Apocalypse Meltdown

Chapter 1647: The amazing idea of ​​the priest

When the battle of the South Base was carried out, it was also the final stage of the Southern Alliance.

When they learned that the war at the South Base was actually counter-attacked, these generals were like a chicken, and they attacked several bases.

Most of the bases in the northern region have already been surrendered, and only the bases that are still in the doldrums have also been defeated by the violent attack of the Southern Alliance Army. The recruitment has been repeated one after another, and all the way to the Southern Alliance Army has opened the base gate.

Not to mention the Beijing base, the unfortunate disappearance of Yebo is a fuse. When the Southern Alliance Army is not yet close, the management inside has been in chaos. The members of the dark part of the wolf have hardly invested enough to penetrate it.

Immediately afterwards, there was no suspense. The first batch of the fastest Southern Alliance troops had already arrived at the Beijing base.

After calming the civil strife and re-establishing the management system, after a busy day and night, the short-term three-day time, the animal husbandry commander and Luo Ming have returned to the Beijing base!

Only in this process, the members of the dark part of the wolf are still not exposed, but through various roundabout ways to promote the situation.

"I didn't expect us to come back so soon." The animal husbandry stood in the office where he had spent two years, looking at the strange furnishings in the house.

Luo Ming is looking out the window, the voice with a cold mockery: "Look at this Beijing, look! What the chaos has become, this city inside I think it is better to push, is this still a base? This is a chaotic city Let us drive away, and the leaves boast the Beijing tube into this?"

When I heard the name of Ye Bo, the voice of the animal husbandry command also changed: "What do you think of his disappearance?"

Luo Ming touched his chin: "Ye Bo was missing before the start of the big corpse of the South Department base. It should not be scared by Chu Han, probably seeing the trend has gone?"

The priest shook his head: "Not necessarily, isn't he standing behind him?"

"White is not stupid, it is impossible to support a waste forever." Luo Ming did not hide his dislike of Ye Bo, and turned his eyes: "The defeat of the battle line is defeated, the Southern Alliance military north offensive fierce, he is watching Cleared the situation, want to escape!"

The animal husbandry commander was silent for a while, and shook his head here: "I always feel that this thing is weird, and the white house is too quiet."

Luo Ming nodded: "Indeed, the movement of our civil war is so big, the four mysterious family have never appeared, there is no wind, it is really flustered!"

The priest made his eyes look slightly cold: "Maybe it is not enough to let them pay attention? The history of China is so long, the war has been so many times, when did the mysterious family manage it?"

Luo Ming’s old face suddenly evokes a sly smile: “Hey! But the speed of our return to Beijing is too fast. Is it stingy?”

The priest ordered him to look at him: "Do you want to say the dark part of the wolf?"

"Isn't it!" Luo Ming's eyes turned: "Would you like to ask your grandson?"

The priest commanded his hand: "He is a member of the dark department. It is impossible to disclose information to an insignificant person, even if I am his grandfather. I also think that it has a dark part of the wolf, and you can't understand why they don't expose it. Why bother to break the casserole?"

"Okay!" Luo Ming shrugged, and then revealed a hint of caution at the bottom of his eyes: "Add some taboos."

"Chuhan's wolf teeth are indeed too overbearing. Whether it is the base or the battle group, it is second to none. This dark part is also very against the sky. I don't know from the beginning of the battle. We have a lot of wars all over the way. Participation." When the priest commanded the words, it was plain, without a little bit of rest: "You are worried that even the squadron will resist the corpse on the southern border, just by using the dark part of the wolf. Stirring the whole of China?"

Luo Ming put away the cynicism and looked serious: "Yes, people will change, Chu Han... still too young!"

The animal husbandry commander suddenly smiled: "What if he really did this? What is the difference between you and me and I are managing the major bases in Beijing? Maybe he will do better."

Luo Ming stunned, and after a long time, he suddenly smiled: "I am right, I am worried about it. Chu Han really wants to do something early, but now only has a defensive posture, obviously not interested in these."

The priest ordered to go to the table and handed out the information in a portfolio: "The information of Ye Bo is quite a lot. There are actually all the incidents of Chu Han."

Luo Ming walked over and read it with his voice. The tone was a sigh: "The trick is that I knew Chu Han very early, but I didn't objectively analyze this person. The investigation of Ye Bo is comprehensive!"

The priest made an eyebrow: "What did you find?"

"Look at this." Luo Ming pointed to a page in the material: "This is a record of the establishment and development model of the Spike base, and even the details of the management system."

The priest commander nodded his head and looked with appreciation: "I can think of this system, it can be seen that Chu Han is indeed a great talent, Huaxia ... he should be able to take over."

These words have already revealed a certain trend. If other people hear that they may be flustered, but they are familiar with the animal husbandry, Luo Ming has already noticed the idea of ​​his old partner in the previous conversation.

So Luo Ming did not have a little accident, but suddenly a surprise: "Short? Not right!"

The priest smiled and smiled: "A little surprised at a young age."

Luo Ming raised his eyes and his eyes were a bit sluggish: "I think you may need to choose another heir."

The priest ordered frowning: "How do you say that?"

"Although the management system of the Spike from the bottom, including the general system of the two cities, is the initial plan for Chu Han, the management ability can be seen." Luo Ming said a voice, said: "But do you have? It was discovered that Chu Han had to set the outline every time and let go!"

"Well?" Some of the animal husbandry orders did not understand.

"Look here." Luo Ming said while reading: "The newly formed Chu Han of the Spike Base has been escorted by Shang Jiu, who runs around the world, fights and kills, and makes a series of movements. The situation inside the tooth is not heard, and there is no doubt that Shang Jiuyi will replace his merits."

"That is not because Shang Jiuyi is affectionate to him. It is completely impossible to replace it." The priest ordered a random answer.

"That's right, but you look at it again." Luo Ming continued: "The first members of the Wolf Tooth Corps were brought out by Chu Han personally. The training of all hands and the training of all aspects were included. A very scary training system."

The priest commander continued to nod: "Yes, the first members are still taken from Beijing. Many people still choose you personally. At the moment, these veterans are still alive. The worst is the major general, so?"

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