence of the highest officer, nothing is more important than sleeping.

Know the Duan base? Go to him, Mom, I want to sleep!

Messaging to the Southern Alliance Army? Go to him, Mom, I want to sleep!

Then how important things are waiting for enough sleep!

So after the war, there was no cheers and no celebrations, and there was no such thing as a statistical statistics. The participants greeted the end of the biggest battle in history in an unheard of state.

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